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BRONTE, Charlotte (1816-55)  ブロンテ
32510 シャーロット・ブロンテ全詩集 全1巻
THE POEMS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE: A New Annotated and Enlarged Edition. Ed.by T.Winnifrith. Shakespeare Head Press. d/j,429pp,large 8vo. 1984
32512 ブロンテ シャーリー 全3巻 初版初刷 背角革
SHIRLEY: A Tale. London:Smith,Elder. 3 vols.set. First edition,first issue with chapter "IV"misnumbered "III",Vol.1,with advertisement dated
October 1849, gilt decorated half blue morocco,sky blue cloth boards,top edges gilt, other edges untrimmed, 303pp+ (16p.advertisements)+ 308pp+ 320pp (3 advertisements), 8vo, good copies, verry attractive set. 1849
32513 SHIRLEY. The Clarendon Edition of the Novels of the Brontes. Clarendon Press. Ed.by H.Rosengarten and M.Smith. dust jacket,xli+835pp. 1979 6,500
32515 FIVE NOVELETTES : Passing Events /Julia / Mina Laury / Captain Henry  Hastings/ Caroline Vernon. Transcribed from the Original Manuscripts and Ed.by Winifred Gerin. London: Folio Press. With illustrations,367pp, large 8vo. 1971 4,800
32516 TWO TALES: The Secret, Lily Hart. Transcribed from the Original Manuscript and Ed.by William Holtz. Missouri Press. With numerous illustrations, dust acket, 145pp,4to. 1978 4,500
32517 TWO TALES: The Secret, Lily Hart. Transcribed from the Original Manuscript and Ed.by William Holtz. Missouri Press. Limited to 300 numbered copies, with numerous illustrations,signed by the editor,145pp,small 4to. 1978 8,500
32519 ALEXANDER, C.] THE EARLY WRITINGS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Basil Blackwell. dust jacket,xiv+329pp,large 8vo. 1983 4,500
32520 BLOOM, H.(Ed.)]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE'S JANE EYRE. A Contemporary Literary Views Book. 80pp,large 8vo. 1996  2,500
32521 BOUMELHA,P.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Harvester. dust jacket, 152p. 1990 3,500
32522 CRUMP,R.W.]  CHARLOTTE AND EMILY BRONTE 1955-1983: A Reference Guide. G.K.Hall. xvii+319pp,large 8vo. 1986 9,500
32525 FRASER, R.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Methuen. dust jacket, xii+543pp, large 8vo. 1988 3,500
32526 FRASER, R.]  THE BRONTES: Charlotte Bronte and Her Family. NY:Crown. dust jacket, xii+543pp,large 8vo. 1988 4,500
32527 GERIN,W.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Evolution of Genius. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xvi+617pp. 1967 4,500
32528 GLEN, H.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Imagination in History. Oxford UP. dust jacket,xi+314pp,large 8vo. 2002 4,500
32529 GLEN, H.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Imagination in History. Oxford UP. p/b,xi+314pp,large 8vo. 2002 2,500
32531 GORDON, L.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE: A Passinate Life. W.W.Norton. dust jacket, xiv+418pp,large 8vo. 1995 3,800
32532 KADISH, D.Y.]  THE LITERATURE OF IMAGES: Narrative Landscape from Julie to Jane Eyre. Rutgers UP. dust jacket,vii+211pp,large 8vo. 1987 5,800
32533 KEEFE,R.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE'S WORLD OF DEATH. Texas Press. dust jacket,xxi+224pp. 1979 3,500
32534 MAYNARD, J.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND SEXUALITY. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,x+262pp,large 8vo. 1984 7,500
32535 MOGLEN, H.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE: The Self Conceived. Wisconsin Press. dust jacket,256pp. 1984 3,500
32536 MYER, V.G.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE: Truculent Spirit. Vision & Barnes & Noble. dust jacket,224pp. 1987 3,500
32544 SHORTER,C.K.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER CIRCLE. London:Hodder, Stoughton. First edition,xvi+512pp,original cloth,top edge gilt,8vo. 1896 4,500
32545 SHORTER,C.K.]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS. Ams Press. Facsimile of 1905,xii+247pp,small 8vo. 1975 2,500
32546 WOOD, B.(Ed.)]  CHARLOTTE BRONTE 1816-1916: A Centenary Memorial. T.Fisher Unwin. 331pp. 1918 2,500
32550 GREGOR,I.(Ed.)]  READING THE VICTORIAN NOVEL: Detail into Form. Vision Press. dust jacket,314pp. "Jane Eyre and 'The Warped System of Things' by Doreen Roberts" 1980 4,500
32553 HUTTON, E.]  CATHOLICISM AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. Folcroft Press. 224pp. Essays on Bronte, Chaucer, Milton, Dickens, et al. 1969 3,500
32554 JOHNSON,D.]  TERRORISTS AND NOVELISTS. A.A.Knopf. d/j,xi+257pp. Essays on C.Bronte,B.Hayward,et al. 1982 3,500
32555 LAMBERT,E.Z.]  THE FACE OF LOVE: Feminism and the Beauty Question. Beacon Press. d/j,xiii+236pp,large 8vo. Essays on Bronte,Eliot,et al. 1995 3,800
32556 LERNER,L.]  LOVE AND MARRIAGE: Literature & Its Social Context. London: Edward Arnold. Essays on C.Bronte,et al. dust jacket,xiv+258pp.,large 8vo. 1979 3,000
32557 McGANN,J.J.(Ed.)]  VICTORIAN CONNECTIONS. UP.of Virginia. 226pp,large 8vo. Essays on C.Bronte,Carlyle,Arnold,Tennyson,et al. 1989 3,500
32558 MEYER, S.]  IMPERIALISM AT HOME: Race and Victorian Women's Fiction. Cornell UP. x+220pp,large 8vo. Essays on Bronte,Eliot. 1996 4,500
32559 NEWTON,J.D.]  WOMEN, POWER AND SUBVERSION. Georgia Press. xx+202pp,8vo. Essays on Bronte,Eliot, et al. 1981 3,500
32562 WHEELER, M.]  THE ART OF ALLUSION IN VICTORIAN FICTION. Macmillan. d/j,x+182pp. Essays on C.Bronte, Dickens, Gaskell, Eliot, et al. 1979 2,500
32564 ZEMAN, A.]  PRESUMPTUOUS GIRLS: Women and Their World in the Serious Woman's Novel. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. d/j,185pp. 1977 2,500
32569 シャーリー−妹エミリの肖像  全3巻  ダヴィッド社  別冊付  相良次郎  1951 4,500
32570 ギャスケル] シャーロット・ブロンテ傳   実業之日本社  初版  網野菊訳  昭17 7,000
BRONTE, Emily (1818-48)  ブロンテ
32600 POEMS. Selwyn & Blount. Limited to 500 numbered copies,pictorial pattered boards,linen cloth spine,white label to spine,a clean copy. 1923 7,500
32602 THE COMPLETE POEMS OF EMILY JANE BRONTE. Ed.from the Manuscripts by C.W.Hatfield. Columbia UP. xx+262pp,large 8vo. 1941 12,000
32604 WUTHERING HEIGHTS. Folio Society. Illus.by C.Keeping. Calf spine. 1975 3,500
32611 DINGLE,H.]  THE MIND OF EMILY BRONTE. Martin Brian. dust jacket, 128pp. 1974 1,500
32612 GERIN, W.]  EMILY BRONTE: A Biography. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xvii+290pp. 1971 4,500
32613 HOMANS,M.]  WOMAN WRITERS AND POETIC IDENTITY: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Bronte,and Emily Dickinson. Princeton UP. d/j,260pp. 1980 4,500
32614 LAW, A.]  EMILY JANE BRONTE AND THE AUTHORSHIP OF WUTHERING HEIGHTS'. Old Parsonage Press. First edition,o/w,50pp,12mo. [1928] 2,500
32615 LIDDELL,R.]  TWIN SPIRITS: The Novels of Emily and Anne Bronte. Peter Owen. dust jacket,119pp,8vo. 1990 2,500
32627 HARTLEY,L.P.]  THE NOVELIST'S RESPONSIBILITY. Hamish Hamilton. Contains essays on E.Bronte,J.Austen,E.Sitwell,et al. d/j,216pp. 1967 2,500
32629 KNOEPFLMACHER,U.C.]  LAUGHTER AND DESPAIR: Readings in Ten Novels of the Victorian Era. California Press. d/j,xvi+281pp. "Wuthering Heights" 1971  3,500
32630 MARTIN,P.W.]  MAD WOMEN IN ROMANTIC WRITING. Harvester Press. d/j,x+198pp. Contains essays "Wuthering Heights","Jane Eyre",et al. 1987 4,500
32634 SCHAPIRO,B.A.]  LITERATURE AND THE RELATIONAL SELF. New York UP. d/j,xv+201pp,large 8vo. Essays on E.Bronte, Woolf, Rhys,et al. 1994 3,500
32700 THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS EMILY AND ANNE BRONTE. Pocket Edition. London:Smith,Elder. 7 vols.set. gilt lettered on green cloth,top edges gilt,12 mo,good set. 1893 25,000
32701 THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS. Haworth Edition. London:Smith,Elder. 7 vols.set. Numerous illustrations, gilt lettered on green cloth,top edges gilt,a clean set. 1905 45,000
32702 NOVELS OF THE SISTERS BRONTE. With THE LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE. By E.Gaskell. 8 vols.set. London:Folio Society. With illustrations, calf spines, publisher's box,large 8vo,a clean set. 1964-71 25,000
32704 ブロンテ姉妹全集 全12巻 背角革
THE WORKS OF THE BRONTES. London:J.M.Dent. Temple Edition. 12 vols.set. First editions,half green morocco,gilt decorated spines, marbled boards,top edge gilt,12mo,fine set. 1902-05
32705 THE BRONTES. Interviews and Recollections. Ed.by H.Orel. Macmillan. dust jacket,xviii+221pp. 1997 3,500
32708 THE BRONTE LETTERS. Selected and with an intro.by Muriel Spark. Macmillan. First Macmillan edition,dust jacket,208pp. 1966 3,500
32709 THE BRONTES: Their Lives, Friendships and Crrespondence. Chapters I-XXXVI. 1777-1928. Porcupine Press. 4 parts in 2 vols.set. xv+310pp+ xii+350pp+ xi+341pp+ xii+392pp, large 8vo, a good set. 1980 35,000
32710 THE BRONTE YEARBOOK. Selected by J.Barker. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,272pp,large 8vo. 1989 2,500
32713 BENTLEY,P.]  THE BRONTES. Haskell House. 114pp. 1975 1,500
32714 BENTLEY,P.]  THE YOUNG BRONTES. Max Parrish. d/j,136pp. 1961 1,500
32715 BENTLEY,P.]  THE BRONTES AND THEIR WORLD. Thames & Hudson. With 140 ilustrations,Signed by Phyllis Bentley,d/j,144pp,small 4to. 1970 3,000
32716 BLOOM, H.(Ed.)]  THE BRONTES.Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House. viii+211pp.large 8vo. 1987 2,500
32717 CANNON, J.]  THE ROAD TO HAWORTH: The Story of the Brontes' Ilrish Ancestry. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. dust jacket,138pp. 1980 2,500
32723 EVANS, B./G.L.]  EVERYMAN'S COMPANION TO THE BRONTES. J.M.Dent. dust jacket,xviii+400pp,large 8vo. 1982 4,800
32725 FERGUSON, R.] THE BRONTES WENT TO WOOLWORTH'S. Ernest Benn. 255pp. 1931 3,500
32726 GREGOR, L.(Ed.)] THE BRONTES. A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice-Hall. dust jacket,179pp. 1970 1,500
32727 HIGUCHI Akiko]  THE BRONTES' WORLD OF MUSIC: Music in the Seven Novels by the Three Bronte Sisters. Tokyo:Yushodo. 391pp,4to,with box. 2005 7,000
32729 HINKLEY,L.L.]  THE BRONTES: Charlotte and Emily. Hammond. vii+296pp. 1947 3,500
32731 LANE,M.]  THE DRUG-LIKE BRONTE DREAM. John Murray. d/j,100p. 1980 2,500
32732 LEYLAND,F.A.]  THE BRONTE FAMILY. With Special Reference to P.B. Bronte. 2 vols.set. Haskell House. Facsimile of 1886,8vo. 1971 9,500
32734 McNEES, E.(Ed.)]  THE BRONTE SISTERS. Critical Assessments. Helm Information. 4 vols.set. xxi+652+ix+858+vii+502+viii+554pp,large 8vo. 1996 28,000
32735 MAURAT, C.]  THE BRONTES' SECRET. Trans.by M.Meldrum. Constable. dust jacket,271pp. 1969 4,500
32736 PARRISH,M.L.(Ed.)]  VICTORIAN LADY NOVELISTS: George Eliot/Mrs. Gaskell/The Bronte Sisters. First Editions in the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey, Described with Notes. NY:Burt Franklin. Numerous illustrations, xii+160pp, small 4to. 1969 8,500
32737 SINCLAIR, May]  THE THREE BRONTES. Houghton Mifflin. First edition, green cloth, top edge gilt, with 9 illustrations, a clean copy. 1912 8,500
32740 SOUTHWART, E.]  BRONTE MOORS AND VILLAGES FROM THORNTON TO HAWORTH. With 36 illustrations by T.Mackenzie. John Lane the Bodley Head. First edition,blue cloth,lettered in gilt,x+190pp,small 4to,clean. 1923 2,000
32741 SPARK, M.]  THE ESSENCE OF THE BRONTES: A Compilation with Essays. Peter Owen. dust jacket,320pp. 1993 3,500
32742 SUGDEN, K.A.R.]  A SHORT HISTORY OF THE BRONTES: Oxford UP. vi+120pp. 1929 2,500
32743 SUTHERLAND, J.]  THE BRONTESAURUS: An A-Z of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bronte.(& Branwell). Icon Books. dust jacket,x+198pp. 2016 2,500
32744 TURNER, W.] A SPRING-TIME SAUNTER: Round and About Bronte-Land. Halifax Courier. Third edition,with numerous illus,xvi+266pp,large 8vo. 1913 9,500
32745 WHITE,W.B.]  THE MIRACLE OF HAWORTH: A Bronte Study. University of London. With illus.,x+374pp. 1939 9,800
32746 WINNIFRITH,T.]  THE BRONTES. Macmillan. dust jacket,viii+181pp,8vo. 1977 3,000
32747 YABLON,G.A./TURNER,J.R.]  A BRONTE BIBLIOGRAPHY. London: :Ian Hodgkins. Top edge gilt,xii+151pp,small 4to. 1978 6,800
32750 GOSSE,E.]  SOME DIVERSIONS OF A MAN OF LETTERS. William Heinemann. vii+344pp. "The Challenge of the Brontes." 1920 2,500
32751 HARDWICK,E.]  SEDUCTION AND BETRAYAL: Women and Literature. Random House. Essays on Brontes, Plath, D.Wordsworth,et al. dust jacket. 1974 2,500
32755 TRANSACTIONS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF THE BRONTE SOCIETY. Vol.3.-Vol.18;No.5. Together 49 issues. 1965(Reprinted 1935)-1985 18,000
32756 ブロンテ全集                          既刊全11巻      ダヴィッド社  1952 15,000
32758 ロミュー] ブロンテ姉妹の生涯          岡倉書房   カバー 小松ふみ子訳  昭25 2,500
32761 我が胸は自由−ブロンテ姉妹の生涯と藝術  朝日文化手帖      阿部知二  昭29 4,800
32768 英語研究 22巻5号 ブロンテ姉妹號(寺西・尾島・佐山・楳垣・他)   研究社  昭4 4,800
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