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BRONTES, The [別項目に掲載] | ||
BROOKE, Rupert (1887-1915) | ||
11800 | ブルック アメリカからの手紙 初版 Hジェームズ序文 LETTERS FROM AMERICA. NY:Charles Scribners. With a preface by H.James. First edition,original deep blue cloth,gilt lettered on spine and cover,with a frontispiece,xlii+180pp,a good copy. 1916 [Keynes.41] |
15,000 |
11801 | LETTERS FROM AMERICA. Sidgwick Jackson. Third impression. 1916 | 4,500 |
11804 | THE PROSE. C.Hassall. Sidgwick Jackson. First ed,d/j,liv+200pp. 1956 | 4,800 |
11806 | KEYNES, G.] RUPERT
BROOKE. Third Edition, Rivised. Rupert Hart-Davis. dust jacket,158pp. 1964 |
8,500 |
11807 | STRINGER, A.] RED
WINE OF YOUTH: The Life of Rupert Brooke. NY:Bobbs-Merrill. First edition,with illus,287pp,8vo. 1948 |
3,500 |
11809 | NESBITT, C.] A
LITTLE LOVE AND GOOD COMPANY. London:Faber. Contains essays on R.Brooke,et al. with illus.,dust jacket,263pp. 1975 |
4,500 |
BROWNE, Thomas (1605-82) | ||
11820 | トーマス・ブラウン全集 全1巻 THE WORKS OF THE LEARNED SR THOMAS BROWN; Containing, I. Enquiries Vulgar and Common Errors. II. ReReligio Medici: with Annotations and Observations upon it. III. Hydriotaphit; or Urn-Burial; Together with The Garden Cyrus. IV. Certain Miscellany Tracts. With Alphabetical Lables. London: Printed for Tob. Basset, Ric. Chiswell, Tbo. Sawbridge, Charles Mearn and Charles Brome. First edition,contemporary full brown calf, folio, a clean copy. 1686 |
180,000 |
11821 | トーマス・ブラウン全集 全4巻 THE WORKS OF MR. THOMAS BROWN, Serious and Comical, in Prose and Verse: with His Remains. With His Life and Character of Mr. Brown and His Writings by James Drake. London: Printed for Al.Wilde, et al. 4 vols.set. With engraved frontispieces, Fourth, Seventh and Ninth Edition, full brown calf, gilt decorated spines,xx+314pp+vi+331pp+viii+339pp+xviii+ 346pp, 12mo, a good set. 1720-60 |
75,000 |
BROWNING, Elizabeth B. (1806-61) ブラウニング | ||
11820 | エリザベス・ブラウニング全詩集 全5巻 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. / THE EARLIER POEMS.1826-1833. 5 vols.set. NY:James Miller. First edition, with a frontispiece portrait,original gilt and black decolated green cloth, 12mo,a clean set. 1877-78 |
15,000 |
11821 | エリザベス・ブラウニング全詩集 全6巻 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. 6 vols.set. London:Smith,Elder. First edition,with 6 frontispiece portraits,brown cloth, lettered in gilt,small 8vo,a clean set. 1889 |
25,000 |
11822 | エリザベス・ブラウニング全詩集 初版 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. With a Memoir, Corrected by the Last London Edition. Illustrated by S.Eytinge, W.J.Hennessy, W.Thwaites and C.G.Bush. NY:James Miller. First edition, with a frontispiece portrait,half brown calf,marbled boards and edges, gilt decolated spine,439pp+433pp,8vo,a clean copy. 1870 |
25,000 |
11823 | ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING AND ROBERT BROWNING: Interviews and Recollections. M.Garrett. Macmillan. dust jacket,xxiv+173pp. 2000 |
4,500 |
11825 | HUDSON, G.W.(Ed.)]
AN ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING CONCORDANCE. Gale Research. 4 vols.set. xx+2074pp+vii+vii+vii,4to. 1973 |
15,000 |
BROWNING, Robert (1812-89) ブラウニング | ||
11832 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 全6巻 初版 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. London:Smith,Elder. 6 vols.set. First edition,original dark brown cloth,12mo. 1868 |
25,000 |
11833 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 全17巻 限定250部(少痛) THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 17 vols.set. Limited to 250 copies,hand-made paper,original cloth,large 8vo,slightly worn. 1888-94 |
25,000 |
11834 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 全17巻 初版 美本 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 17 vols.set. First edition,gilt decorated brown cloth,small 8vo,a clean set. 1889 |
35,000 |
11835 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 全17巻 美本 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 17 vols.set. Gilt decorated brown cloth,small 8vo,a clean set. 1894 |
25,000 |
11837 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 全4巻 リヴィエール装総革 美本 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. London:Smith,Elder. Binding on Volume 8 of the 4 vols.set. Comprising Volumes 8,of the Edition in 17 volumes. Full dark green morocco,all edges gilt, Bound by Riviere, with slip-case,12mo,a clean set. 1907 |
25,000 |
11839 | THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith,Elder. 2 vols.set.
First edition,with two portraits,green cloth,xv+748+786pp,top edges gilt. 1896 |
7,500 |
11840 | THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Boston:Houghton Mifflin.
3 vols.set. With intro.and notes,original cloth,8vo. 1899 |
7,500 |
11841 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 全2巻 美本 THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 2 vols.set. Half brown morocco,marbled boards,a clean set. 1897-1900 |
25,000 |
11845 | PIPPA PASSES AND MEN & WOMEN. Illustrated by Eleanor F.
Brickdale. Chatto & Windus. First edition thus,ten printed tissue-guarded and mounted plates,original green cloth,with gilt embossed figure of a woman on upper cover,top edge gilt,xi+254pp,4to,a good copy. 1908 |
18,000 |
11846 | ブラウニング 指輪と本 全4巻 初版初刷 THE RING AND THE BOOK. London:Smith,Elder. 4 vols.set. First edition, First binding,The first binding,with the numbering on the spines going "I", "2", "III", "4",original dark green cloth,lettered in gilt on spines, small 8vo,a clean set. 1868-69 [Wise 12] |
95,000 |
11847 | THE RING AND THE BOOK. London:Smith,Elder. 4 vols.set. First
edition, Second binding,The second binding had all volumes numbered in roman, original dark green cloth,lettered in gilt on spines,small 8vo. 1868-69 [Wise 12] |
45,000 |
11848 | THE RING AND THE BOOK. Plantin Press. Limited Edition Club. 2
vols.set. E.Dowden. 16 illus.with Engravings by Carl Schultheiss. Original boards,calf spines,4to,publisher's box,good set. 1949 |
25,000 |
11849 | BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE: Including a Transcript from Euripides.
London: Smith,Elder. First edition,original brown cloth,gilt lettered on spine,black lettered on covers,iv+170pp,a clean copy. 1871 |
18,000 |
11850 | PRINCE HOHENSTIEL-SCHWANGAU: Saviour of Society.
London:Smith, Elder. First edition,original blue cloth,gilt lettered on spine,black lettered on covers,iv+148pp,a clean copy. 1871 |
18,000 |
11851 | FIFINE AT THE FAIR. London:Smith,Elder. First edition,original
brown cloth, gilt lettered on spine,black lettered on covers,xii+171pp,a clean copy. 1872 |
18,000 |
Poems. London:Smith,Elder. First edition,original purple cloth,gilt lettered on spine, black lettered on covers,viii+241pp,a clean copy. 1876 |
18,000 |
11853 | THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. Smith Elder. First edition,original green cloth,lettered in gilt and black,xi+148pp,12mo,a clean copy. 1877 |
18,000 |
11854 | A BLOT IN THE 'SCUTCHEON AND OTHER DRAMAS. Ed.with Notes by W.J.Rolfe and H.E.Hersey. NY:Harper. First edition,red cloth,12mo. 1887 |
4,500 |
11855 | AN ESSAY ON PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. W.T.Harden. Shelley Society. Limited to to 500 copies,First edition,a good copy. 1888 | 9,800 |
11856 | ASOLANDO: Fancies and Facts. London:Smith,Elder. First
edition,original red cloth,gilt lettered on spine,black lettered on covers,viii+157pp, a clean copy. 1890 |
12,000 |
& Windus. 10 coloured E.F.Brickdale,small 4to,top edge gilt,stamp. 1909 |
7,500 |
11858 | LETTERS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Collected by T.J.Wise. Ed.with an
intro.and notes by T.L.Hood. London:John Murray. xx+389pp,large 8vo. 1933 |
7,000 |
11859 | LEARNED LADY: Letters from Robert Browning to Mrs.Thomas
FitzGerald 1876-1889. E.C.McAleer. Harvard UP. dust jacket,xii+232pp. 1966 |
4,500 |
11861 | ALLEN, F.C.] A CRITICAL EDITION OF ROBERT BROWNING'S "BISHOP BLOUGRAM'S APOLOGY". Salzburg Studies English Literature. o/w. 1976 | 3,500 |
11868 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)]
ROBERT BROWNING. Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House. dust jacket,viii+163pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
3,500 |
11870 | BROUGHTON, L.N./STELTER, B.F.] A CONCORDANCE TO THE POEMS OF ROBERT BROWNING. 2 vols.set. Senjo. Half calf,publisher's box,4to. 1964 |
9,000 |
11871 | BROUGHTON, L.N./STELTER, B.F.] A CONCORDANCE TO THE POEMS OF ROBERT BROWNING. 4 vols.set. Haskell House. 4to. 1970 |
15,000 |
11872 | BUCKLER, W.E.]
4,500 |
11877 | CLARK, H.A.] BROWNING'S ITALY. Haskell House. xii+382pp,8vo. 1973 | 4,800 |
11878 | CLARK, H.A.] BROWNING & HIS CENTURY. Haskell House. ix+374pp. 1974 | 4,500 |
11883 | CURRY, S.S.]
BROWNING AND THE DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE. Haskell House. 308pp.,large 8vo. 1965 |
4,800 |
11886 | DREW, P.(Ed.)]
ROBERT BROWNING: A Collection of Critical Essays. Methuen. dust jacket,ix+278pp. 1966 |
4,800 |
11893 | FLOWERS, B.S.]
BROWNING AND THE MODERN TRADITION. Macmillan. dust jacket,208pp,8vo. 1976 |
4,500 |
11894 | GEST, J.M.] THE OLD
YELLOW BOOK: Source of Browning's The Ring and The Book. Pennsylvania Press. xv+699pp,large 8vo. 1927 |
8,000 |
11895 | GREER, L.] BROWNING AND AMERICA. Greenwood Press. 355pp. 1972 | 4,500 |
11896 | GRIDLEY, R.E.] THE
BROWNINGS AND FRANCE: A Chronicle with Commentary. London:Athlone. dust jacket,xiv+331pp. 1982 |
4,800 |
11898 | HARROLD, W.E.] THE
VARIANCE AND THE UNITY: A Study of the Complementary Poems of Robert Browning. Ohio UP. ix+244pp. 1973 |
3,800 |
11900 | HERFORD,C.H.] ROBERT BROWNING. London:W.Blackwood. 314pp. 1905 | 3,500 |
11901 | HOGG, J.] ROBERT
BROWNING AND THE VICTORIAN THEATRE. Vol.1. Part 2;The Experimental Dramatist:The Closet Plays./Vol.2;Acting Versions of Strafford,A Blot on the Scutcheon and Colombe's Birthday. 2 vols. Salzburg Studien zur Anglistik und Americanistik. o/w,373pp. 1981 |
7,500 |
11902 | IRVINE, W./ HONAN, P.]
THE BOOK, THE RING AND THE POET: A Biography of Robert Browning. London:Bodley Head. dust jacket,609pp. 1975 |
7,500 |
11904 | KENMARE,D.] THE BROWNING LOVE-STORY. Peter Owen. d/j,199p. 1957 | 2,500 |
11907 | KORG, J.] BROWNING AND ITALY. Ohio UP. dust jacket,246p,large 8vo. 1983 | 3,500 |
11908 | LITZINGER,B./SMALLEY,D.(Ed.)] BROWNING: The Critical Heritage. London:Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xviii+550pp,8vo. 1970 | 6,500 |
11912 | MAYNARD, J.] BROWNING'S YOUTH. Harvard UP. xix+490pp,large 8vo. 1977 | 3,500 |
11913 | MAYNE, E.C.]
BROWNING'S HEROINES. Chatto & Windus. With Frontispiece and decorations by M.Armfield. 325pp. [1940] |
7,800 |
11925 | SLINN, E.W.]
BROWNING AND THE FICTIONS OF IDENTITY. NJ:Barnes & Noble. dust jacket,xi+173pp. 1982 |
3,500 |
11926 | SMALLEY, D.]
BROWNING'S ESSAY ON CHATTERTON. Harvard UP. dust jacket,xi+194pp. 1948 |
2,500 |
11927 | SMITH, C.W.]
BROWNING'S STAR-IMAGERY:The Study of a Detail in Poetic Design. NY:Octagon Books. 252pp.,large 8vo. 1976 |
4,500 |
11928 | SONE Tamotsu]
PORTRAITS OF ROBERT BROWNING. With Notes to the Portraits. 2 vols.set. Tokyo:Private Circulation. First edition,limited to 150 numbered copies,cream cloth,gilt lettered on spine and front cover, xvi+308pp,large 8vo,clean copy. 1938 |
18,000 |
11929 | SONE Tamotsu]
PORTRAITS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Tokyo:Private Circulation. First edition,limited to 150 numbered copies,cream cloth, gilt lettered on spine and front cover,xvi+308pp,large 8vo,clean copy. 1938 |
12,000 |
11930 | SOUTHWELL, S.B.]
QUEST FOR EROS: Browning and 'Fifine'. UP.of Kentucky. dust jacket,ix+276pp,8vo. 1980 |
4,800 |
11933 | THOMAS, D.] ROBERT
BROWNING: A Life with in Life. London:Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,xiv+334pp,large 8vo. 1982 |
2,800 |
11934 | TRACY, C.(Ed.)] BROWNING'S MIND AND ART. Oliver & Boyd. vii+224pp. 1968 | 2,500 |
11935 | TREVES, F.] THE
COUNTRY OF "THE RING AND THE BOOK" London: Cassell. xv+303pp,large 8vo. 1913 |
9,800 |
11936 | WARD, M.] ROBERT
BROWNING AND HIS WORLD: The Private Face 1812- 1861. With Two Robert Brownings? 1861-1889. 2 vols.set. London:Cassell, NY:Holt,Rinehart & Winston. dust jacket,331+xiv+337pp,large 8vo. 1968-69 |
9,000 |
11939 | ARMSTRONG, I.(Ed.)]
THE MAJOR VICTORIAN POETS. London:Routledge. Essays on Browning, Tennyson, Arnold, Hopkins, et al. d/j,323pp. 1969 |
3,500 |
11940 | MATALENE, H.W.(Ed.)]
ROMANTICISM AND CULTURE: A Tribute to Norse Peckhamand A Bibliography
of His Work. Columbia:Camden House. Essays on R.Browning, Lady Wardlaw, Shakespeare,et al. xxi+185pp. 1984 |
3,500 |
11941 | NICATI, M.W.] FEMME
ET POETE: Elizabeth Browning. o/w,354pp, K.Yano's copy. 1912 |
4,500 |
11950 | W.H.グリフィン] ROBERT BROWNING-彼の生涯と作品 限500部 曾根保訳 昭6 | 9,000 |
11951 | 人生詩人ブラウニング 新生堂 箱 帆足理一郎 昭3 | 2,500 |
BROWNING. 全2巻 私家版限150部 曾根保 昭13 |
25,000 |
11953 | PORTRAITS OF ROBERT BROWNING 私家版限150部 曾根保 昭13 | 15,000 |
BULWER-LYTTON, E.G. (1803-73) | ||
11995 | PELHAM: Or the Adventures of a Gentleman. NY:J.& J.Harper. 2
vols.set. First American edition,from the Second London edition,original paper boards, red silk spines,green label on spines,all edges untrimmed,vi+227pp+213pp, 8vo,a clean set. 1829 |
35,000 |
BUNYAN, John (1628-88) バニヤン | ||
11999 | ジョン・バニヤン全集 全4巻 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN. Ed. With Original Introductions, Notes and Memoir of the Author by Henry Stebbing. Georg Olms. 4 vols.set. With numerous illustrations,4to,a clean set. 1970 |
25,000 |
12001 | ジョン・バニヤン選集 絵入版初版 総革金装飾三方金 THE SELECT WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN: Containing the Pilgrims Progess, The Holy War, Grace Abounding to Chief of Sinners, The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, The Saints', Priviledge and Profit, The Water of Life and the Barren FigTree; With a Life of the Author by G.Cheever and an Introductory Essay on the Pilgrim's Progress by J.Montgomery. Illustrated with 100 engravings on wood and a series of drawings in Chromo-lithography after deisgns by T.Stothard. London:William Collins. First illustrated edition,contemporary gilt decorated full black morocco,all edges gilt,lxiv+775pp,4to,a clean copy. 1864 |
25,000 |
12004 | THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. In Two Parts. With Original Notes by
T.Scott. London:L. & G.Seeley. Eighth edition,with 39 engraved plates,gilt decorated full brown calf,all edges marbled,xx+408pp,8vo,a clean copy. 1840 |
48,000 |
12005 | THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS: From This World to That Which Is To
Come. London:Cassell, Petter & Galpin. With 103 illustrated by H.C.Selous and M.,Paolo Prioli,with Notes by R.Maguire,half calf,363pp,4to. [n.d.] |
18,000 |
12007 | THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS: From This World to That Which Is To
Come. With 14 etchings by W.Strang. Banner of Truth Trust. d/j,xii+379pp. 1977 |
3,000 |
PROGRESS: From This World to That Which Is To Come. Oxford UP. R.Sharrock. dust jacket,xi+412pp. 1966 |
3,000 |
12010 | THE HOLY WAR, Made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, For the Regaining
of the Metropolis of the World; Or the Losing and taking Again of the Town of
Mansoul. London:J.Hodges,W.Millar,R.Tonson and Others. Contemporary full brown calf,307pp,12mo,a clean copy. 1791 |
35,000 |
12015 | A TREATISE OF THE FEAR OF GOD. THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL. A HOLY LIFE. Miscellaneous Works Vol.9. R.L.Greaves. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xlv+365pp. 1981 |
8,000 |
12017 | BROWN, J.] JOHN
BUNYAN: His Life Times and Work. Tercentenary Edition Revised by F.M.Harrison. London:Hulbert. With 48 Illustrations,xxiv+515pp, large 8vo. 1928 |
7,000 |
12024 | 天路歴程(全訳) 太陽堂 箱 益本重雄訳 昭11 | 3,500 |
BURNEY, Charles (1726-1814) | ||
12045 | SCHOLES,P.A.] THE
GREAT DR. BURNEY: His Life, His Travels, His Works, His Family and His Friends. Oxford UP. 2 vols.set. With 45 plates,dust jacket, xxx+379+iv+438pp,large 8vo. 1948 |
12,000 |
BURNEY, Frances (1752-1840) | ||
12051 | EVELINA: Or The History of A Young Lady's Introduction to The
World; with Some Account of the Author. London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. 2 vols.set. New edition,original paper boards,x+250pp+280pp,all edges untrimmed,12mo. 1814 |
15,000 |
12052 | フランシス・バーニイ日記及書簡集1778−1840 全7巻 初版 総革美本 DIARY AND LETTERS OF MADAME D'ARBLAY.1778-1840. London:Henry Colburn. 7 vols.set. Her Niece. First edition,full red morocco, gilt decorated covers and spines,all edges gilt,small 8vo,a good set. 1842 |
90,000 |
12054 | フランシス・バーニイ日記及書簡集1778−1840 全6巻 限定100部 美本 DIARY AND LETTERS OF MADAME D'ARBLAY.1778-1840. Macmillan. 6 vols.set. C.Barrett. Preface and Notes by A.Dobson. De Luxe Edition. Limited to 100 copies,original boards,large 8vo,a clean set. 1904 |
65,000 |
12055 | フランシス・バーニイ日記及書簡集1791−1840 全12巻 THE JOURNALS AND LETTERS OF FANNY BURNEY. Letters 1-1529. (1791-1840) J.Hemlow and A.Douglas and Hawkins. 12 vols.set. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,a good set. 1972-84 |
58,000 |
12057 | ADELSTEIN, M.E.] FANNY BURNEY. NY:Twayne. 169pp. 1968 | 1,500 |
12058 | HEMLOW, J.] THE
HISTORY OF FANNY BURNEY. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xvi+528pp. 1958 |
3,800 |
12059 | SEELEY, L.B.(Ed.)]
FANNY BURNEY AND HER FRIENDS: Selected from Her Diary and other Writings. With illustrations,x+331+16pp. 1890 |
7,800 |
LADIES!: A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty. Boston:Atlantic Monthly Press. First edition,with 8 portraits,half black morocco,lettered in gilt,top edge gilt,a clean copy. Essays on Fanny Burney, Esther Johnson, Mrs Pepys, Maria Walpole, Maria Cunning. 1922 |
25,000 |
BURNS, Robert (1759-96) バーンズ | ||
12061 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 全8巻 THE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. London:James Cochrane. 8 vols.set. With His Life by Allan Cunningham. Full dark blue calf,gilt decorated on spines,gilt rules on covers,top edge gilt,12mo,a good set. 1834 |
38,000 |
12062 | 版画入 ロバート・バーンズ詩・書簡集 全2巻 初版 背角革三方金 THE POEMS, LETTERS AND LAND OF ROBERT BURNS: With a New Memoir of the Poet and Notices, Critical and Biographcal of His Work by Allan Cunningham. With Illustrated by W.H.Bartlett, T.Allon and Others. London: George Virtue. 2 vols.set. First edition,half red morocco,marbled boards,all edges gilt,gilt spinesxlvii+228+436pp,4to,a clean set. 1840 |
85,000 |
12065 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 全6巻 箱付 THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Routledge/Thoemmes Press. 6 vols.set. Reprinted of 1879,blue cloth,with box,8vo,a clean set. 1993 |
38,000 |
12066 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 全6巻 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Gebbie Self-Interpreting Edition. 6 vols.set. NY:Bigelow,Brown. Blue cloth,8vo,a clean set. 1909 |
18,000 |
12070 | ロバート・バーンズ全詩集 全3巻 初版 小型本 (印有) 総革 POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Complete. Edinburgh:James Thin. 3 vols.set. Chronologically Arranged with Notes, Glossaries by W.S.Douglas. First edition,full blue calf,gilt decorated covers and spines,all edges marbled, xvi+283+x+267+xii+271pp,12mo,with stamps. 1896 |
9,000 |
12073 | THE POETICAL WORKS. London:Bliss Sands. Pictorial brown
cloth, top edge gilt,556pp,large 8vo. [n.d.] |
4,500 |
12076 | POEMS; 1786-1787. Scolar Press. dust jacket,338p,8vo. 1971 | 3,500 |
12077 | LANDSCAPE POETS. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Selected and K.Miller. J.Hedgecoe. dust jacket,small 4to. 1981 |
3,500 |
12083 | BROWN, M.E.] BURNS AND TRADITION. Macmillan. d/j,xv+176pp. 1984 | 6,800 |
BURNS AND HIS WORLD. London:Thames & Hudson. With numerous illus,dust jacket,128pp,small 4to. 1971 |
2,500 |
12089 | EGERER, J.W.] A
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ROBERT BURNS. Oliver & Boyd. dust jacket,xiii+396pp. 1964 |
9,000 |
BURNS AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. London:Alexander Gardner. 162pp,small 4to. 1898 |
6,500 |
12092 | GIBSON, J.] THE
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ROBERT BURNS: With Biographical and Notes,and Sketch of Burns Clubs,Monuments and Statues. Kilmarnock:J.McKie. Kraus Reprint. Reprinted of 1881,large 8vo. 1969 |
9,000 |
12094 | LOW, D.A.(Ed.)]
ROBERT BURNS: The Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xvi+447pp,8vo. 1974 |
5,800 |
12096 | LOW, D.A.(Ed.)]
CRITICAL ESSAYS ON ROBERT BURNS. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacketxi+191pp. 1975 |
3,500 |
12097 | PATERSON, J.] THE
CONTEMPORARIES OF BURNS, END THE MORE RECENT POETS OF AYRSHIRE: With Selections from their Writings. Ams Press. Reprinted of 1840,Hugh Paton. 414pp+24pp,8vo. 1976 |
8,500 |
12098 | ROGERS, C.]
GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF THE FAMILY OF ROBERT BURNS: And of the Scottish House of Burns. Edinburgh:William Paterson. 68pp,large 8vo. 1877 |
9,800 |
12101 | THORNTON, R.D.]
7,800 |
12107 | 詩人バーンズ 松拍社 箱 大和資雄編 昭36 | 3,500 |
12108 | ロバート・バーンズ詩の研究 全3巻 東洋出版 箱 難波利夫 1988 | 8,000 |
12112 | BURNS評伝・研究・訳詩 私家版 腰越健一 昭61 | 9,500 |
BURTON, Robert (1577-1640) | ||
12120 | バートン 憂鬱症の解剖 全1巻 THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Now for the first time with the Latin Completely given in translation and embodied in an All-English text. F.Dell and P.Jordan-Smith. Farrar & Rinehart. xix+1036pp,large 8vo. 1927 |
Sold |
12121 | バートン 憂鬱症の解剖 I-III 3冊 THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Vol.1; Text. Vol.2. Text. Vol.3. Text. T.Faulkner, N.K.Kiessling and R.Blair. with J.B.Bamborough. 3 volumes. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, lxxii+ 675pp, viii+443pp, xiii+ 807pp, large 8vo, clean . ,cpies,. 1989-94 |
90,000 |
12123 | 戀愛解剖學 桃源社 箱 齋藤美洲訳 昭39 | 5,000 |
BUTLER, Samuel (1612-80) バトラー | ||
12130 | サミュエル・バトラー全詩集 全2巻 小型本 総モロッコ革 THE POETICAL WORKS. London:Bell & Daldy. 2 vols.set. Aldine Edition. Full green morocco,all edges gilt,lettered in gilt,with a engraved frontispiece, l+278+vi+302pp,12mo,a good set. 1866 |
12,000 |
12131 | バトラー ヒューデブラス 総革 HUDIBRAS. Written in the Time of the Late Wars. Corrected and Amended with Several Additions and Annotations. London:John Baker. Part.1; Frontispiece+(iv)+xii+199pp, Part.2;167pp, Part.3.and Last;226pp+ Annotations(393-410pp)+Index(18pp),16mo,with 8 engraved illustrations, contemporary full brown calf,repaired Hinges,otherwise a clean copy. 1710 |
48,000 |
12132 | HUDIBRAS, In Three Parts. With a Life of the Author, Annotations
and an Index. London:J.Rivington. Half brown calf,marbled boards,lettered in gilt, viii+336pp+xvi,with 2 engraved Frontispieces,16mo,clean. 1817 酒井善孝印 |
9,500 |
12133 | HUDIBRAS, In Three Parts. With Dr. Grey's Annotations. London: Charles
& Henry Baldwyn. 3 vils.set. Cew edition, Corrected and Enlarged. brown calf label on spines,xvi+lvi+294+390+348pp,8vo,a clean set. 1819 |
35,000 |
12135 | HUDIBRAS. With Note by the Rev.T.R.Nash. New Edition.
London:John Murray. 2 vols.set. With a engraved Frontispiece,contemporary gilt decorated full brown calf,(viii)+xl+346pp+(ii)+403pp,large 8vo. 1835 |
28,000 |
12136 | HUDIBRAS. With Note by the Rev.T.R.Nash. New Edition.
London:John Murray. 2 vols.set. With a engraved Frontispiece,full blue calf, xl+346pp+403pp,large 8vo,a clean set,. 1835 |
18,000 |
12137 | HUDIBRAS. John Wilders. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,lxi+465pp. 1975 | 7,800 |
BUTLER, Samuel (1835-1902) バトラー | ||
12150 | サミュエル・バトラー全集 全20巻 背ヴェラム 限定750部 THE SHREWSBURY EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SAMUEL BUTLER. Jonathan Cape. H.F.Jones and A.T.Bartholomew. 20 vols.set. Limited to 750 copies,white vellam spines,blue cloth,top edges gilt, other edges untrimmed,large 8vo,a clean set. 1923 |
Sold |
12151 | EREWHON OR OVER THE RANGE. H-P.Breuer and D.F.Howard.
Delaware Press. dust jacket,279pp,large 8vo. 1981 |
4,500 |
12160 | THE NOTE-BOOKS OF SAMUEL BUTLER. Vol.1.1874-1883.
H-P. Breuer. UP.of America. xvi+386pp,large 8vo. 1984 |
4,500 |
12162 | THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SAMUEL BUTLER WITH HIS SISTER MAY. D.F.Howard. California Press. dust jacket,xx+265pp,8vo. 1962 |
6,500 |
Silver. Jonathan Cape. dust jacket,295pp. 1962 |
6,500 |
BUTLER: A Critical Study. Haskell House. Facsimile of 1925,194pp. 1970 |
3,800 |
12169 | DE LANGE,P.J.]
SAMUEL BUTLER: Critic and Philosopher. Haskell House. 174pp,large 8vo. 1966 |
6,500 |
12170 | FURBANK,P.N.] SAMUEL BUTLER. Archon Books. viii+124pp. 1971 | 3,500 |
12172 | HARKNESS,S.B.] THE
CAREER OF SAMUEL BUTLER 1835-1902: A Bibliography. Burt Franklin. Reprintrd of 1955,154pp,8vo. 1968 |
4,800 |
BUTLER: The Incarnate Bachelor. London: Cohen & West. dust jacket,xiii+249pp,8vo. 1967 |
4,500 |
12174 | HOLT, L.E.] SAMUEL BUTLER. Twayne. 183pp. 1964 | 2,000 |
12175 | HOPPE,A.J.] A
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WRITINGS OF SAMUEL BUTLER. NY:Burt Franklin. Reprinted of 1925,xv+184pp,large 8vo. 1968 |
15,000 |
OF EREWHON: Samuel Butler in New Zealand. Texas Press. dust jacket,xii+224pp,large 8vo. 1959 |
7,800 |
12179 | LOTHAMER,E.E.] THE
RELIGIOUS EVOLUTION OF SAMUEL BUTLER. University Microfilms. o/w,236pp,8vo. 1964 |
3,500 |
EARNEST ATHEIST: A Study of Samuel Butler. Haskel House. xxi+265pp. 1971 |
4,800 |
BUTLER AND THE MEANING OF CHIASMUS. Macmillan. dust jacket,ix+315pp. 1986 |
6,500 |
12183 | SHAFFER, E.]
EREWHONS OF THE EYE: Samuel Butler as Painter, Photographer and Art Critic. Reaktion Books. With numerous illustrations, dust jacket,xxii+334pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
7,500 |
12187 | BUTLERIANA. Nunesuch Press. Limited to 800 copies,original
marbled boards,calf spine,xvi+172pp,8vo. 1932 |
7,500 |
BYRON, G.G. (1788-1824) バイロン | ||
12202 | バイロン全集 全4巻 初版 背角モロッコ THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. London: John Murray. 4 vols.set. First edition, with a engraved frontispiece,contemporary half brown morocco,marbled boards, gilt lettered on spines,xiii+303+359+345+ii+viii+372pp,8vo,a good set. 1823 |
90,000 |
12203 | バイロン全集 全17巻 初版 THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters,and Journals,and His Life, by T.Moore. John Murray. 17 vols.set. First edition,original green cloth, gilt decorated spines,small 8vo,a clean set. 1832 |
75,000 |
12204 | バイロン全集 全17巻 初版 背ヴェラム THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters,and Journals,and His Life, by T.Moore. John Murray. 17 vols.set. First edition,half vellum,marbled boards,gilt decorated spines,all edges marbled,small 8vo. 1832 |
90,000 |
12205 | バイロン全集 全16巻 限定250部 天金 美本 THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters and Journals,and His Life, by Thomas Moore. R.H.Stoddard. Boston:Francis A.Niccolis. 16 vols.set. Limited to 250 numbered copies,brown cloth,gilt spines,top edges gilt, 8vo,a clean set. 1900 |
65,000 |
12206 | バイロン全集 全16巻 天金 美本 THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters and Journals,and His Life, by Thomas Moore. R.H.Stoddard. Boston:L.C.Page. 16 vols.set. Original red cloth,gilt spines,top edges gilt,small 8vo,a clean set. 1903 |
65,000 |
12216 |
THE COMPLETE MISCELLANEOUS PROSE. A.Nicholson. Clarendon Press. xxxv+580,a clean copy. 1991 |
Sold |
12217 | BYRON. Oxford Authors. Oxford UP. J.J.McGann. d/j,xxviii+1080pp. 1986 | 3,500 |
12218 | ENGLISH BARDS, AND SCOTCH REVIEWERS: A Satire. Lodon:James Cawthorn. Third edition,half brown calf,gilt lettered on spine,vii+88pp, 1810 With UNDINE: A Romance. Transrated from the German. By George Soane. iv+205pp,1818. small 8vo,a clean copy. [Wise 24p.] |
45,000 |
12219 | ENGLISH BARDS, AND SCOTCH REVIEWERS: A Satire. Lodon:James Cawthorn, & Sharpe & Hailes. Fourth edition,(Second Fourth Authorised Edition, 1052 lines),contemporary full brown calf,all edges untrimmed, vii+85pp+ii,8vo,a clean copy. 1811 [Wise 26p.] |
35,000 |
12220 | THE GIAOUR, A Fragment of a Turkish Tale. London:John Murray.
Ninth edition,gilt decorated contemporary full red morocco,all edges gilt,(x)+ 100pp+(iv),8vo,slightly stain on spine,otherwise a clean copy. 1814 [Wise 84p.] |
35,000 |
12221 | SARDANAPALUS, A Tragedy./ THE TWO FOSCARI, A Tragedy./ CAIN,
A Mystery. London:John Murray. First edition,contemporary full purple calf,gilt lettered on covers and spine,all edges gilt,viii+439pp,8vo, a clean copy. 1821 |
48,000 |
12222 | BYRON'S DENKMAELER, ODER ABBILDUNGEN. Der Ausgezeichnetesten Landschaften
aus Lord Byron's Poetishen Werken. London,Leipzig:Black & Armstrong. First German edition,with 58 engraved illustrations,backed calf, brown boards,large 8vo. 1839 |
25,000 |
Folcroft Library. Reprinted of 1825,Paris,limited to 100 copies. 1975 |
8,500 |
12224 | HIS VERY SELF AND VOICE: Collected Conversations of Lord Byron. E.J.Lovell. Octagon Books. xlvi+676pp,large 8vo. 1980 |
8,500 |
12225 | LORD BYRON'S CORRESPONDENCE: Chiefly with Lady Melbourne, Mr.
Hobhouse, The Hon. Douglas Kinnaird, and P.B.Shelley. With Portraits. John Murray. 2 vols.set. xiii+308pp+ix+326pp. 1922 |
9,000 |
12226 | LETTERS AND JOURNALS.1798-1824. The Works of Lord Byron. 6 vols.set. Ed. by R.E.Protherd. Octagon Books. Reprinted of John Murray,1898-1901, xix+365+xvii+492+xvii+453+xv+500+xv+607+xv+605pp,red cloth. 1966 |
25,000 |
12227 | バイロン全書簡・日記集 全13巻 美本 BYRON'S LETTERS AND JOURNALS.1798-1824. With a Supplementary Volume. 13 vols.set. (Complete) London:John Murray. L.A.Marchand. dust jacket,a clean set. 1973-94 |
Sold |
12227 | BYRON AND LEIGH HUNT: The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the
South. Salzburg Studies zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik. No.1-4. 4 vols.set. p/b. 1978 |
7,000 |
12228 | BYRON: A Self-Portrait. Letters and Diaries 1790 to 1824.
P.Quennell. John Murray. 2 vols.set. xv+803pp. 1950 |
7,000 |
12229 | BYRON: Interviews and Recollections. N.Page. Humanities
Press. dust jacket,xxi+182pp. 1985 |
3,000 |
12231 | BARTON, A.] BYRON: Don Juan. Cambridge UP. xvii+106pp. 1992 | 2,500 |
12232 | BEATTY, B.] BYRON'S DON JUAN. Croom Helm. dust jacket,xi+239pp. 1985 | 4,500 |
12233 | BEATTY, B./NEWEY, V.(Ed.)]
BYRON AND THE LIMITS OF FICTION. Liverpool UP. dust jacket,xi+291pp. 1988 |
3,500 |
12236 | CHRISTENSEN, J.]
LORD BYRON'S STRENGTH: Romantic Writing and Commercial Society. Johns Hopkins UP. d/j,xxv+426pp,large 8vo. 1993 |
4,500 |
12238 | COOTE, S.] BYRON:
The Making of a Myth. Bodley Head. With numerous illustrations,dust jacket,192pp,4to. 1988 |
3,800 |
12239 | CORBERTT, M.] BYRON AND TRAGEDY. Macmillan. xv+232pp. 1988 | 4,500 |
12241 | DONELAN, C.]
ROMANTICISM AND MALE FANTASY IN BYRON'S DON JUAN: A Marketable Vice. Macmillan. dust jacket,ix+195pp. 2000 |
4,800 |
PILGRIM OF ETERNITY: Byron-A Conflict. Kennikat Press. xxxix+408pp. 1969 |
4,500 |
12244 | ELWIN,M.] LORD
BYRON'S FAMILY: Annabella, Ada and Augusta 1816-1824. John Murray. dust jacket,ix+252pp,large 8vo. 1975 |
3,500 |
12246 | GLECKNER, R.F.(Ed.)]
CRITICAL ESSAYS ON LORD BYRON. G.K.Hall. ix+289pp,large 8vo. 1991 |
7,000 |
12247 | GRAHAM, P.W.] DON
JUAN AND REGENCY ENGLAND. UP.of Virginia. dust jacket,ix+219pp,large 8vo. 1990 |
4,500 |
12250 | JUMP, J.D.(Ed.)] BYRON: A Symposium. Macmillan. d/j,xvi+188pp. 1975 | 3,500 |
12253 | LONGFORD, E.] BYRON. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. d/j,xii+231pp. 1976 | 3,500 |
12254 | LUPAK, M.J.)] BYRON
AS A POET OF NATURE: The Search for Paradise. Edwin Mellen Press. xv+298pp,large 8vo. 1999 |
7,500 |
12256 | MARCHAND, L.A.]
BYRON: A Biography. A.A.Knopf. 3 vols.set. dust jacket,xxvii+xi+xi+1264pp+notes+163pp+index lxxxvi,large 8vo. 1957 |
15,000 |
12257 | MARCHAND, L.A.]
BYRON: A Portrait. John Murray. dust jacket, xxii+518pp+xxxv,large 8vo. 1971 |
7,500 |
12258 | MARCHAND, L.A.]
BYRON: A Portrait. Chicago Press. p/b, xxii+518pp+xxxv,large 8vo. 1979 |
2,500 |
12259 | MARSHALL, W.H.] THE
STRUCTURE OF BYRON'S MAJOR POEMS. Pennsylvania Press. dust jacket,191pp. 1962 |
2,500 |
12260 | MARTIN, P.W.] BYRON: A Poet before His Public. Cambridge UP. d/j. 1982 | 4,500 |
12261 | MAUROIS, Andre] BYRON. Trans from the French by H.Miles. NY: D.Appleton. First U.S.Edition, xv+597pp, large 8vo. 1930 | 8,500 |
12262 | MAYNE, E.C.] BYRON. Books for Libraries. New edition,xiv+474pp. 1970 | 4,500 |
12263 | MINTA, S.] ON A
VOICELESS SHORE: Byron in Greece. Henry Holt. dust jacket,292pp. 1998 |
3,500 |
12264 | MOORE, D.L.] LORD
BYRON ACCOUNTS RENDERED. John Murray. dust jacket,x+511pp,large 8vo. 1974 |
6,800 |
12265 | MOORE, D.L.] THE
LATE LORD BYRON: Posthumous Dramas. John Murray. dust jacket,viii+542pp,large 8vo. 1976 |
4,500 |
12267 | MOORE, D.L.] ADA
COUNTESS OF LOVELACE: Byron's Legitimate Daughter. John Murray. dust jacket,397pp,large 8vo. 1977 |
4,500 |
12268 | MURRAY, J./PROTHERO, R.E.]
LORD BYRON AND HIS DETRACTORS. Haskell House. Reprinted of 1906,ix+98pp,4to. 1971 |
4,500 |
12271 | NICOLE, C.] A SECRET
MEMOIRS OF LORD BYRON. J.B.Lippincott. dust jacket,416pp,large 8vo. 1978 |
4,500 |
12273 | ORIGO, I.] THE LAST
ATTACHMENT: The Story of Byron and Teresa Guiccioli as Told in their Unpublished Letters and Other Family Papers. London:Jonathan Cape. 533pp,8vo. 1949 |
4,500 |
12274 | PRANTERA, A.]
3,000 |
12276 | RAPHAEL, F.] BYRON.
Thames & Hudson. dust jacket,with 70 illustrations, 224pp,large 8vo. 1982 |
3,500 |
12277 | RIDENOUR, G.M.] THE STYLE OF DON JUAN. Yale UP. d/j,xv+171pp. 1960 | 2,500 |
12278 | ROWSE, A.L.] THE
BYRONS AND TREVANIONS. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,xi+212pp. 1978 |
3,500 |
12279 | RUTHERFORD, A.]
BYRON: The Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xvii+513pp. 1970 |
5,800 |
12280 | SHILSTONE, F.W.]
BYRON AND THE MYTH OF TRADITION. Nebraska Press. dust jacket,xvi+283pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
4,500 |
12281 | SHILSTONE, F.W.(Ed.)]
APPROACHES TO TEACHING BYRON'S POETRY. Modern Language Association. vii+193pp,large 8vo. 1991 |
5,800 |
12284 | STURZL, E.A./HOGG, J.(Ed.)]
BYRON: Poetry and Politics. Salzburg Studies zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Seventh International Symposium. p/b. 1981 |
3,500 |
12286 | TANDON, B.C.] THE IMAGERY OF LORD BYRON'S PLAYS. Salzburg Studies in English Literature. o/w,vii+295pp. 1976 |
3,500 |
12289 | WISE, T.J.] A
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WRITINGS IN VERSE AND PROSE. Dawsons of Pall Mall. 2 vols.set. dust jacket,139pp+131pp,small 4to. 1972 |
15,000 |
12290 | MAYNE,
ANNE ISABELLA, LADY NOEL BYRON: From Unpublished Papers in the Possession of the Late Ralph, Earl of Lovelace. Constable. Second edition,top edge gilt,xvi+502pp. 1929 |
7,500 |
12291 | SMEED, J.W.] DON
JUAN: Variations on a Theme. Routledge. d/j,xi+190pp. Essays on Byron, Hoffmann, et al. 1990 |
4,500 |
12310 | 天才詩人バイロン−評傳・書翰・詩抄・年譜 新光社 箱 正富汪洋 大11 | 8,000 |
12311 | 詩心巡禮−バイロンほか二詩人の研究 研究社 初版 福原麟太郎 大13 | 4,500 |
12313 | バイロン研究 研究社 箱 上杉文世 昭53 | 15,000 |