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ADDISON, Joseph (1672-1719) アディソン | ||
10002 | アディソン スペクティター 全8巻 THE SPECTATOR. 8 vols.set. Glasgow: David Niven. First edition, with 8 engraved frontispieces, full brown calf, gilt decorated on spines, 12mo, a clean set. 1791 |
75,000 |
10004 | アディソン スペクティター 全5巻 THE SPECTATOR. Ed.with an intro.and notes by Donald F. Bond. 5 vols.set. Clarendon Press. cxiii+512+vi+600+vi+600+ vi+598+vi+500pp,a clean set. 1987 |
45,000 |
10005 | アディソン アイザック・ビッカースタッフの研鑚/タトラー 4揃 総革 美本 THE LUCUBRATIONS OF ISAAC BICKERSTAFF ESQ. THE TATLER. No.1-No.271. April 12, 1709-January 2, 1710. Revised and Corrected Edition. With R.Steele. 4 vols.set. London: E.N. & R.Gosling. Contemporary full brown calf, (ii)+vi+286+Index, 8pp+(ii)+(ii)+iv+314+Index,10pp+(ii)+(ii)+viii+302+Index, 14pp+ (ii)+(ii)+vi+(iv)+296+Index, 10pp+Advertisement,2pp+(ii), small 8vo, a clean set. 1720 |
85,000 |
10006 | アディソン タトラー 全5巻 THE TATLER. Nol.1.-No.271; A New Edition: Corrected from the Originals. With a Prefface, Historical and Biographical by Alexander Chalmers. With R.Steele. 5 vols.set. London: J.Johnson,J.Nichols,R.Baldwin,et al. New edition,contemporary full brown calf, lxxxv+288+ix+324+xii+324+x+ 323+ix+332pp, 12mo. 1808 |
30,000 |
10007 | アディソン タトラー 全3巻 THE TATLER. Ed.with an intro.and notes by Donald F.Bond. 3 vols.set. Clarendon Press. xxxvii+590+xiv+539+xiv+563pp, 8vo, a clean set. 1987 |
Sold |
10009 | アディソン フリーホルダー THE FREEHOLDER; Or Political Essays. No.1-No.55. December 23,1715-June 29,1716. London: Jacob & R.Tonson. Engraved title page,gilt decorated full brown calf,all edges marbled,(iv)+392pp+Index,8pp+(iv), 8vo, clean. 1758 |
30,000 |
10011 | アディソン ガーディアン 全2巻 THE GUARDIAN. No.1.-No.175. 2 vols.set. London: J.Tonson. Sixth edition, in book form, full brown calf, 350pp+index,10pp+358pp+index,14pp, 12mo. 1734 |
20,000 |
10016 | BOND, R.P.] THE
TATLER: The Making of a Literary Journal. Harvard UP. dust jacket,xiv+272pp,large 8vo. 1971 |
3,500 |
10017 | ELIOSEFF, L.A.] THE
CULTURAL MILIEU OF ADDISON'S LITERARY CRITICISM. Texas Press. dust jacket,xii+252pp,large 8vo. 1963 |
3,500 |
10020 | KETCHAM, M.G.]
TRANSPARENT DESIGNS: Reading, Performance, and Form in the Spectator Papers. Georgia Press. d/j,vii+216pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
2,500 |
10023 | MAURER, S.L.]
PROPOSING MEN: Dialectics of Gender and Class in the Eighteenth-Century English Periodical. Stanford UP. dust jacket,ix+306pp, large 8vo. 1998 |
5,500 |
AINSWORTH, William Harrison (1805-82) エインズワース | ||
10028 | エインズワース 倫敦塔 初版初刷 クルークシャンク版画 THE TOWER OF LONDON: A Historical Romance. London: Richard Bentley. First edition,first issue, First issue point: page 295 misprinted 592, with 40 steel engraved plates by George Cruikshank, and 58 wood engravings, contemporary half calf,marbled boards,xvi+439pp,. 1840 |
45,000 |
10006 | エインズワース ウインザー城 ペーパー版 初版 クルークシャンク版画 WINDSOR CASTLE: An Histrical Romance. London: Henry Colburn. 11 parts. First edition,first wrappers issue. With 19 steel engraved illustrations and 90 wood engraved illustrations by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. Designs by W.A.Delamotte. Original wrappers,324pp,238 x 150mm, with full blue morocco slip-case,a good set, very scarce. 1844 |
450,000 |
10030 | CARDINAL POLE: Or, The Days of Philip and Mary. London: Chapman & Hall. 3 vols.set. First edition,original brown cloth,gilt decorated spines,all edges untrimmed,small 8vo,a good set. 1863 |
48,000 |
10031 | MERRIE ENGLAND: Or, Nobles and Serfs. London: Tinsley Brothers. 3 vols.set. First edition,original green cloth,gilt letterd on spines and black decorated covers,small 8vo,a good set. 1874 |
48,000 |
10032 | BEATRICE TYLDESLEY. London: Tinsley Brothers. 3 vols.set. First edition, original brown cloth,gilt letterd on spines and black decorated covers, small 8vo,a good set. 1878 |
48,000 |
AKENSIDE, Mark (1721-70) | ||
10033 | マーク・エイケンサイド全詩集 全1巻 初版 THE POETICAL WORKS OF MARK AKENSIDE. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation by G.Gilfillan. Edinburgh:James Nichol. First edition,xxvi+300pp, gilt decorated full dark blue calf,all edges marbled,8vo,a clean copy. 1857 |
25,000 |
ANDERSON, Sherwood (1876-1941) アンダーソン | ||
10034 | シャーウッド・アンダーソン全集 全21巻 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHERWOOD ANDERSON. Kichinosuke Ohashi. Kyoto:Rinsen Book. 21 vols.set. a fine set. 1982 |
75,000 |
10035 | WINDY McPHERSON'S SON. NY. & London:John Lane,The Bodley
Head. First edition,first issue,dark orange cloth,blocked in black and gold, a good copy. Anderson's first book. 1916 [Sheehy & Lohf:1] |
35,000 |
10036 | WINDY McPHERSON'S SON. Jonathan Cape. First UK.edition,dust
jacket, blue cloth,lettered in black,a clean copy. 1923 |
15,000 |
10037 | MARCHING
MEN. NY. & London:John Lane,The Bodley Head. First edition, first issue,maroon cloth,lettered in gilt,a clean copy. Anderson's second book. 1917 [Sheehy & Lohf:4] |
15,000 |
10038 | POOR WHITE. Modern Library. First Modern Library edition, full brown calf, vii+371pp, 12mo, a clean copy. 1926 |
4,800 |
10039 | HORSES AND MEN. NY:B.W.Huebsch. First edition,first issue,dust
jacket, orange cloth,paper label spine,top edge stained orange,slightly stain on the dust jacket,otherwise a good copy. 1923 [Sheehy & Lohf:21] |
18,000 |
10040 | HORSES AND MEN. NY:B.W.Huebsch. First edition,first issue,dust jacket, lacking jacket spine,top edge stained orange,a clean copy.1923 [S. & L.:21] |
5,800 |
10041 | MANY MARRIAGES. NY:B.W.Huebsch. First edition,first issue,black
cloth, lettered in orange on front cover and spine,top edge stained orange, a good copy. 1923 [Sheehy & Lohf:25] |
9,000 |
10042 | A STORY TELLER'S STORY. NY:B.W.Huebsch. First edition,first
printing, pictorial dust jacket,brown cloth,lettered in orange,slightly stain on the dust jacket,otherwise a clean copy. 1924 [Sheehy & Lohf:29] |
15,000 |
10043 | DARK LAUGHTER. NY:Grosset & Dunlap. First reprint
edition,dust jacket, 319pp,a good copy. 1927 [Sheehy & Lohf:35] |
4,800 |
10044 | THE MODERN WRITER. SF:Lantern Press. First edition,limited to
1000 numbered copies,original black paper boards,all edges untrimmed,8vo, slightly stain. 1925 [Sheehy & Lohf:37] |
7,500 |
10045 | SHERWOOD ANDERSON'S NOTEBOOK. NY:Boni & Liveright. First
edition, first issue,Special large paper edition,limited to 225 numbered copies, Sined by Sherwood Anderson,marbled boards,green cloth spine,paper label on spine,all edges untrimmed,large 8vo,a clean copy. 1926 [Sheehy & Lohf:38] |
30,000 |
10046 | TAR: A Midwest Childhood. NY:Boni & Liveright. First
edition,limited to 350 numbered copies(No.111),Sined by Sherwood Anderson,llustrated by title vignette(illustrator),half vellum over floral decorated boards,paper label on spine,all edges untrimmed,large 8vo,a clean copy. 1926 |
30,000 |
10047 | HELLO TOWNS! NY:Horace Liveright. First edition,first
issue,pictorial dust jacket,brown cloth,slightly chipped and stain on the dust jacket,otherwise a clean copy. 1929 [Sheehy & Lohf:45] |
5,000 |
10048 | HELLO TOWNS! NY:Horace Liveright. First edition,first
issue,original brown cloth,a clean copy. 1929 [Sheehy & Lohf:45] |
2,500 |
10049 | PROSE QUARTOS. Random House. 6 vols.set. First edition,limited
to 875 copies,original boards,publisher's slipcase,good set. 1930 [Sheehy & Lohf:48] Vol.1:THE LITTER OF THE ROSE LEAVES. by S.V. Benet. Vol.2:TABLOID NEWS. by L.Bromfield. Vol.3:GEHENNA. by C.Aiken. Vol.4:FEATHERS. by C.V.Vechten. Vol.5: THE AMERICAN COUNTY FAIR. by S.Anderson. Vol.6:FINE FURNITURE. by T.Dreiser. |
30,000 |
10051 | KIT BRANDON: A Portrait. NY:Scribners. First edition,first
printing,pictorial dust jacket,black cloth,lettered in white on front cover and spine,a clean copy. 1936 [Sheehy & Lohf:55] |
15,000 |
10054 | LETTERS TO BAB: Sherwood Anderson to Marietta
D.Finley,1916-1933. W.A.Sutton. Illinis Press. dust jacket,xii+352pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
4,500 |
10055 | SHERWOOD ANDERSON'S LOVE LETTERS TO ELEANOR COPENHAVER ANDERSON. C.E.Modlin. Georgia Press. d/j,xx+338p,large 8vo. 1989 | 2,800 |
10056 | THE SHERWOOD ANDERSON DIARIES 1936-1941. H.H.Campbell.
Georgia Press. dust jacket,xx+398pp,large 8vo. 1987 |
2,800 |
10058 | ANDERSON, D.D.]
CRITICAL ESSAYS ON SHERWOOD ANDERSON. G.K.Hall. viii+302pp,large 8vo. 1981 |
4,500 |
10059 | APPEL, P.P.(Ed.)]
HOMAGE TO SHERWOOD ANDERSON 1876-1941. NY:Paul P.Appel. dust jacket,212pp,large 8vo. 1970 |
2,500 |
10060 | CAMPBELL, H.H./MODLIN, C.E.(Ed.)] SHERWOOD ANDERSON: Centennial Studies. NY:Whitston. vi+275pp,large 8vo. 1976 |
4,500 |
10061 | SALZMAN,
SHERWOOD ANDERSON: The Writer at His Craft. NY:Paul P.Appel. dust jacket,x+435pp,large 8vo. 1979 |
5,800 |
10062 | SHEEHY, E.P./LOHF, K.A.(Ed.)] SHERWOOD ANDERSON: A Bibliography.
NY:Kraus Reprint. 1973 |
4,500 |
10064 | SUTTON, W.A.] THE ROAD TO WINESBURG: A Mosaic of the Imaginative
Life of Sherwood Anderson. Scarecrow Press. 645pp. 1972 |
4,500 |
10065 | TOWNSEND, K.]
SHERWOOD ANDERSON: A Biography. Houghton Mifflin. dust jacket,xiii+370pp,large 8vo. 1987 |
2,800 |
10066 | WHITE, R.L.(Ed.)]
THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SHERWOOD ANDERSON: Essays in Criticism. North Carolina Press. dust jacket,xii+270p,large 8vo. 1966 |
2,800 |
10067 | WHITE, R.L.]
SHERWOOD ANDERSON: A Reference Guide. G.K.Hall. xi+430pp,large 8vo. 1977 |
4,500 |
10068 | WILLIAMS, K.J.] A
STORYTELLER AND A CITY: Sherwood Anderson's Chicago. Northern Illinois UP. dust jacket,viii+314pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
2,500 |
ARNOLD, Matthew (1822-88) アーノルド | ||
10121 | POEMS. London:George Routledge. With 12 Gilbert
James,original gilt decorated boards,148pp,8vo. 1905 |
4,500 |
10122 | THE POEMS OF MATTHEW ARNOLD 1840-1867. A.Quiller-Couch.
Oxford UP. Gilt decorated full green morocco,all edges gilt,xxvii+460pp,8vo, a good copy. 1930 |
15,000 |
10123 | ALARIC AT ROME AND OTHER POEMS. Ward,Lock & Bowden,clean.. 1896 | 4,500 |
10124 | ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. First Series,and Second Series. 2 vols,set. London: Macmillan. First edition,original brown and dark blue cloth, xx+302+ii+vii+331+32pp,8vo,a good set. 1865-88 |
58,000 |
10125 | ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. A Critical Edition. First Series.
T.M.Hoctor. Chicago Press. dust jacket,xliii+367pp,large 8vo. 1964 |
4,500 |
10126 | PASSAGES FROM THE PROSE WRITINGS. London:Smith,Elder. First
edition, original blue cloth,viii+333pp,8vo, a clean copy. 1880 |
9,500 |
10127 | REPORTS ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 1852-1882. Francis Sandford. Macmillan. First edition,original cloth,xv+302pp,a clean copy. 1889 | 4,500 |
W.H.Dunn. Oxford UP. dust jacket,xv+656pp. 1952 |
7,500 |
10129 | LETTERS OF MATTHEW ARNOLD,1848-1888. 2 vols.set.
G.W.E. Russell. London:Macmillan. ix+467p.+442pp.,small 8vo. 1901 |
4,800 |
10143 | BUCKLER, W.E.] MATTHEW ARNOLD'S PROSE: Three Essays in Literary Enlargement. Ams Press. dust jacket,xiv+116pp. 1983 | 1,500 |
10145 | BUSH, D.] MATTHEW
ARNOLD: A Survey of His Poetry and Prose. Macmillan. dust jacket,xx+202pp. 1971 |
3,500 |
10147 | COULLING, S.]
2,500 |
10157 | HONAN, P.] MATTHEW ARNOLD: A Life. McGraw-Hill. xiii+496pp,large 8vo. 1981 | 2,500 |
10160 | JOHNSON, W.S.] THE
VOICES OF MATTHEW ARNOLD: An Essay in Criticism. Yale UP. dust jacket,x+146pp. 1961 |
1,800 |
10164 | McCARTHY, P.J.]
MATTHEW ARNOLD AND THE THREE CLASSES. Columbia UP. xii+257pp. 1964 |
1,500 |
10165 | MACHANN, C./BURT, F.D.(Ed.)] MATTHEW ARNOLD IN HIS TIME AND OURS: Centenary Essays. UP.of Virginia. d/j,xvi+220pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
2,500 |
10168 | PARRISH, S.M.(Ed.)]
A CONCORDANCE TO THE POEMS OF MATTHEW ARNOLD. Cornell UP. xxi+965pp,large 8vo. 1966 |
9,500 |
10169 | PRATT, L.R.] MATTHEW
ARNOLD REVISITED. Twayne. dust jacket, xii+174pp. 2000 |
1,500 |
10171 | ROPER, A.] ARNOLD'S
POETIC LANDSCAPES. Johns Hopkins Press. xi+268pp,large 8vo. 1969 |
2,500 |
10172 | ROWSE, A.L.] MATTHEW
ARNOLD: Poet and Prophet. Thames & Hudson. With 24 illustrations,dust jacket,208pp,large 8vo. 1976 |
1,800 |
10175 | SELLS, I.E.] MATTHEW
ARNOLD AND FRANCE: The Poet. Cambridge UP. xv+282pp. 1935 |
2,500 |
10176 | SHARMA, S.K.] ALIENATION IN THE POETRY OF MATTHEW ARNOLD. Delhi:K.K.Publications. dust jacket,v+150pp,8vo. 1996 | 2,500 |
10178 | STANGE, G.R.]
MATTHEW ARNOLD: The Poet as Humanist. Gordian Press. Reprinted of 1967,vii+300pp. 1978 |
2,500 |
10179 | SUPER, R.H.] THE
TIME-SPIRIT OF MATTHEW ARNOLD. Michigan Press. dust jacket,xi+118pp. 1970 |
1,800 |
10189 | 文學論 全2巻 瑠璃書店 カバー 西山哲三郎訳 昭33 | 4,500 |
10193 | アーノルド論攷 全国書房 カバー 矢野峰人 昭22 | 2,500 |
ASCHAM, Roger (1515-68) | ||
10210 | ロジャー・アッシカム全集 全1巻 初版 THE ENGLISH WORKS OF ROGER ASCHAM: Preceptor to Queen Elizabeth. With Notes and Observations,and the Author's James Bennet. T.Davies & J.Dodsley. First edition,xvi+395pp,contemporary full brown calf,slightly stain on the covers and spine,otherwise a clean,4to. [1761] |
35,000 |
10211 | TOXOPHILUS. E.Arber. Reprinted of 1545. London:Alex Murray. With G.Villiers:The Rehearsal,and J.Earle:Micro-Cosmographie. Half calf,12mo. 1868 |
4,500 |
ASHBERY, John (1927-2017) アッシュベリー | ||
10220 | ジョン・アッシュベリー 木々 オーデン序文 初版 SOME TREES. Foreword by W.H.Auden. Yale UP. First edition,dust jacket, original black cloth,a good copy,Ashbery's first trade book. 1956 |
Sold |
10221 | THE TENNIS COURT OATH. Wesleyan UP. First edition,original
pictorial wrappers,a clean copy. 1962 |
8,500 |
10222 | A NEST OF NINNIES. With by J.Schuyler. NY:E.P.Dutton. First
edition, first printing,pictorial dust jacket,jacket design by James McMullan, pink paper boards,light green cloth spine,lettered in silver-pink on spine, A presentation copy,Signed by John Ashbery,a good copy. 1969 |
95,000 |
10223 | THE VERMONT NOTEBOOK. Black Sparrow Press. With numerous illustrations and cover design by Joe Brainard. First edition,limited to 250 numbered copies,hard cover bound,original vinyl dust jacket(no print), white vinyl paper boards,green cloth spine,Signed by John Ashbery and Joe Brainard,large 8vo,a good copy. 1975 |
45,000 |
10224 | RIVERS AND MOUNTAINS. Ecco Press. First paper edition,A presentation copy,Signed by John Ashbery,large 8vo,a good copy. 1977 |
9,800 |
10225 | SELF-PORTRAIT IN A CONVEX MIRROR. Carcanet New Press. First
UK. edition,dust jacket,green cloth,gilt lettered on spine,A presentation copy, Signed by John Ashbery,a clean copy. 1977 |
18,000 |
10226 | SELF-PORTRAIT IN A CONVEX MIRROR. Carcanet New Press. First
UK. paper edition,p/b,A presentation copy,Signed by John Ashbery,a clean. 1977 |
8,500 |
10227 | THE DOUBLE DREAM SPRING. Ecco Press. First edition,first printing,dust jacket,original blue cloth,lettered in black and silver on spine,a good. 1976 | 4,800 |
10228 | AS WE KNOW. Viking Press. First edition,first printing,dust
jacket,original cream boards,light brown cloth spine,lettered in gilt on spine and front cover,oblong 8vo,a clean copy. 1979 |
5,800 |
10229 | AS WE KNOW. Carcanet New Press. First UK.edition,dust jacket,good. 1981 | 2,500 |
10230 | SHADOW TRAIN. Viking Press. First edition,first printing,dust
jacket,gray boards,dark blue cloth spine,lettered in silver on spine,A presentation copy, Signed by John Ashbery,a good copy. 1981 |
25,000 |
10231 | SHADOW TRAIN. Viking Press. First edition,dust jacket,a good copy. 1981 | 4,800 |
10232 | SHADOW TRAIN. Carcanet New Press. First UK.edition,dust
jacket,brown boards,lettered in gilt on spine,A
presentation copy,Two Signed by John Ashbery,a good copy. 1982 |
15,000 |
10234 | SELECTED POEMS. Viking. First edition,dust jacket,large 8vo,clean. 1985 | 7,000 |
10235 | SELECTED POEMS. Carcanet Press. First UK.edition,pictorial dust
jacket, original boards and black cloth spine,gilt lettered spine,A presentation copy, Signed by John Ashbery,large 8vo,a good copy. 1986 |
18,000 |
10236 | APRIL GALLEONS. Viking Press. First edition,dust jacket,blue
paper boards, silver lettered on dark blue cloth spine,A presentation copy,Signed by John Ashbery,large 8vo,a clean copy. 1987 |
18,000 |
10237 | APRIL GALLEONS. Penguin Books. First paper edition,A presentation copy, Signed by John Ashbery,large 8vo,a clean copy. 1988 |
9,000 |
10238 | THE ICE STORM. Hanuman Books. First edition,pictorial dust
jacket,original white wrappers,gilt stamped on front cover,16mo,a clean copy. 1987 |
3,500 |
10241 | AND THE STARS WERE SHINING. NY:Farrar. First edition,dust jacket. 1994 | 3,800 |
10242 | AND THE STARS WERE SHINING. Carcanet. First UK.paper
edition,p/b, A presentation copy,Signed by John Ashbery,a good copy. 1994 |
9,000 |
10243 | A NEW FOLDER: Americans;Poems and Drawings. Ed.D.Aldan. Folder
Edition. First edition,a clean copy. Poems by J.Ashbery,C.Olson,R.Creeley,et al. 1959 |
7,500 |
AUDEN, W. H. (1907-73) オーデン | ||
10254 | POEMS. Faber. Second edtion,third impression,dust jacket,89pp. 1934 | 4,500 |
10256 | THE ORATORS: An English Study. Faber. Second edition,113pp,clean. 1934 | 1,500 |
10258 | オーデン 死の舞踏 初版 THE DANCE OF DEATH. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,original green boards, lettered in black on front cover and spine,38pp,8vo,slightly chipped on the dust jacket,otherwise a clean copy. 1933 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A4] |
28,000 |
10262 | JOURNEY TO A WAR. With by C.Isherwood. Faber. First edition,pictorial dust
jacket,jacket pictured by 葉淺予,with 32 pp. photgraph pictures and a map, original black varnished cloth,lettered in yellow on spine,slightly chips on the jacket spine. 1939 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A20] |
45,000 |
10272 | THE ENCHAFED FLOOD. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,original
blue cloth,gilt lettered on spine,A presentation copy,Signed and Inscribed by Wystan Auden,a clean copy. 1951 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A31b] |
120,000 |
10273 | THE ENCHAFED FLOOD. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,clean copy. 1951 | 2,500 |
10274 | NONES. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,blue cloth,lettered
in gilt, 72pp,a clean copy. 1952 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A32b] |
3,500 |
10276 | THE SHIELD OF ACHILLES. Random House. First edition,first
printing,dust jacket,dark blue boards,brown cloth spine,blue lettered on
spine,a clean copy. 1955 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A35a] |
9,800 |
10277 | THE SHIELD OF ACHILLES. Faber. First UK.edition,pictorial dust
jacket, dark purplish red,a clean copy. 1955 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A35b] |
4,500 |
10279 | オーデン選詩集 献呈識語署名入 SELECTED POETRY OF W.H.AUDEN. NY:Modern Library. Chosen by the Author. First US.edition,dust jacket,original blue cloth,stamped in gilt and black on cover and spine,top edge stained blue,viii+180pp,small 8vo, A presentation copy,Signed and Inscribed by Wystan Auden to Shoso Tokunaga,New York,Feb.26,1961,a clean copy. [1959] [Bloomfield & Mendelson A40b] |
120,000 |
10280 | HOMAGE TO CLIO. NY:Rondom House. First edition,first
printing,dust jacket,original black cloth and cream paper boards,gilt lettered on cover and spine,Signed by W.H.Auden. 1960 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A42a] |
75,000 |
10281 | HOMAGE TO CLIO. NY:Rondom House. First edition,first
printing,dust jacket,original black cloth and cream paper boards,gilt lettered on cover and spine. 1960 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A42a] |
7,500 |
10282 | HOMAGE TO CLIO. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,purple cloth,clean. 1960 | 2,500 |
10285 | ABOUT THE HOUSE. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,blue cloth,good. 1966 | 3,500 |
10288 | COLLECTED LONGER POEMS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,blue
cloth, lettered in gilt,a clean copy. 1968 [Bloomfield & Mendelson A61a] |
4,500 |
10292 | CITY WITHOUT WALLS. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,clean. 1969 | 3,500 |
10297 | EPISTLE TO A GODSON. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,a clean copy. 1972 | 1,500 |
10299 | THANK YOU, FOG. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,57pp,a good copy. 1974 | 1,500 |
10300 | POEMS: An Exhibition of a Book Dedicated by Henry Moore to
W.H.Auden with Related Drawings. Lithographs by H.Moore. Petersburg Press. First edition, paper covers,4to. 1974 |
3,500 |
10303 | THE ENGLISH AUDEN: Poems, Essays, and Dramatic Writing,
1927-1939. E.Mendelson. Faber. First UK.edition,dust jacket,xxiii+469pp,large 8vo, a good copy. 1977 |
4,800 |
10305 | AS I WALKED OUT ONE EVENING: Songs, Ballads, Lullabies,
Limericks and Other Light Verse. E.Mendelson. Faber. dust jacket,xii+153pp. 1995 |
2,500 |
by W.H.Auden. NY:Criterion Books. First edition,dust jacket,336pp. 1956 |
2,500 |
10308 | RECENT POETRY 1923-1933. A.Monro. Gerald Howe. First
edition, dust jacket,a clean copy. Contains "The Witnesses"by W.H.Auden. 1933 |
7,500 |
10309 | OXFORD AND THE GROUPS. R.H.S.Crossman. Basil Blackwell.
First edition,a clean copy. Contains "The Group Movement and the Middle Classes"by W.H.Auden. 1934 |
2,500 |
10311 | Now and Then. No.47. "T.E.Lawrence" 1934 | 2,500 |
10312 | New Verse. No.26-27. AUDEN DOUBLE NUMBER. 1937 | 4,800 |
10313 | New Verse. No.1-32. and New Series. Vol.1, No.1. Reprinred of
1933-39. 33 issues in one vol. Kraus Reprint Corporation. 1966 |
25,000 |
10314 | Decision. Vol.1:No.1-6. 6 issues in 1 vol. Kraus Reprint. 1969 | 9,800 |
10315 | Horizon. No.116. C.Connolly. "The Ironic Hero" by W.H.Auden. 1949 | 1,500 |
10316 | Horizon. No.119. C.Connolly. "Poem" by W.H.Auden. 1949 | 1,500 |
10317 | The Anchor Review. No.1. "The Anglo-American Difference" by Auden. 1955 | 2,500 |
10319 | BAHLKE, G.W.] THE
LATER AUDEN: From "New Year Letter" to About the House. Rutgers UP. dust jacket,x+208pp,large 8vo. 1970 |
4,500 |
10322 | BLAIR, J.B.] THE
POETIC ART OF W.H.AUDEN. Princeton UP. dust jacket, viii+210pp. 1965 |
3,500 |
10324 | BLOOMFIELD, B.C.]
W.H.AUDEN: A Bibliography, The Early Years through 1955. UP.of Virginia. First Edition. xix+171pp,large 8vo. 1964 |
3,500 |
10325 | BLOOMFIELD, B.C./MENDELSON, E.] W.H.AUDEN: A Bibliography 1924-1969.
UP.of Virginia. Second Edition. xvi+420pp,4to. 1972 |
12,000 |
10326 | BOLD, A.(Ed)] W.H.AUDEN: The Far Interior. Vision Press. d/j,223pp. 1985 | 3,500 |
10327 | BOLY, J.R.] READING
AUDEN: The Returns of Caliban. Cornell UP. dust jacket,xiii+238pp,large 8vo. 1991 |
3,500 |
10329 | BUCKNELL, K./JENKINS, N.(Ed.)] W.H.AUDEN 'The Map of All My Youth':
Early Works, Friends and Influences. Clarendon Press. d/j,xi+247pp. 1990 |
3,500 |
10331 | BUELL, F.] W.H.AUDEN: As a Social Poet. Cornell UP. d/j,vii+196pp. 1973 | 2,500 |
10332 | CALLAN, E.] AUDEN: A Carnival of Intellect. Oxford UP. d/j,xii+299pp. 1983 | 3,500 |
AUDEN. Pantheon Books. dust jacket, xiv+406pp,large 8vo. 1995 |
4,800 |
10337 | DUCHENE, F.] THE
CASE OF THE HELMETED AIRMAN: A Study of W.H. Auden's Poetry. Chatto & Windus. dust jacket,228pp,8vo. 1972 |
3,500 |
10341 | GINGERICH, M.E.]
W.H.AUDEN: A Reference Guide. G.K.Hall. xii+145pp,large 8vo. 1977 |
4,500 |
FOR THE NECESSARY: W.H.Auden and the Dilemma of Divided Consciousness. Harvard UP. dust jacket,209pp. 1968 |
2,500 |
10343 | HAFFENDEN, J.(Ed.)]
W.H.AUDEN. Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xix+535pp. 1983 |
4,500 |
10348 | HYNES, S.] THE AUDEN GENERATION: Literature and Politics in England in the 1930s. Viking Press. dust jacket,430pp,8vo. 1976 |
4,500 |
10350 | JOHNSON, R.] MAN'S
PLACE: An Essay on Auden. Cornell UP. dust jacket, xvi+251pp. 1973 |
2,500 |
10352 | McDIARMID, L.]
AUDEN'S APOLOGIES FOR POETRY. Princeton UP. dust jacket,xiii+176pp. 1990 |
3,500 |
AUDEN. / LATER AUDEN. 2 vols.set. Faber. dust jacket,xxiii+407pp+xxii+570pp. 1981-99 |
12,000 |
OF HEART: A Study of the Poetry of W.H.Auden. California Press. dust jacket,x+152pp. 1969 |
2,500 |
10361 | OSBORNE, C.]
W.H.AUDEN: The Life of a Poet. London:Eyre Methuen. Numerous illustrations,dust jacket,336pp,small 4to. 1979 |
3,500 |
10364 | PAGE, N.] AUDEN AND
ISHERWOOD : The Berlin Years. St. Martin's Press. dust jacket,x+220pp. 1998 |
4,500 |
10365 | REPLOGLE, J.] AUDEN'S POETRY. Methuen. dust jacket,xi+258pp. 1969 | 3,500 |
10367 | ROWSE, A.L.] THE POET AUDEN: A Personal Memoir. Weidenfeld. d/j. 1987 | 2,500 |
10371 | SMITH, S.] W.H.AUDEN. Basil Blackwell. dust jacket,x+227pp. 1985 | 1,500 |
10377 | WRIGHT, G.T.] W.H.AUDEN. NY:Twayne. Revised edition,232pp. 1981 | 3,500 |
10381 | FENTON, J.] THE
STRENGTH OF POETRY: Oxford Lectures. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. d/j,266pp. Essays on Auden, Blake, Moore, et al. 2001 |
2,500 |
10383 | MAXWELL, D.E.S.]
POETS OF THE THIRTIES. London:Routledge. dust jacket,224p. Essays on "Auden:The Island and the City" 1969 |
2,500 |
10384 | THURLEY, G.] THE
IRONIC HARVEST. Edward Arnold. d/j,viii+215pp. Essays on Auden, Spender, Thomas, et al. 1974 |
2,500 |
10392 | 青 3号 オーデン特集(諏訪・徳永・関口・中桐・藤富・新倉・安藤・他) 昭41 | 2,500 |
AUSTEN, Jane (1775-1817) オースティン | ||
10400 | ジェーン・オースティン小説全集 全6巻 THE NOVELS OF JANE AUSTEN. Oxford Illustrated Edition. R.W. Chapman. 6 vols.set. Oxford UP. Third edition,dust jacket,a clean set. 1986 |
Sold |
10404 | SENSE AND SENSIBILITY. New Edition. Richard Bentley. With a engraved frontispiece, original green cloth, gilt lettered on spine, ix+364pp, 8vo, a good copy. 1875 | 35,000 |
10410 | COLLECTED POEMS AND VERSE OF THE AUSTEN FAMILY. D.Selwyn. Fyfield Books. dust jacket,xvii+106pp. 1996 |
2,500 |
10411 | SANDITON. Houghton Mifflin. First edition,dust jacket,329pp,large 8vo. 1975 | 3,500 |
10413 | THE WATSONS. Jane Austen's Fragment. J.Coates. Greenwood
Press. 318pp. 1973 |
4,500 |
10415 | MY DEAR CASSANDRA. Selected and P.Hughes-Hallett.
Collins & Brown. dust jacket,numerous colour illustrations,160pp,4to. 1990 |
2,500 |
10420 | JANE AUSTEN'S LETTERS: To Her Sister Cassandra and Others.
Oxford UP. R.W.Chapman. Second Edition. dust jacket,xlv+519pp+ with 163pp Notes and Indexes,8vo. 1979 |
9,000 |
10427 | APPERSON, G.L.] A JANE AUSTEN DICTIONARY. Haskell House. 151pp. 1968 | 3,500 |
10431 | AUSTEN-LEIGH, J.E.] MEMOIR OF JANE AUSTEN: Together with 'LADY SUSAN'. Richard Bentley. Fourth edition, ix+364pp, a clean copy. 1879 | 18,000 |
10438 | BECKER, M.L.]
PRESENTING MISS JANE AUSTEN. Illustrated by E.Price. Dodd, Mead. dust jacket,xiii+204pp. 1952 |
4,500 |
10439 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] JANE
AUSTEN. Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House. dust jacket,viii+242pp,large 8vo. 1986 |
4,800 |
10440 | BOARDMAN, M.M.]
NARRATIVE INNOVATION AND INCOHERENCE: Ideology in Defoe, Goldsmith, Austen, Eliot, and Hemingway. Duke UP. d/j,x+226pp. 1992 |
2,500 |
10441 | BRADBROOK, F.W.]
JANE AUSTEN AND HER PREDECESSORS. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,viii+179pp. 1966 |
3,500 |
10455 | COLLINS, I.] JANE
AUSTEN AND THE CLERGY. Hambledon Press. dust jacket,xiii+242pp,large 8vo. 1994 |
4,500 |
10462 | CRAIK, W.A.] JANE AUSTEN: The Six Novels. Methuen. d/j,210pp. 1965 | 2,500 |
10464 | CRAIK, W.A.] JANE AUSTEN: IN HER TIME. Nelson. d/j,xv+192pp. 1969 | 2,800 |
10466 | DEVLIN, D.D.] JANE AUSTEN AND EDUCATION. Macmillan. d/j,140pp. 1975 | 6,800 |
10467 | DUCKWORTH, A.M.] THE
IMPROVEMENT OF THE ESTATE: A Study of Jane Austen's Novels. Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket,xii+239pp,large 8vo. 1974 |
5,800 |
10471 | FAYE, D.Le] JANE
AUSTEN'S 'OUTLANDISH COUSIN': The Life and Letters of Eliza De Feuillide. British Library. dust jacket,192pp. 2002 |
4,500 |
10484 | GILSON, D.] A
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JANE AUSTEN. Clarendon Press. Soho Bibliographies. dust jacket,xxii+877pp. 1982 |
9,500 |
10485 | GOONERATNE, Y.] JANE AUSTEN. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,vii+195pp. 1970 | 5,800 |
10488 | HALPERIN, J.(Ed.)]
JANE AUSTEN: Bicentenary Essays. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,x+334pp. 1975 |
4,500 |
10492 | HALPERIN, J.] THE LIFE OF JANE AUSTEN. Harvester Press. dust jacket,xiii+399pp. 1984 |
4,500 |
10493 | HANDLER, R./ SEGAL, D.]
JANE AUSTEN AND THE FICTION OF CULTURE: An Essay on the Narration of Social Realisties. Arizona Press. dust jacket, x+175pp. 1990 |
3,800 |
10496 | HARDWICK, M.] A GUIDE TO JANE AUSTEN. Scribners. d/j,237pp. 1973 | 2,800 |
10497 | HARDWICK, M.] THE
OSPREY GUIDE TO JANE AUSTEN. Osprey. dust jacket,237pp. 1973 |
2,800 |
10499 | HARDY, J.] JANE
AUSTEN'S HEROINES: Intimacy in Human Relationship. Routredge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xv+133pp. 1984 |
2,500 |
10501 | HARRIS, J.] JANE
AUSTEN'S ART OF MEMORY. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,xi+271pp. 1989 |
4,800 |
10506 | HILL, C.] JANE
AUSTEN: Her Homes and Her Friends. With illustrations by E.G.Hill. John Lane. First edition,decorated blue cloth,top edge gilt. 1932 |
15,000 |
10511 | HUDSON, G.A.]
2,500 |
10519 | JOHNSON, R.B.] JANE
AUSTEN: Her Life, Her Work, Her Family, and Her Critics. J.M.Dent. xvi+285pp. 1930 |
7,500 |
10523 | KAPLAN, D.] JANE
AUSTEN AMONG WOMEN. Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket,x+245pp,large 8vo. 1992 |
3,500 |
10527 | KEYNES, G.] JANE
AUSTEN: A Bibliography. Nonesuch Press. First edition, limited to 875 numbered copies,dust jacket,xxvi+289pp. 1929 |
12,000 |
10529 | KONIGSBERG, I.]
NARRATIVE TECHNIQUE IN THE ENGLISH NOVEL: Defoe to Austen. Archon Books. dust jacket,xii+315pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
3,800 |
10530 | KOPPEL, G.] THE
RELIGIOUS DIMENSION OF JANE AUSTEN'S NOVELS. Umi Research Press. dust jacket,xi+141pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
4,800 |
10539 | LEEMING, G.] WHO'S
WHO IN JANE AUSTEN AND THE BRONTES. Elm Tree Books. dust jacket,179pp. 1974 |
2,300 |
10541 | LERNER, L.] THE
TRUTH TELLERS: Jane Austen, George Eliot, D.H.Lawrence. Chatto & Windus. dust jacket,292pp. 1967 |
4,500 |
10543 | LITTLEWOOD, Ian(Ed.)]
JANE AUSTEN: Critical Assessments. 4 vols.set. Helm Information. xviii+474pp+vii+455pp+vii+414pp+vii+554pp,large 8vo. 1998 |
25,000 |
10545 | LLEWELYN, M.] JANE AUSTEN: A Character Study. William
Kimber. dust jacket,189pp. 1977 |
2,200 |
10548 | MacDONAGH, O.] JANE
AUSTEN: Real and Imagined Worlds. Yale UP. dust jacket,xi+186pp,large 8vo. 1991 |
3,800 |
10550 | MACDONALD, G./A.F.(Ed.)]
JANE AUSTEN ON SCREEN. Cambridge UP. xii+284pp,large 8vo. 2003 |
5,800 |
10551 | McMASTER, J.(Ed.)]
JANE AUSTEN'S ACHIEVEMENT. Macmillan. dust jacket,xvii+139pp. 1976 |
3,500 |
10553 | MARSH, H.D.] SHADES
FROM JANE AUSTEN. Parry Jackman. Limited to 2000 numbered copies,numerous coloured illustrations,gilt decorated cloth, xlii+205pp,4to,a clean copy. 1975 |
7,000 |
10554 | MARSH, H.D.] SHADES
FROM JANE AUSTEN. Parry Jackman. Limited to 1000 numbered copies,numerous coloured illustrations,gilt decorated cloth, xlii+205pp,4to,a clean copy. 1975 |
9,000 |
10555 | MARSH, H.D.] SHADES
FROM JANE AUSTEN. Parry Jackman. Limited to 300 numbered copies,numerous coloured illustrations,full brown calf.with calf slip case,gilt decorated covers and spine,xlii+205pp,4to,a good copy. 1975 |
38,000 |
10558 | MITTON, G.E.] JANE
AUSTEN AND HER TIMES. Methuen. With 21 illustrations, viii+334pp. 1907 |
7,800 |
10564 | MOONEYHAM, L.G.]
ROMANCE, LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION IN JANE AUSTEN'S NOVELS. Macmillan. dust jacket,xii+199pp. 1988 |
9,500 |
10570 | NARDIN, J.] THOSE
ELEGANT DECORUMS: The Concept of Propriety in Jane Austen's Novels. New York Press. xi+168pp,large 8vo. 1973 |
4,500 |
10575 | ODMARK, J.] AN
UNDERSTANDING OF JANE AUSTEN'S NOVELS: Character, Value and Ironic Perspective. Basil Blackwell. d/j,xvi+224pp. 1981 |
4,800 |
10582 | PIGGOTT, P.] THE
INNOCENT DIVERSION: A Study of Music in the Life an Writings of Jane Austen. London:Clover Hill. dust jacket,xi+184pp. 1979 |
2,800 |
10583 | PILGRIM, C.] DEAR
JANE: A Biographical Study of Jane Austen. William Kimber. dust jacket,192pp. 1971 |
7,800 |
10585 | POLHEMUS, R.M.] EROTIC FAITH: Being in Love from Jane Austen to D.H.Lawrence. U.of Chicago Press. dust jacket, xii+363pp.,large 8vo. 1990 | 5,500 |
10589 | POWELL, V.] A JANE
AUSTEN COMPENDIUM: The Six Major Novels. Heinemann. dust jacket,xiii+210pp. 1993 |
3,500 |
10594 | REES, J.] JANE AUSTEN: Woman and Writer. Robert Hale. d/j,224pp. 1976 | 2,500 |
10598 | ROSS, L.(Ed.)] JANE
AUSTEN FAMILY HISTORY. 5 vols.set. Routledge/ Thoemmes Press. 1995 |
25,000 |
10599 | ROTH, B.] AN
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JANE AUSTEN STUDIES 1973-83. UP.of Virginia. xxi+350pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
3,700 |
10603 | SALES, R.] JANE
7,800 |
10604 | SCOTT, P.J.M.] JANE
AUSTEN: A Reassessment. Vision and Barnes & Noble. dust jacket,208pp. 1982 |
3,800 |
10607 | SEYMOUR, B.K.] JANE
AUSTEN: Study for a Portrait. Michael Joseph. dust jacket,255pp. 1937 |
3,500 |
10608 | SHIELDS, C.] JANE AUSTEN. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,152pp. 2001 | 1,500 |
10612 | SMITHERS, D.W.] JANE AUSTEN IN KENT. Hurtwood. dust jacket,133pp. 1981 | 3,800 |
10613 | SOUTHAM, B.C.] JANE
AUSTEN'S LITERARY MANUSCRIPTS: A Study of the Novelist's Development through the Surviving Papers. Oxford UP. xiii+153pp. 1964 |
4,500 |
10617 | SOUTHAM, B.(Ed.)]
JANE AUSTEN. Vol.2; 1870-1940. Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. xii+308pp. 2001 |
4,800 |
10627 | TAVE, S.M.] SOME
WORDS OF JANE AUSTEN. Chicago Press. dust jacket, xii+288pp. 1973 |
3,500 |
10628 | THOMPSON, J.]
BETWEEN SELF AND WORLD: The Novels of Jane Austen. Pennsylvania State UP. dust jacket,viii+216pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
3,800 |
10629 | THOMSON, C.L.] JANE AUSTEN: A Survey. Horace Marshall. 303pp. 1929 | 4,500 |
DRYDEN TO JANE AUSTEN: Essays on English Critics and Writers, 1660-1818. New Mexico Press. d/j,xi+300pp,large 8vo. 1977 |
4,500 |
10636 | TUCKER, G.H.] A
GOODLY HERITAGE: A History of Jane Austen's Family. Carcanet New Press. dust jacket,238pp. 1983 |
2,800 |
10637 | TUCKER, G.H.] JANE
AUSTEN THE WOMAN: Some Biographical Insights. Robert Hall. dust jacket,xvii+268pp. 1994 |
2,500 |
10644 | VIPONT, E.] A LITTLE
BIT OF IVORY: A Life of Jane Austen. Hamish Hamilton. dust jacket,vii+148pp. 1977 |
1,800 |
10645 | WALDRON, M.] JANE
AUSTEN AND THE FICTION OF HER TIME. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,ix+194pp,large 8vo. 1999 |
4,800 |
10647 | WALLACE, R.K.] JANE
AUSTEN AND MOZART: Classical Equilibrium in Fiction and Music. Georgia Press. dust jacket,x+295pp,large 8vo. 1983 |
3,700 |
10651 | WELDON, Fay] LETTERS
TO ALICE ON FIRST READING JANE AUSTEN. Michal Joseph. dust jacket,127pp,large 8vo. 1984 |
1,800 |
10655 | WILSON, B.K.]
ANTIPODES JANE: A Novel of Jane Austen in Australia. Viking Press. dust jacket,330pp. 1985 |
2,500 |
10660 | WINBORN, C.] THE LITERARY ECONOMY OF JANE AUSTEN AND GEORGE CRABBE. Ashgate. dust jacket,vii+201pp,large 8vo. 2004 | 7,000 |
10665 | ALSOP, D./WALSH, C.]
THE PRACTICE OF READING: Interpreting the Novel. Macmillan. xv+223pp. Essays on Austen,Beckett,et al. 1999 |
4,500 |
10666 | ARMISTEAD, J.M.(Ed.)]
THE FIRST ENGLISH NOVELISTS: Essays in Understanding. Tennessee Press. d/j,xxxiii+295pp,large 8vo. Essays on Austen, Fielding, Defoe, Smollett, Sterne, et al. 1985 |
3,500 |
10668 | BENEDICT, B.M.]
FRAMING FEELING: Sentiment and Style in English Prose Fiction, 1745-1800. Ams Press. dust jacket,x+257pp,large 8vo. Essays on Austen, Sterne, Addison, Defoe, Johnson, Mackenzie, Richardson,et al. 1994 |
8,500 |
ESSAYS. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,247pp. Essays on Austen, Yeats, Coleridge, Eliot, et al. 1978 |
3,500 |
10681 | O'FARRELL, M.A.]
TELLING COMPLEXIONS: The Nineteenth-Century English Novel and the Blush. Duke UP. ix+182pp,large 8vo. Essays on Austen, Gaskell, Dickens. 1997 |
9,000 |
10683 | SINGH, G.] A
CRITICAL STUDY OF LITERARY CRITIC Q.D.LEAVIS'S PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED WRITINGS. Edwin Mellen Press. xx+287pp,large 8vo. Essays on Austen, Brontes, Eliot, et al. 2002 |
5,500 |
10706 | オースティンとウルフ−伊吹知勢論文集 私家版 伊吹知勢 昭59 | 4,500 |
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