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BRONTE, Charlotte (1816-55) ブロンテ | ||
32510 | シャーロット・ブロンテ全詩集 全1巻 THE POEMS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE: A New Annotated and Enlarged Edition. Ed.by T.Winnifrith. Shakespeare Head Press. d/j,429pp,large 8vo. 1984 |
6,500 |
32512 | ブロンテ シャーリー 全3巻 初版初刷 背角革 SHIRLEY: A Tale. London:Smith,Elder. 3 vols.set. First edition,first issue with chapter "IV"misnumbered "III",Vol.1,with advertisement dated October 1849, gilt decorated half blue morocco,sky blue cloth boards,top edges gilt, other edges untrimmed, 303pp+ (16p.advertisements)+ 308pp+ 320pp (3 advertisements), 8vo, good copies, verry attractive set. 1849 |
Sold |
32513 | SHIRLEY. The Clarendon Edition of the Novels of the Brontes. Clarendon Press. Ed.by H.Rosengarten and M.Smith. dust jacket,xli+835pp. 1979 | 6,500 |
32515 | FIVE NOVELETTES : Passing Events /Julia / Mina Laury / Captain Henry Hastings/ Caroline Vernon. Transcribed from the Original Manuscripts and Ed.by Winifred Gerin. London: Folio Press. With illustrations,367pp, large 8vo. 1971 | 4,800 |
32516 | TWO TALES: The Secret, Lily Hart. Transcribed from the Original Manuscript and Ed.by William Holtz. Missouri Press. With numerous illustrations, dust acket, 145pp,4to. 1978 | 4,500 |
32517 | TWO TALES: The Secret, Lily Hart. Transcribed from the Original Manuscript and Ed.by William Holtz. Missouri Press. Limited to 300 numbered copies, with numerous illustrations,signed by the editor,145pp,small 4to. 1978 | 8,500 |
32519 | ALEXANDER, C.] THE EARLY WRITINGS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Basil Blackwell. dust jacket,xiv+329pp,large 8vo. 1983 | 4,500 |
32520 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] CHARLOTTE BRONTE'S JANE EYRE. A Contemporary Literary Views Book. 80pp,large 8vo. 1996 | 2,500 |
32521 | BOUMELHA,P.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Harvester. dust jacket, 152p. 1990 | 3,500 |
32522 | CRUMP,R.W.] CHARLOTTE AND EMILY BRONTE 1955-1983: A Reference Guide. G.K.Hall. xvii+319pp,large 8vo. 1986 | 9,500 |
32525 | FRASER, R.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Methuen. dust jacket, xii+543pp, large 8vo. 1988 | 3,500 |
32526 | FRASER, R.] THE BRONTES: Charlotte Bronte and Her Family. NY:Crown. dust jacket, xii+543pp,large 8vo. 1988 | 4,500 |
32527 | GERIN,W.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Evolution of Genius. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xvi+617pp. 1967 | 4,500 |
32528 | GLEN, H.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Imagination in History. Oxford UP. dust jacket,xi+314pp,large 8vo. 2002 | 4,500 |
32529 | GLEN, H.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Imagination in History. Oxford UP. p/b,xi+314pp,large 8vo. 2002 | 2,500 |
32531 | GORDON, L.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE: A Passinate Life. W.W.Norton. dust jacket, xiv+418pp,large 8vo. 1995 | 3,800 |
32532 | KADISH, D.Y.] THE LITERATURE OF IMAGES: Narrative Landscape from Julie to Jane Eyre. Rutgers UP. dust jacket,vii+211pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 5,800 |
32533 | KEEFE,R.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE'S WORLD OF DEATH. Texas Press. dust jacket,xxi+224pp. 1979 | 3,500 |
32534 | MAYNARD, J.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND SEXUALITY. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,x+262pp,large 8vo. 1984 | 7,500 |
32535 | MOGLEN, H.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Self Conceived. Wisconsin Press. dust jacket,256pp. 1984 | 3,500 |
32536 | MYER, V.G.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE: Truculent Spirit. Vision & Barnes & Noble. dust jacket,224pp. 1987 | 3,500 |
32544 | SHORTER,C.K.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER CIRCLE. London:Hodder, Stoughton. First edition,xvi+512pp,original cloth,top edge gilt,8vo. 1896 | 4,500 |
32545 | SHORTER,C.K.] CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS. Ams Press. Facsimile of 1905,xii+247pp,small 8vo. 1975 | 2,500 |
32546 | WOOD, B.(Ed.)] CHARLOTTE BRONTE 1816-1916: A Centenary Memorial. T.Fisher Unwin. 331pp. 1918 | 2,500 |
32550 | GREGOR,I.(Ed.)] READING THE VICTORIAN NOVEL: Detail into Form. Vision Press. dust jacket,314pp. "Jane Eyre and 'The Warped System of Things' by Doreen Roberts" 1980 | 4,500 |
32553 | HUTTON, E.] CATHOLICISM AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. Folcroft Press. 224pp. Essays on Bronte, Chaucer, Milton, Dickens, et al. 1969 | 3,500 |
32554 | JOHNSON,D.] TERRORISTS AND NOVELISTS. A.A.Knopf. d/j,xi+257pp. Essays on C.Bronte,B.Hayward,et al. 1982 | 3,500 |
32555 | LAMBERT,E.Z.] THE FACE OF LOVE: Feminism and the Beauty Question. Beacon Press. d/j,xiii+236pp,large 8vo. Essays on Bronte,Eliot,et al. 1995 | 3,800 |
32556 | LERNER,L.] LOVE AND MARRIAGE: Literature & Its Social Context. London: Edward Arnold. Essays on C.Bronte,et al. dust jacket,xiv+258pp.,large 8vo. 1979 | 3,000 |
32557 | McGANN,J.J.(Ed.)] VICTORIAN CONNECTIONS. UP.of Virginia. 226pp,large 8vo. Essays on C.Bronte,Carlyle,Arnold,Tennyson,et al. 1989 | 3,500 |
32558 | MEYER, S.] IMPERIALISM AT HOME: Race and Victorian Women's Fiction. Cornell UP. x+220pp,large 8vo. Essays on Bronte,Eliot. 1996 | 4,500 |
32559 | NEWTON,J.D.] WOMEN, POWER AND SUBVERSION. Georgia Press. xx+202pp,8vo. Essays on Bronte,Eliot, et al. 1981 | 3,500 |
32562 | WHEELER, M.] THE ART OF ALLUSION IN VICTORIAN FICTION. Macmillan. d/j,x+182pp. Essays on C.Bronte, Dickens, Gaskell, Eliot, et al. 1979 | 2,500 |
32564 | ZEMAN, A.] PRESUMPTUOUS GIRLS: Women and Their World in the Serious Woman's Novel. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. d/j,185pp. 1977 | 2,500 |
32569 | シャーリー−妹エミリの肖像 全3巻 ダヴィッド社 別冊付 相良次郎 1951 | 4,500 |
32570 | ギャスケル] シャーロット・ブロンテ傳 実業之日本社 初版 網野菊訳 昭17 | 7,000 |
BRONTE, Emily (1818-48) ブロンテ | ||
32600 | POEMS. Selwyn & Blount. Limited to 500 numbered copies,pictorial pattered boards,linen cloth spine,white label to spine,a clean copy. 1923 | 7,500 |
32602 | THE COMPLETE POEMS OF EMILY JANE BRONTE. Ed.from the Manuscripts by C.W.Hatfield. Columbia UP. xx+262pp,large 8vo. 1941 | 12,000 |
32604 | WUTHERING HEIGHTS. Folio Society. Illus.by C.Keeping. Calf spine. 1975 | 3,500 |
32611 | DINGLE,H.] THE MIND OF EMILY BRONTE. Martin Brian. dust jacket, 128pp. 1974 | 1,500 |
32612 | GERIN, W.] EMILY BRONTE: A Biography. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xvii+290pp. 1971 | 4,500 |
32613 | HOMANS,M.] WOMAN WRITERS AND POETIC IDENTITY: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Bronte,and Emily Dickinson. Princeton UP. d/j,260pp. 1980 | 4,500 |
32614 | LAW, A.] EMILY JANE BRONTE AND THE AUTHORSHIP OF WUTHERING HEIGHTS'. Old Parsonage Press. First edition,o/w,50pp,12mo. [1928] | 2,500 |
32615 | LIDDELL,R.] TWIN SPIRITS: The Novels of Emily and Anne Bronte. Peter Owen. dust jacket,119pp,8vo. 1990 | 2,500 |
32627 | HARTLEY,L.P.] THE NOVELIST'S RESPONSIBILITY. Hamish Hamilton. Contains essays on E.Bronte,J.Austen,E.Sitwell,et al. d/j,216pp. 1967 | 2,500 |
32629 | KNOEPFLMACHER,U.C.] LAUGHTER AND DESPAIR: Readings in Ten Novels of the Victorian Era. California Press. d/j,xvi+281pp. "Wuthering Heights" 1971 | 3,500 |
32630 | MARTIN,P.W.] MAD WOMEN IN ROMANTIC WRITING. Harvester Press. d/j,x+198pp. Contains essays "Wuthering Heights","Jane Eyre",et al. 1987 | 4,500 |
32634 | SCHAPIRO,B.A.] LITERATURE AND THE RELATIONAL SELF. New York UP. d/j,xv+201pp,large 8vo. Essays on E.Bronte, Woolf, Rhys,et al. 1994 | 3,500 |
BRONTES, The | ||
32700 | THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS EMILY AND ANNE BRONTE. Pocket Edition. London:Smith,Elder. 7 vols.set. gilt lettered on green cloth,top edges gilt,12 mo,good set. 1893 | 25,000 |
32701 | THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS. Haworth Edition. London:Smith,Elder. 7 vols.set. Numerous illustrations, gilt lettered on green cloth,top edges gilt,a clean set. 1905 | 45,000 |
32702 | NOVELS OF THE SISTERS BRONTE. With THE LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE. By E.Gaskell. 8 vols.set. London:Folio Society. With illustrations, calf spines, publisher's box,large 8vo,a clean set. 1964-71 | 25,000 |
32704 | ブロンテ姉妹全集 全12巻 背角革 THE WORKS OF THE BRONTES. London:J.M.Dent. Temple Edition. 12 vols.set. First editions,half green morocco,gilt decorated spines, marbled boards,top edge gilt,12mo,fine set. 1902-05 |
75,000 |
32705 | THE BRONTES. Interviews and Recollections. Ed.by H.Orel. Macmillan. dust jacket,xviii+221pp. 1997 | 3,500 |
32708 | THE BRONTE LETTERS. Selected and with an intro.by Muriel Spark. Macmillan. First Macmillan edition,dust jacket,208pp. 1966 | 3,500 |
32709 | THE BRONTES: Their Lives, Friendships and Crrespondence. Chapters I-XXXVI. 1777-1928. Porcupine Press. 4 parts in 2 vols.set. xv+310pp+ xii+350pp+ xi+341pp+ xii+392pp, large 8vo, a good set. 1980 | 35,000 |
32710 | THE BRONTE YEARBOOK. Selected by J.Barker. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,272pp,large 8vo. 1989 | 2,500 |
32713 | BENTLEY,P.] THE BRONTES. Haskell House. 114pp. 1975 | 1,500 |
32714 | BENTLEY,P.] THE YOUNG BRONTES. Max Parrish. d/j,136pp. 1961 | 1,500 |
32715 | BENTLEY,P.] THE BRONTES AND THEIR WORLD. Thames & Hudson. With 140 ilustrations,Signed by Phyllis Bentley,d/j,144pp,small 4to. 1970 | 3,000 |
32716 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] THE BRONTES.Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House. viii+211pp.large 8vo. 1987 | 2,500 |
32717 | CANNON, J.] THE ROAD TO HAWORTH: The Story of the Brontes' Ilrish Ancestry. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,138pp. 1980 | 2,500 |
32723 | EVANS, B./G.L.] EVERYMAN'S COMPANION TO THE BRONTES. J.M.Dent. dust jacket,xviii+400pp,large 8vo. 1982 | 4,800 |
32725 | FERGUSON, R.] THE BRONTES WENT TO WOOLWORTH'S. Ernest Benn. 255pp. 1931 | 3,500 |
32726 | GREGOR, L.(Ed.)] THE BRONTES. A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice-Hall. dust jacket,179pp. 1970 | 1,500 |
32727 | HIGUCHI Akiko] THE BRONTES' WORLD OF MUSIC: Music in the Seven Novels by the Three Bronte Sisters. Tokyo:Yushodo. 391pp,4to,with box. 2005 | 7,000 |
32729 | HINKLEY,L.L.] THE BRONTES: Charlotte and Emily. Hammond. vii+296pp. 1947 | 3,500 |
32731 | LANE,M.] THE DRUG-LIKE BRONTE DREAM. John Murray. d/j,100p. 1980 | 2,500 |
32732 | LEYLAND,F.A.] THE BRONTE FAMILY. With Special Reference to P.B. Bronte. 2 vols.set. Haskell House. Facsimile of 1886,8vo. 1971 | 9,500 |
32734 | McNEES, E.(Ed.)] THE BRONTE SISTERS. Critical Assessments. Helm Information. 4 vols.set. xxi+652+ix+858+vii+502+viii+554pp,large 8vo. 1996 | 28,000 |
32735 | MAURAT, C.] THE BRONTES' SECRET. Trans.by M.Meldrum. Constable. dust jacket,271pp. 1969 | 4,500 |
32736 | PARRISH,M.L.(Ed.)] VICTORIAN LADY NOVELISTS: George Eliot/Mrs. Gaskell/The Bronte Sisters. First Editions in the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey, Described with Notes. NY:Burt Franklin. Numerous illustrations, xii+160pp, small 4to. 1969 | 8,500 |
32737 | SINCLAIR, May] THE THREE BRONTES. Houghton Mifflin. First edition, green cloth, top edge gilt, with 9 illustrations, a clean copy. 1912 | 8,500 |
32740 | SOUTHWART, E.] BRONTE MOORS AND VILLAGES FROM THORNTON TO HAWORTH. With 36 illustrations by T.Mackenzie. John Lane the Bodley Head. First edition,blue cloth,lettered in gilt,x+190pp,small 4to,clean. 1923 | 2,000 |
32741 | SPARK, M.] THE ESSENCE OF THE BRONTES: A Compilation with Essays. Peter Owen. dust jacket,320pp. 1993 | 3,500 |
32742 | SUGDEN, K.A.R.] A SHORT HISTORY OF THE BRONTES: Oxford UP. vi+120pp. 1929 | 2,500 |
32743 | SUTHERLAND, J.] THE BRONTESAURUS: An A-Z of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bronte.(& Branwell). Icon Books. dust jacket,x+198pp. 2016 | 2,500 |
32744 | TURNER, W.] A SPRING-TIME SAUNTER: Round and About Bronte-Land. Halifax Courier. Third edition,with numerous illus,xvi+266pp,large 8vo. 1913 | 9,500 |
32745 | WHITE,W.B.] THE MIRACLE OF HAWORTH: A Bronte Study. University of London. With illus.,x+374pp. 1939 | 9,800 |
32746 | WINNIFRITH,T.] THE BRONTES. Macmillan. dust jacket,viii+181pp,8vo. 1977 | 3,000 |
32747 | YABLON,G.A./TURNER,J.R.] A BRONTE BIBLIOGRAPHY. London: :Ian Hodgkins. Top edge gilt,xii+151pp,small 4to. 1978 | 6,800 |
32750 | GOSSE,E.] SOME DIVERSIONS OF A MAN OF LETTERS. William Heinemann. vii+344pp. "The Challenge of the Brontes." 1920 | 2,500 |
32751 | HARDWICK,E.] SEDUCTION AND BETRAYAL: Women and Literature. Random House. Essays on Brontes, Plath, D.Wordsworth,et al. dust jacket. 1974 | 2,500 |
32755 | TRANSACTIONS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF THE BRONTE SOCIETY. Vol.3.-Vol.18;No.5. Together 49 issues. 1965(Reprinted 1935)-1985 | 18,000 |
32756 | ブロンテ全集 既刊全11巻 ダヴィッド社 1952 | 15,000 |
32758 | ロミュー] ブロンテ姉妹の生涯 岡倉書房 カバー 小松ふみ子訳 昭25 | 2,500 |
32761 | 我が胸は自由−ブロンテ姉妹の生涯と藝術 朝日文化手帖 阿部知二 昭29 | 4,800 |
32768 | 英語研究 22巻5号 ブロンテ姉妹號(寺西・尾島・佐山・楳垣・他) 研究社 昭4 | 4,800 |
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