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DE FOE, Daniel (1660?-1731) デフォー | ||
15030 | ダニエル・デフォー全集 全20巻 背角革 THE NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF DANIEL DE FOE. London: Thomas Tegg. 20 vols.set. Half calf,marbled boards,12mo,clean set. 1840 |
120,000 |
15031 | AN ACCOUNT OF SOME REMARKABLE PASSAGES IN THE LIFE OF A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN; With Reflections Thereon. In Three Parts. London: N.Cliff & D.Jackson. Second edition with Additions. contemporary full brown calf,xxiv+334pp+ii,12mo,a good copy. 1711 |
180,000 |
15032 | THE HISTORY OF THE UNION BETWEEN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND, by Daniel De-Foe: with an Appendix of Original Papers. To which is Now Added A Life of the Celebrated Author, and a Copious Index.. London:John Stockdale. First edition,with a engraved frontispiece,contemporary full brown calf,xxxii+ 781pp+ii,large 4to,a clean copy. 1786 |
80,000 |
15037 | A TOUR THROUGH THE WHOLE ISLAND OF GREAT BRITAIN. P.Rogers. 3 vols.set. Folio Society. With Box,gilt decorated cloth,4to. 1974 |
8,000 |
P.N. Furbank and W.R.Owens. Picture research by A.J.Cooulson. Yale UP. With numerous colour illustrations,dust jacket,xiii+417pp,4to. 1974 |
4,500 |
15039 | THE LETTERS OF DANIEL DEFOE. G.H.Healey. Clarendon
Press. xxii+506pp. 1955 |
7,000 |
15040 | ALKON, P.K.] DEFOE
AND FICTIONAL TIME. Georgia Press. dust jacket, xi+276pp,8vo,K.Miyazaki's copy. 1979 |
2,500 |
DANIEL DEFOE: His Life. Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket,xv+671pp,large 8vo. 1989 |
3,800 |
15044 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)]
DANIEL DEFOE'S MOLL FLANDERS. Modern Critical Interpretations. Chelsea House. dust jacket,vii+146pp,large 8vo. 1987 |
2,500 |
AND ECONOMICS:The Fortunes of Roxana in the History of Interpretation. Macmillan. dust jacket,xvi+247pp,8vo. 1987 |
4,500 |
15049 | DOBREE, B.] THE
EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 1700-1740: Swift, Defoe and Pope. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,x+701pp,8vo. 1990 |
4,500 |
15050 | DOTTIN, P.] THE LIFE
AND STRANGE AND SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF DANIEL DEFOE. L.Ragan. Octagon Books. xiii+322p,large 8vo. 1971 |
3,800 |
15051 | FALLER, L.B.] CRIME
AND DEFOE: A New Kind of Writing. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,xix+263pp,large 8vo. 1993 |
3,500 |
15053 | FREEMAN, W.] THE INCREDIBLE DE FOE. Herbert Jenkins. 304pp,8vo. 1950 | 2,500 |
15054 | FURBANK, P.N/OWENS, W.R.]
THE CANONISATION OF DANIEL DEFOE. Yale UP. dust jacket,ix+210pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
2,500 |
15055 | FURBANK, P.N/OWENS, W.R.]
DEFOE DE-ATTRIBUTIONS: A Critique of J.R.Moore's Checklist. London:Hambledon. d/j,xxxiv+161pp,large 8vo. 1994 |
2,500 |
15056 | HAMMOND, J.R.] A
DEFOE COMPANION. Barnes & Noble Books. dust jacket,xi+151pp. 1993 |
2,500 |
15057 | JOHNSON, C.] PLOTS
AND CHARACTERS IN THE FICTION OF 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH AUTHORS. Vol.1; Swift, Defoe and Richardson. Vol.2; Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Johnson, Goldsmith. 2 vols.set. Archon Books. xx+270pp+xxv+241pp. 1977 |
6,800 |
15059 | LEE, W.] DANIEL
DEFOE: His Life,and Recently Discovered Writings. 3 vols.set. NY:Burt Franklin. Facsimile of 1869,large 8vo. 1969 |
8,000 |
DEFOE'S POLITICAL WRITINGS AND LITERARY DEVICES. Edwin Mellen Press. vi+150pp,large 8vo. 1991 |
2,500 |
15063 | MOORE, J.R.] DANIEL
DEFOE: Citizen of the Modern World. Chicago Press. xv+409pp,large 8vo. 1966 |
3,500 |
15064 | MOORE, J.R.] A
CHECKLIST OF THE WRITINGS OF DANIEL DEFOE. Archon Books. Second edition,xviii+281pp,large 8vo. 1971 |
4,500 |
15065 | MOORE, J.R.] DEFOE
IN THE PILLORY AND OTHER STUDIES. Octagon Books. xi+249pp,large 8vo. 1973 |
3,500 |
15067 | NOVAK, M.E.] DEFOE
AND THE NATURE OF MAN. Oxford UP. dust jacket,viii+176pp. 1965 |
2,800 |
DEFOE: A Reference Guide, 1731-1924. G.K.Hall. xxxiii+455pp,large 8vo. 1987 |
6,500 |
15070 | ROGERS, P.(Ed.)]
DEFOE: The Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xi+228pp. 1972 |
2,500 |
IN DANIEL DE FOE'S NARRATIVES OF ADVENTURE. Folcroft Library. Limited to 150 copies,xi+147pp,large 8vo. 1970 |
2,800 |
15074 | ROOSEN, W.] DANIEL
DEFOE AND DIPLOMACY. Susquehanna UP. dust jacket,141pp,large 8vo. 1986 |
2,500 |
DEFOE AND MIDDLE-CLASS GENTILITY. Harvard UP. xi+279pp,large 8vo. 1968 |
3,800 |
15079 | WATSON, F.] DANIEL DEFOE. Kennikat Press. vii+240pp,8vo. 1969 | 2,500 |
OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DANIEL DEFOE. 3 vols.set. London:Hurst,Chance. lxii+482+xviii+527+xviii+685pp,8vo. 1830 |
8,000 |
15084 | ARMISTEAD, J.M.(Ed.)]
THE FIRST ENGLISH NOVELISTS:Essays in Understanding. The Univ.of Tennessee Press. Essays on Defoe,Smollett, Austen,et al. d/j,xxxiii+295pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
2,500 |
15085 | BJORNSON, R.] THE
PICARESQUE HERO IN EUROPEAN FICTION. Wisconsin Press. Essays on Defoe,Smollett,et al. d/j,308p,large 8vo. 1977 |
2,500 |
15087 | CHAMPION, L.S.(Ed.)]
QUICK SPRINGS OF SENSE: Studies in the Eighteenth Century. Georgia Press. dust jacket,viii+254pp,large 8vo. Essays on Swift, Defoe, Fielding, Sterne,et al. 1974 |
2,500 |
15089 | DANON, R.] WORK IN
THE ENGLISH NOVEL:The Myth of Vocation. Croom Helm. Essays on "Robinson Crusoe"et al. dust jacket,214pp,8vo. 1985 |
2,500 |
15092 | HAHN, H.G./BEHM III, C.]
THE EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH NOVEL AND ITS BACKGROUND: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Topics. Scarecrow Press. Essays on Defoe, Fielding, Sterne, et al. ix+392pp. 1985 |
2,500 |
15094 | KAHLER, E.] THE
INWARD TURN OF NARRATIVE. R.& C.Winston. Princeton UP. Essays on Defoe, Swift, et al. xviii+214pp,8vo. 1973 |
2,000 |
15096 | McKILLOP, A.D.] THE
EARLY MASTERS OF ENGLISH FICTION. Kansas Press. d/j,ix+233pp,large 8vo. Essays on Defoe, Sterne, Smollett, et al. 1967 |
2,500 |
15097 | McVEAGH, J.(Ed.)]
ALL BEFORE THEM.Vol.1:1660-1780. Ashfield Press. dust jacket,large 8vo. Essays on Defoe,Swift,Marvell,Smollett,et al. 1990 |
2,500 |
15098 | NIRO, B.] RACE. Palgrave. ix+198pp. Essays on Defoe,Conrad,et al. 2003 | 2,500 |
15099 | ROGERS, P.]
EIGHTEENTH CENTURY-ENCOUNTERS: Studies in Literature and Society in the Age of W Ealpole. Harvester Press. Essays on Defoe, Swift. dust jacket,xviii+173pp. 1985 |
2,500 |
15102 | TAVOR, E.]
SCEPTICISM, SOCIETY AND THE EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY NOVEL. Macmillan. d/j,xi+273pp. Essays on Fielding, Defoe, et al. 1987 |
2,500 |
15114 | 黒田麹廬の業績と「漂荒紀事」「漂荒紀事」草稿 全2巻 箱 平田守衛編 1990 | 3,500 |
DEKKER, Thomas (c.1572-1632) | ||
15130 | トーマス・デッカー戯曲全集 全4巻 美本 THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF THOMAS DEKKER. Cambridge UP. 4 vols.set. F.Bowers,dust jacket,xviii+469+vii+592+v+649+viii+418pp,clean. 1964-70 |
Sold |
15131 | HOY, C.]
INTRODUCTIONS, NOTES, AND COMMENTARIES TO TEXTS IN 'THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF THOMAS DEKKER'. F.Bowers. Cambridge UP. 4 vols.set. dust jacket,with library stamps. 1980 |
15,000 |
15132 | WAAGE, F.] THOMAS
DEKKER'S PAMPHLETS,1603-1609, AND JACOBEAN POPULAR LITERATURE. Salzburg Studies. 2 vols.set. o/w. 1977 |
3,800 |
DE QUINCEY, T. (1785-1859) ディ・クィンシィー | ||
15184 | トーマス・デ・クゥインシー全集 全16巻 DE QUINCEY'S WORKS. Edinburgh:Adam & Charles Black. 16 vols.set. original blue cloth,white label on spines,small 8vo. 1862-71 |
45,000 |
15185 | トーマス・ディ・クィンシィー全集 全14巻 背角革 美本 THE COLLECTED WRITINGS OF THOMAS DE QUINCEY. Edinburgh:Adam & Charles Black. New and Enlarged Edition. David Masson. 14 vols.set. Half brown morocco,gilt spines,marbled boards,top edges gilt,small 8vo, a good set. 1889 |
95,000 |
15186 | トーマス・デ・クゥインシー全集 全14巻 THE COLLECTED WRITINGS OF THOMAS DE QUINCEY. Edinburgh:A. & C. Black. David Masson. 14 vols.set. oroginal blue cloth,top edges gilt, gilt spines,small 8vo,a good set. 1896-97 |
45,000 |
15187 | BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS. Boston:Ticknor,Reed. First US.edition,original brown cloth,lettered in gilt,284pp,small 8vo,a clean copy. 1850 |
8,000 |
15188 | LIFE AND MANNERS; From the Autobiography of an English Opium- Eater. Boston:Ticknor,Reed. First US.edition,original brown cloth, lettered in gilt,347pp,small 8vo,a clean copy. 1851 |
6,500 |
15192 | GREEN, J.A.(Ed.)]
THOMAS DE QUINCEY: A Bibliography Based Upon the De Quincey Collection in the Moss Side Library. Burt Franklin. 110pp. 1968 |
7,500 |
15195 | LINDOP, G.] THE
OPIUM-EATER: A Life of Thomas De Quincey. London:J.M.Dent. dust jacket,xiv+433pp,large 8vo. 1981 |
4,500 |
15196 | 阿片溺愛者の告白 春秋社 辻潤訳 昭8 | 1,500 |
DERBY, George Horatio [Phoenix, John] (1823-61) | ||
15205 | PHOENIXIANA: Or, Sketches and Burlesques. NY:Appleton. Ninth
edition, original gilt decorated brown cloth,with a Engraved Frontispiece,numerous illustrations,274pp+14pages Advertisements,8vo,a clean copy. 1856 |
15,000 |
15206 | PHOENIXIANA. J.V.Cheney. Chicago:Caxton Club. 2 vols.set.
With a Engraved Frontispiece by W.H.W.Bicknell,5 colour and 10 black and white illustrations,First edition,original gilt decorated green silk,top edges gilt, small 8vo,a very fine set. 1897 |
35,000 |
DICKENS, Charles [別項目に掲載] | ||
DICKEY, James (1923-97) | ||
15210 | POET OF TODAY VII. "Into the Stone and Other Poems".
Charles Scribners. J.H.Wheelock. First edition,dust jacket,black cloth,lettered in gilt, slightly stain. 1960 |
7,500 |
15211 | HELMETS. Wesleyan UP. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,gray
cloth,lettered in green and black,93pp,a clean copy. 1964 |
9,500 |
15213 | POEMS 1957-1967. Rapp & Carroll. First edition,first
printing,pictorial dust jacket,green cloth,lettered in gilt,large 8vo,a clean copy. 1967 |
6,500 |
15215 | BABEL TO BYZANTIUM: Poets and Poetry Now. NY:Farrar,Straus &
Giroux. First edition,first printing,dust jacket,blue cloth,xiv+296pp,8vo,clean copy. 1968 |
2,500 |
15216 | SELF-INTERVIEWS. Recorded and Edited by Barbara and James Reiss. NY:Doubleday. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,190pp,a good copy. 1970 | 3,500 |
MERCY. Doubleday. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,red cloth,large 8vo,clean. 1970 |
7,500 |
15219 | THE EYE-BEATERS, BLOOD,VICTORY, MADNESS, BUCKGEAD AND MERCY. H.Hamilton. First UK.edition,dust jacket,blue ribbed boards,large 8vo,clean. 1971 | 4,500 |
15220 | DELIVERANCE. First Edition Library. dust jacket,bage ribbed boards, a good copy. 1970 |
4,500 |
15223 | BRUCCOLI,M.J./BAUGHMAN,J.S.] JAMES DICKEY: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh Press. xxii+423pp,large 8vo. 1990 |
2,500 |
DICKINSON, Emily (1830-86) ディキンスン | ||
15239 | エミリー・ディキンソン全詩集(定本) 3揃 箱 THE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON. Variorum Edition. R.W.Franklin. Harvard UP. 3 vols.set. With slipcase, vi+1654pp, large 8vo, a good set. 1998 |
Sold |
15240 | POEMS. NY: Collectors Reprints. Reprinted of 1890,Boston, Roberts. xii+152pp,12mo,a good copy. 1993 |
6,500 |
15241 | FINAL HARVEST: Emily Dickinson's Poems. T.H.Johnson.
Little,Brown. xiv+331pp. Niikura Toshikazu's copy,signed and inscribed. 1961 |
5,800 |
15242 | LOVE POEMS AND OTHERS. Peter Pauper Press. 93pp,with box. [1957] | 3,500 |
15243 | エミリー・ディキンソン全書簡集 3揃 THE LETTERS OF EMILY DICKINSON. T.H.Johnson. 3 vols.set. Harvard UP. Fifth printing,xxvii+vii+vii+999pp,large 8vo,with slipcase. 1979 |
Sold |
15246 | SELECTED LETTERS. T.H.Johnson. Harvard UP. dust jacket, 364pp, large 8vo. 1971 | 4,500 |
15247 | EMILY DICKINSON'S HOME: The Early Years as Revealed in Family
Correspondence and Reminiscences. Dover. xvii+600pp. 1967 |
4,800 |
15248 | THE LYMAN LETTERS: New Light on Emily Dickinson and Her
Family. By R.B.Sewall. Massachusetts Press. dust jacket,vii+86pp. 1965 |
4,500 |
15250 | AN EMILY DICKINSON YEAR BOOK. H.H.Arnold. Drawing by
L.B.Graves. Hampshire Bookshop. xii+132pp. 1948 |
5,800 |
15255 | BINGHAM,M.T.] EMILY DICKINSON: A Revelation. NY:Harper. 109pp. 1954 | 2,500 |
15256 | BINGHAM,M.T.]
ANCESTORS' BROCADES: The Literary Debut of Emily Dickinson. Harper. dust jacket,xxxiv+464pp. 1945 |
4,500 |
15258 | BLOOM,H.(Ed.)] EMILY
DICKINSON. Modern Critical View. Chelsea House. dust jacket,204pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
2,800 |
15260 | CADY, E.H./ BUDD, L.J.(Ed.)] ON DICKINSON. Duke UP. dust jacket, x+241pp,large 8vo. 1990 |
2,500 |
PAIN: The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson. Harvard UP. dust jacket,xiv+538pp,large 8vo. 1971 |
4,500 |
15265 | DICKIE, M.] LYRIC
CONTINGENCIES: Emily Dickinson and Wallace Stevens. Pennsylvania Press.dust jacket,xi+196pp,large 8vo. 1991 |
2,500 |
15274 | FRANKLIN,R.W.(Ed.)]
THE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON. Reading Edition. Harvard UP. dust jacket,692pp,large 8vo,with a stamp. 1999 |
3,500 |
15277 | GRABHER,G./HAGENBUCHLE,R./MILLER,C.(Ed.)] THE EMILY DICKINSON HANDBOOK. Massachusetts Press. dust jacket,viii+480pp,large 8vo. 1999 |
4,500 |
DICKINSON: Friend and Neighbor. Boston:Little,Brown. dust jacket,xi+150pp. 1939 |
2,500 |
DICKINSON: Perception and the Poet's Quest. Alabama Press. dust jacket,xii+231pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
3,500 |
KANGAROO AMONG THE BEAUTY: Emily Dickinson and America. Johns Hopkins UP. 340pp.,large 8vo. 1979 |
3,500 |
15288 | KHER,I.N.] THE
LANDSCAPE OF ABSENCE: Emily Dickinson's Poetry. Yale UP. dust jacket,xiii+354pp,large 8vo. 1974 |
4,500 |
15289 | LEDER,S./ABBOTT,A.]
THE LANGUAGE OF EXCLUSION: The Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti. Greenwood Press. xii+238pp, large 8vo. 1987 |
7,500 |
WORLD OF EMILY DICKINSON. Norton. With numerous illustrations,dust jacket,viii+136pp,4to. 1990 |
2,500 |
15295 | LUBBERS, K.] EMILY DICKINSON: The Critical Revolution. Michigan Press. dust jacket, xiv+335pp, large 8vo. 1968 | 3,500 |
15297 | McINTOSH, J.] NIMBLE
BELIEVING: Dickinson and the Unknown. Michigan Press. dust jacket,xiii+194pp,large 8vo,with a stamp. 2000 |
3,500 |
15301 | MILLER, R.] THE
POETRY OF EMILY DICKINSON. Wesleyan UP. dust jacket,480p,large 8vo. 1968 |
4,500 |
15304 | MUDGE, J.M.] EMILY
DICKINSON AND THE IMAGE OF HOME. Massachusetts Press. xx+293pp,large 8vo. 1975 |
2,500 |
15306 | PATTERSON, R.] THE
RIDDLE OF EMILY DICKINSON. Victor Gllancz. dust jacket,xiii+434pp. 1953 |
2,500 |
15308 | PETRINO, E.A.] EMILY
DICKINSON AND HER CONTEMPORARIES: Women's Verse in America, 1820-1885. UP.of New England. dust jacket,xi+240pp,large 8vo. 1998 |
3,500 |
DICKINSON: Personae and Performance. Pennsylvania State UP. dust jacket,x+250pp,large 8vo. 1988 |
3,000 |
15315 | ROSENBAUM, S.P.(Ed,)] A CONCORDANCE TO THE POEMS OF DICKINSON. Cornell UP. xxii*899pp, large 8vo. 1984 | 45,000 |
15317 | SEWALL,R.B.(Ed.)] EMILY DICKINSON. Prentice-Hall. d/j,v+183pp. 1963 | 2,500 |
15319 | SEWALL,R.B.] THE LIFE OF EMILY DICKINSON. NY:Farrar. p/b,821pp. 1980 | 2,500 |
15321 | SHERWOOD,W.R.]
CIRCUMFERENCE AND CIRCUMSTANCE: Stages in The Mind and art of Emily Dickinson. Columbia UP. d/j,xiii+302pp. 1968 |
2,500 |
15322 | TAGGARD, G.] THE LIFE AND MIND OF EMILY DICKINSON Alfred A. Knopf. xxi+ 378pp+ vi, 8vo. 1930 | 6,500 |
DICKINSON'S APPROACH TO POETRY. Haskell House. x+82pp,8vo. 1976 |
2,500 |
15330 | WARD, T.] THE
CAPSULE OF THE MIND: Chapters in the Life of Emily Dickinson. Harvard UP. dust jacket,x+205pp. 1961 |
2,500 |
15332 | WERNER, M. / BERVIN, J.] EMILY DICKINSON: The Gorgeous Nothing. Preface by S. Howe. New Directions & Christine Burgin. with numerous illustrations, dust jacket, 255pp,. 4 to, a good copy. 2013 | 7,500 |
15333 | YAMAKAWA Tamaaki(Ed.)]
AFTER A HUNDRED YEARS: Essays on Emily Dickinson. Kyoto:Appollon-sha. dust jacket,iv+256pp. 1988 |
2,500 |
A LOADED GUN: Female Creativity and Feminist Poetics.Beacon Press. dust jacket,xv+300pp,large 8vo. Essays on Dickinson, Plath and Rich. 1986 |
2,800 |
15335 | BLOOM,H.(Ed.)]
AMERICAN WOMEN POETS. The Critical Cosmos Series. Chelsea House. dust jacket,x+362pp,small 4to. 1986 |
2,800 |
15339 | GELPI,A.J.] THE
TENTH MUSE: The Psyche of the American Poet. Harvard UP. d/j,xx+323pp,large 8vo. Essays on Dickinson,Poe,Emerson,et al. 1975 |
2,800 |
15342 | MAZZARO,J.(Ed.)]
MODERN AMERICAN POETRY. David McKay. d/j,xiv+368pp. Essays on Dickinson,Frost,Stevens,Pound,et al. 1970 |
2,500 |
DISRAELI, Benjamin (1804-81) | ||
THE EARL OF BEACONSFIELD. Longmans, Green. 10 vols.set.(Complete) New Edition. Original gilt and black decorated brown cloth,all edges gilt,small 8vo, a good set. [1870] |
25,000 |
15361 | HENRIETTA TEMPLE: A Love Story. Longmabs,Green. New
edition, decorated green cloth,lettered in black and gilt,461pp,12mo,clean copy. [n.d.] |
5,800 |
15362 | APJOHN, L.] THE EARL
OF BEACONSFIELD: His Life and Work. Walter Scott. First edition,decorated green cloth,all edges gilt,296pp. 1887 |
6,500 |
15363 | BLAKE, R.] DISRAELI. NY:St.Martin's Press. d/j,xxiv+819pp,large 8vo. 1967 | 7,500 |
15364 | EDWALD, A.C.] THE
vols.set. London:William Mackenzie. With illus,original gilt pictorial blue boards,all edges gilt,4to,a good set. 1881 |
25,000 |
OF BEACONSFIELD. John Murray. 2 vols.set. New and Revised Edition. Presentation copy,signed by G.E.Buckle,xi+1668+vii+1622pp,large 8vo. 1929 |
25,000 |
15366 | PEARSON, H.] DIZZY:
The Life and Nature of Benjamin Disraeli,Earl of Beaconsfield. London:Methuen. dust jacket,xi+284pp. 1952 |
4,500 |
D'ISRAELI, Isaac (1766-1848) | ||
15370 | THE LITERARY CHARACTER; OR THE HISTORY OF MEN OF GENIUS. London:Henry Colburn. 2 vols.set. Revised and Fourth edition,gilt decorated full morocco on covers and spines,all edges marbled,small 8vo,fine set. 1828 |
25,000 |
15371 | CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. London:E.Moxon. 3 vols.set. original cloth, xlii+525+606+588pp,large 8vo. 1849 | 15,000 |
LITERATURE. London:John Murray. 6 vols.set. New edition,half brown calf,
marbled boards,8vo,a fine set. 1824 |
45,000 |
DONNE, John (1572-1631) ダン | ||
15279 | ジョン・ダン全詩集 全2巻 THE POEMS. H.J.C.Grierson. 2 vols.set. Clarendon Press. xxiv+474+cliii+275pp. 1963 |
8,500 |
15280 | ジョン・ダン全詩集 JOHN DONNE: THE COMPLETE ENGLISH POEMS. Folio Society. A. J. Smith. Engravings by J. Lydbury. xxxviii+438pp, 4to, with box. 2006 |
5,800 |
15381 | POETICAL WORKS. Oxford UP. H.Grierson. dust jacket,lvi+404pp. 1977 | 2,500 |
15382 | THE FIRST ANNIUERSARIE: An Anatomie of the World. Wherein, By Occasion Of the vntimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drvry, the frailtie and decay of this whole World is represented. Noel Douglas. Reprinted of 1621. 1926 | 15,000 |
15383 | THE DIVINE POEMS. H.Gardner. Clarendon Press. Second
Edition. dust jacket,xcviii+158pp. 1978 |
3,500 |
15384 | PARADOXES AND PROBLEMS. H.Peters. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xcvii+142pp. 1980 |
7,500 |
15387 | THE EPITHALAMIONS ANNIVERSARIES AND EPICEDES OF JOHN DONNE. W.Milgate. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,lxvii+237pp. 1978 |
7,500 |
15388 | THE COMPLETE POETRY. Stuart Editions. J.T.Scawcross. New
York UP. dust jacket,xxv+521pp,large 8vo. 1968 |
4,800 |
15389 | JOHN DONNE: The Complete English Poems. Allen Lane.
A.J.Smith. dust jacket,679pp. 1974 |
2,500 |
15390 | ジョン・ダン説教集 全10巻 美本 THE SERMONS OF JOHN DONNE. California Press. 10 vols.set. G.R.Potter and E.M.Simpson. dust jacket,large 8vo,a good set. 1984 |
90,000 |
15391 | DONNE'S PREBEND SERMONS. J.M.Mueller. Harvard UP. dust
jacket, xi+361pp,large 8vo. 1971 |
5,500 |
15393 | THE FIRST AND SECOND ANNIVERSARIES: An Anatomie of the World.
The Progress of the Soul. 1611,1621,1625,1633. Noel Douglas. 1926 |
2,500 |
15394 | ANDREASEN,
N.J.C.] JOHN DONE: Conservative
Revolutionary. Princeton UP. dust jacket,ix+249pp. 1967 |
3,500 |
15400 | COMBS, H.C./SULLENS, Z.R.]
A CONCORDANCE TO THE ENGLISH POEMS OF JOHN DONNE. Haskell House. Reprinted of 1940,ix+418pp. 1969 |
15,000 |
15402 | FIORE, P.A.(Ed.)]
JUST SO MUCH HONOR: Essays Commemorating the Four-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of John Donne. Pennsylvania State UP. dust jacket,ix+291pp. 1972 |
4,500 |
15405 | GRANT, P.] THE
TRANSFORMATION OF SIN: Studies in Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, and Traherne. McGill-Queens UP. d/j,xiii+240pp,large 8vo. 1974 |
3,500 |
15407 | GUSS, D.L.] JOHN
DONNE, PETRARCHIST: Italianate Conceits and Love Theory in The Songs and Sonets. Wayne State UP. 230pp,large 8vo. 1966 |
4,500 |
15408 | HUNT, C.] DONNE'S
POETRY: Essays in Literary Analysis. Yale UP. xiii+256pp,large 8vo. 1956 |
4,500 |
15411 | KEYNES, G.] A
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DR.JOHN DONNE. Clarendon Press. Third Edition. dust jacket,xviii+285pp,small 4to. 1958 |
8,000 |
15412 | KEYNES, G.] A
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DR.JOHN DONNE. Clarendon Press. Fourth Edition. dust jacket,x+400pp,small 4to. 1973 |
15,000 |
15415 | MARTZ, L.L.] THE WIT
OF LOVE: Donne, Carew, Crashaw, Marvell. Nortre Dame Press. dust jacket,large 8vo. 1969 |
4,500 |
15416 | MATSUURA Kaichi] A
STUDY OF THE IMAGE OF JOHN DONNE. Kenkyusha. o/w,xiii+157pp. 1953 |
2,500 |
15418 | NOVARR, D.] THE
DISINTERRED MUSE: Donne's Texts and Contexts. Cornell UP. dust jacket,218pp,8vo. 1980 |
3,500 |
15420 | PARTRIDGE, A.C.]
JOHN DONNE: Language and Style. London:Andre Deutsch. dust jacket,259pp,8vo. 1978 |
4,500 |
15421 | PETERSON, D.L.] THE
ENGLISH LYRIC FROM WYATT TO DONNE: A History of the Plain and Eloquent Styles. Princeton UP. dust jacket,vi+455pp. 1967 |
3,500 |
15422 | PIRIE, R.G.(Ed.)]
JOHN DONNE 1572-1631: A Catalogue of the Four Hundredth Anniversary Exhibition of First and Early Editions of the Works. Grolier Club. Limited to 500 copies,o/w,xv+41pp,large 8vo. 1972 |
2,500 |
15423 | ROBERTS, J.R.(Ed.)]
ESSENTIAL ARTICLES: For the Study of John Donne's Poetry. Archon Books. dust jacket,xiii+558pp. 1975 |
9,500 |
15424 | SENCOURT, R.]
OUTFLYING PHILOSOPHY: A Literary Study of the Religious Element in the Poems and Letters of John Donne and in the Works of Sir Thomas Browne and of Henry Vaughan The Silurist. Haskell House. 356pp. 1966 |
3,500 |
15425 | SIMPSON, E.M.] A
STUDY OF THE PROSE WORKS OF JOHN DONNE. Clarendon Press. Second edition,dust jacket,vii+371pp,large 8vo. 1969 |
7,000 |
15427 | SMITH, A.J.(Ed.)]
JOHN DONNE. The Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xvii+511pp. 1975 |
3,500 |
15429 | STANWOOD, P.G./ASALS, H.R.(Ed.)] JOHN DONNE AND THE THEOLOGY OF LANGUAGE. Missouri Press. dust jacket,viii+376pp,large 8vo. 1986 | 6,500 |
15430 | STEIN, A.] JOHN
DONNE'S LYRICS: The Eloquence of Action. Minnesota Press. dust jacket,viii+244pp. 1962 |
3,500 |
15431 | SUMMERS, J.H.] THE
HEIRS OF DONNE AND JONSON. Chatto & Windus. dust jacket,198pp. 1970 |
3,500 |
15434 | BEER, P.] AN
INTRODUCTION TO THE METAPHYSICAL POETS. Macmillan. dust jacket. Essays on J.Donne,G.Herbert,H.Vaughan,et al. 1972 |
2,500 |
Arnold. dust jacket,280pp. Essays on Donne, Herbert, Marvell. 1970 |
2,500 |
15438 | EPSTEIN, W.H.]
RECOGNIZING BIOGRAPHY. Pennsylvania Press. d/j,x+231pp,large 8vo. "Walton's Life of Donne",et al. 1987 |
2,500 |
15439 | FARMER, N.K.] POETS
AND THE VISUAL ARTS IN RENAISSANCE ENGLAND. Texas Press. d/j,xiii122pp,4to. Essays on Donne, Herrick, Jonson, et al. 1984 |
5,800 |
RENAISSANCE STUDIES: Presented to Dame Helen Gardner in Honour of Her
Seventieth Birthday. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, viii+304pp. Essays on Donne, Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden, et al. 1980 |
2,500 |
15448 | WAIN, J.(Ed.)] INTERPRETATIONS. London:Routlege. First edition,dust jacket,xv+237pp. "Donne:A Nocturnall Upon S.Lucies Day"by R.Sleight. 1955 | 2,500 |
15456 | ダンの世界 研究社 カバー(工藤好美旧蔵書入)川崎寿彦 昭42 | 9,000 |
15469 | 英国十七世紀形而上派詩人(JOHN DONNE の巡歴・翻訳J.ダン:第一・第二記念歌・ ダンの恋愛哲学・マァヴェルの田園詩・他) 私家版 福地四郎 昭55 |
8,000 |
DOS PASSOS, John (1896-1970) ドス・パソス | ||
15511 | ONE MAN'S INITIATION-1917. London:George Allen & Unwin.
First edition, first issue,first issue with type broken on page 35,line 32,pale blue cloth, small 8vo,lettered on spine and front cover,a clean copy.Dos Passos's first book. 1920 [Potter:1] |
65,000 |
15513 | THREE SOLDIERS. NY:George H.Doran. First edition,mixed
first,second issue in supplied,third issue dust jacket. FPAA describes five different "forms"of the first edition (second through fifth"forms"priority unknown): the first isue three blank integral leaves at front (in addition to endpaper), none in back,and "signing" P.213:31;the second with two blank integral leaves at front (in addition to endpaper),none at back, "signing"p.213:31, and p.9-10 tipped to p.11-12. This copy a mix between the first issue and FPAA's second "form" with three blank integral leaves at front (in addition to endpaper) and "signing" in the first issue,but p.9-10 tipped to in the second "form." Near fine dust jacket with some faint staining,edges and folds rubbed (small split in front spine fold), shallow chipping and a 3-inch,closed tear (affecting only the tips of a few title letters),original black cloth,lettered in orange on spine and front cover, top edge orange,a clean copy. Dos Passos's Second book. 1921 [Potter:2] |
150,000 |
15514 | MANHATTAN TRANSFER. NY:Harper. First edition,third issue,Harper
code "M-Z" on title page verso,original cloth,yellow paper labels on spine and front cover,sligtly worn. 1925 [Potter:7] |
15,000 |
15515 | THE GARBAGE MAN: A Parade with Shouting. NY:Harper. First
edition,first issue,Harper code "F-A" on title page verso,pictorial dust jacket,chocolate brown boards,paper rabels on the cover and spine,slightly chipped on the dust jacket,otherwise a clean copy. 1926 [Potter:] |
65,000 |
15516 | AIRWAYS, INC. NY:Macaulay. First edition,fiorst
printing,original light blue boards,black cloth spine,lettered in red,8vo,a clean copy. 1928 [Potter:11] |
18,000 |
Cendrars. NY.,& London:Harper. Trans.from the French, Illustlations and 12 Colour Paintings by Dos Passos. First edition,limited to 300 copies,A Presentation copy,Signd and Inscribed by John Dos Passos to Mrs.Mariko Hayashi, original wrrapers,all edges untrimmed,small 4to,a clean copy. 1931 |
250,000 |
15519 | HARLAN
MINERS SPEAK: Report on Terrorism in the Kentucky Coal Fields. Prepared by Members of the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners. NY:Harcourt,Brace. First edition,first issue,pictorial dust jacket,beige cloth,lettered in purple,a good copy,scarce. 1932 Contains by T.Dreiser,John Dos Passos,S.Anderson,et al. |
58,000 |
15520 | JOURNEYS BETWEEN WARS. NY:Harcourt,Brace. First edition,original blue cloth,a clean copy. 1938 [Potter:19] |
6,500 |
OF YOUNG MAN. NY:Harcourt,Brace. First edition,first issue, pictorial dust jacket,blue cloth,lettered in red,a good copy. 1939 [Potter:20] |
38,000 |
15522 | ADVENTURES OF YOUNG MAN. NY:Harcourt,Brace. First edition, dark blue cloth, lettered in red,a clean copy. 1939 [Potter:20] |
5,800 |
15525 | STATE OF THE NATION. Houghton Mifflin. First edition,first
issue,pictorial dust jacket,red cloth,lettered in black,a clean copy. 1944 [Potter:23] |
25,000 |
15526 | THE PROSPECT BEFORE US. Houghton Mifflin. M.Strobel.
First edition,first issue,pictorial dust jacket,sky blue cloth,gilt lettered on cover and spine,top edge stained orange,a good copy. 1950 [Sanders:A50-1] |
15,000 |
15527 | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Adventures of a Young Man. Number One. The Grand Design. Houghton Mifflin. First edition,dust jacket,a clean copy. 1952 [Sanders:A52-1] |
12,000 |
15531 | MR. WILSON'S WAR. NY:Doubleday. First edition,pictorial dust
jacket,original cloth,large 8vo,a good copy. 1962 [Sanders:A62-1] |
7,500 |
15532 | OCCASIONS AND PROTESTS. Henry Regnery. First edition,dust jacket, original cloth,8vo.a clean copy. 1964 [Sanders:A64-2] |
6,500 |
15533 | THE PORTUGAL STORY: Three Centuries of Exploration and Discovery. NY:Doubleday. First edition,dust jacket,large 8vo.a good copy. 1969 [Sanders:A69-1] |
6,500 |
15534 | EASTER ISLAND: Island of Enigmas. Doubleday. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,blue cloth,lettered in black,large 8vo,a clean copy. 1971 [Sanders:A71-1] |
5,500 |
15535 | THE FOUTEENTH CHRONICLE: Letters and Diaries of John Dos Passos.
Boston:Gambit. First edition,dust jacket,large 8vo,a good copy. 1973 [Sanders:A73-1] |
7,500 |
15537 | WRITERS AT WORK: The Paris Review Interviews. Fourth Series.
Secker & Warburg. G.Plimpton. d/j,xv+459pp. Dos Passos,Nabokov,et al. 1976 |
2,800 |
15538 | The Dial. Vol.70:No.6. "Two Poems" by John Dos Passos. 1929 | 7,500 |
15539 | BELKIND, A.(Ed.)]
DOS PASSOS: The Critics and the Writer's Intention. Southern Illinois UP. lxi+288pp. 1971 |
2,500 |
15540 | BRANTLEY,J.D.] THE FICTION OF JOHN DOS PASSOS. Mouton. d/j,136pp. 1968 | 2,000 |
15541 | CLARK,M.] DOS
PASSOS'S EARLY FICTION, 1912-1938. Susquehanna UP. dust jacket,171pp,large 8vo. 1987 |
2,000 |
15542 | COLLEY, I.] DOS
PASSOS AND THE FICTION OF DESPAIR. Macmillan. dust jacket,viii+170pp. 1978 |
2,800 |
15543 | KNOX,G.A./STAHL,H.M.]
DOS PASSOS AND "THE REVOLTING PLAYWRIGHTS" Arden Library. 230pp+xi,small 4to. 1979 |
4,500 |
15545 | MAINE,B.(Ed.)] DOS
PASSOS. The Critical Heritage. Routledge. dust jacket,xiv+290pp. 1988 |
3,500 |
PASSOS: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Garland. 511pp. 1987 |
9,000 |
15551 | COWLEY, M.] THE
DREAM OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAINS: Remembering the 1930s. Viking. First edition,d/j,xiii+328pp. Essays on Dos Passos, et al. 1980 |
2,500 |
DOUGLAS, Alfred | ||
15572 | OSCAR WILDE: Et Moi. Trassrated by W.Claude. Paris:Emile-Paul
Freres. New edition,o/w,xii+314pp,small 8vo. [1914] |
3,500 |
edition,blue cloth,lettered in gilt,vii+340pp,4to. 1929 |
25,000 |
15574 | LYRICS.. London:Rich & Cowan. First edition,blue
cloth,slightly sunned on the spines,large 8vo. 1935 |
13,000 |
15575 | SONNETS. London:Rich & Cowan. First edition,blue
cloth,slightly sunned on the spines,large 8vo. 1935 |
13,000 |
15576 | OSCAR WILDE: A Summing Up. London:Duckworth. First edition,dust
jacket, 143pp,slightly suns and slightly chipped on the dust jacket,otherwise a clean copy. 1940 |
28,000 |
DOWSON, Ernest (1867-1900) ダウスン | ||
15580 | LA FILLE AUX YEUX D'OR. By Honore De Balzac. Translated with
prefaced by E.Dowson. London:Leonard Smithers. First edition,with six wood engraved illustrations by Charles Conder,gilt vignette on lower cover by Aubrey Beardsley,original blue cloth,stamped with gilt to upper cover, all edges untrimed,vii+107pp,4to,a clean copy. 1896 |
85,000 |
15581 | THE POEMS OF ERNEST DOWSON. With a Memoir by Arthur
Symons, 4 illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. London:John Lane,The Bodley Head. First edition,xxxviii+166pp,small 8vo,original green cloth,stamped with gilt to spine and upper cover,top edge gilt,a clean copy. 1905 |
45,000 |
15582 | THE POEMS OF ERNEST DOWSON. With a Memoir by Arthur
Symons, 4 illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. London:John Lane,The Bodley Head. Fifth edition,dust jacket,top edge gilt,original green cloth,gilt lettered on spine and front cover,a clean copy. 1913 |
15,000 |
15584 | THE POEMS AND PROSE. Memoir by A.Symons. Modern Library. 12mo. 1919 | 2,500 |
15585 | THE POEMS OF ERNEST DOWSON. M.Longaker. Pennsylvania
Press. dust jacket,263pp. 1968 |
2,500 |
London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot. Verses by A.Beardsley,E.Dowson,O.Wilde,J.Gray, A.Symons and others. First edition,original pictorial boards design by A.Beardsley,xxi+176pp,8vo,a good copy. 1928 |
18,000 |
15587 | THE COMPLETE LYRICS OF ERNEST DOWSON. Peter Pauper Press. Limited edition,floral pictorial boards,dark blue cloth spine,white label on spine,with verse text headings in pink,publisher's box,a clean copy. [1942] |
7,500 |
15588 | THE LETTERS OF ERNEST DOWSON. Collected and Edited by D.Flower
and H.Maas. Cassell. dust jacket,viii+470pp,large 8vo. 1967 |
12,000 |
DOWSON. Pennsylvania Press. dust jacket, xi+308pp,large 8vo. 1967 |
4,500 |
15590 | PLARR, Victor]
ERNEST DOWSON 1888-1897: Reminiscences, Unpublished Letters and Marginalia. With a Bibliography Compiled by H.G.Harrison. Elkin Mathews. First edition,red cloth,147pp,with a Mori Kiyoshi's stamp. 1914 |
15,000 |
15591 | ダウスン詩集 現代詩工房 箱帯 大島幹生訳 昭42 | 4,500 |
DOYLE, Arthur Conan (1859-1930) ドイル | ||
15602 | THE
STARK MUNRO LETTERS. London:Longmans,Green. First edition,first
issue,catalogue dated July 1895,original dark green cloth,bevelled
boards,gilt lettered on upper cover and spine,346pp+catalogue 24pp,8vo,with a bookplate on front free paper,a good copy. 1895 [Green & Gibson A18a] |
65,000 |
15605 | THROUGH THE MAGIC DOOR. London:Smith,Elder. First edition,with
16 illustrations,original red cloth,stamped in gold on upper cover and spine, vi+274pp+6pp,8vo,slightly chipped on spine,otherwise a clean copy. 1907 [Green & Gibson B7a] |
Sold |
15608 | STRAND MAGAZINE. Vol.IX.January to June. London:George Newnes. G.Newnes. Half red morocco,lettered in gilt on the spine,4to. Include "The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard", a good copy. 1895 |
25,000 |
DOYLE, Francis Hastings (1810-88) | ||
edition,xvi+326pp,rebound red cloth,12mo,a clean copy. 1866 |
15,000 |
DREISER, Theodore (1871-1945) | ||
15640 | ドライサー全集 全20巻 美本 THE WORKS OF THEODORE DREISER. 20 vols.set. Kyoto: RinsenBook. Red cloth,white label on spines,a clean set. 1981 |
65,000 |
15641 | JENNIE
GERHARDT. NY:Harper. First edition,first trade edition,Dreiser's full name on the spine of the book and second state with the text corrected ("it" for "is") on line 30 of page 22,original light blue cloth,gilt lettered on spine and front cover,sunned spine. 1911 |
25,000 |
15642 | THE TITAN. John Lane. First edition,second issue,light blue
cloth, lettered in blue,a clean copy. 1914 |
6,800 |
15643 | A HOOSIER HOLIDAY. John Lane. First ed, F.Booth,large 8vo. 1916 | 7,500 |
15646 | A GALLERY OF WOMEN. Horace Liveright. 2 vols.set. First
edition,dust jackets,gilt decorated original brown cloth,clacked on the jacket. 1929 |
15,000 |
15647 | A GALLERY OF WOMEN. Leipzig:B.Tauchnitz. 2 vols.set. First
German edition,dust acket,328+310pp,12mo,good copies. 1930 |
3,500 |
15648 | MOODS: Cadenced and Declaimed. London:Constable. First
UK.edition, dust jacket,top edge gilt,good copy. 1929 |
7,800 |
15650 | DAWN: A History of Myself. NY:Horace Liveright. First
edition,first issue, dust jacket,original red cloth covers and black spine,589pp,large 8vo, a good copy. 1931 |
15,000 |
15652 | DAWN: A History of Myself. NY:Horace Liveright. First
edition,first issue, dust jacket,slightly chipped on the dust jacket,otherwise a clean copy. 1931 |
6,500 |
15653 | THE BULWARK. Doubleday. First edition,dust jacket,dark blue
cloth, lettered in red and gold,a clean copy. 1946 |
7,500 |
15654 | THE BULWARK. Doubleday. First ed,dust jacket,slightly chipped on d/j. 1946 | 2,500 |
AND RELATED WRITINGS. T.D.Nostwich. Iowa State UP. d/j,xxiv+155p. 1988 |
2,500 |
15664 | ELIAS, R.H.]
THEODORE DREISER: Apostle of Nature. A.A.Knopf. dust jacket,xii+354pp. 1949 |
2,500 |
15666 | GERBER, P.L.] THEODORE DREISER. Twayne. 220pp. 1964 | 1,500 |
15667 | GRIFFIN, J.] THE
SMALL CANVAS: An Introduction to Dreiser's Short Stories. Fairleigh Dickinson UP. dust jacket,172pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
2,500 |
15668 | HAKUTANI, Y.(Ed.)]
SELECTED MAGAZINE ARTICLES OF THEODORE DREISER: Life and Art in the American 1890s. Fairleigh Dickinson UP. dust jacket,288pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
2,800 |
15674 | MATTIESSEN, F.O.] THEODORE DREISER. Greenwood Press. vi+267pp. 1973 | 2,000 |
15675 | MOERS, E.] TWO
DREISERS: The Man and the Novelist. Viking Press. dust jacket,xvii+366pp,large 8vo. 1969 |
2,800 |
15677 | PIZER, D.] CRITICAL ESSAYS ON THEODORE DREISER. Boston:G.K.Hall. xiii+343pp,large 8vo. 1981 | 2,800 |
15684 | WARREN, R.P.] HOMAGE
TO THEODORE DREISER: August 27, 1871- December 28, 1945; On the Centennial of His Birth. Random House. First edition,dust jacket,lettered in gilt,a good copy. 1971 |
2,800 |
15695 | ドライサー研究 大阪教育図書 カバー 毛利至 1993 | 4,500 |
DRYDEN, John (1631-1700) ドライデン | ||
15710 | ドライデン全集 全20巻 美本 THE WORKS OF JOHN DRYDEN. California Press. E.N.Hooker et al. 20 vols.set. dust jacket,large 8vo,a clean set. 1961-74 |
Sold |
15716 | ___________________. Vol.9; Plays: The Indian Emperour, Second Love, Sir Martin Mar-all. J.Loftis et al. dust jacket,vii+451pp,large 8vo. 1974 |
4,800 |
15717 | ___________________. Vol.10; Plays: The Tempest, Tyrannick Love, An Evening's Love. M.E.Novak et al. dust jacket,ix+557pp,large 8vo. 1970 |
4,800 |
15718 | ___________________. Vol.17; Prose 1668-1691: An Essay of Dramatick Poesie
and Shorter Works. S.H.Monk at al. dust jacket,xi+528pp,large 8vo. 1971 |
4,800 |
15719 | ___________________. Vol.18; Prose: The History of the League 1684. Ed by A.Roper and V.A.Dearingl. dust jacket,xi+577pp,large 8vo. 1974 |
6,800 |
15722 | ドライデン劇全集 全6巻 美本 THE DRAMATIC WORKS. 6 vols.set. M.Summers. NY:Gordian Press. Reprinted edition of 1932,small 4to,a clean set. 1968 |
45,000 |
15727 | POETICAL WORKS. With Life,Critical Dissertation,and Notes by
George Gilfillan. 2 vols.set. Edinburgh:James Nochol. Quater calf,top edges gilt, xxiv+314pp+xxiv+344pp,large 8vo. 1855 |
12,000 |
15729 | ドライデン全詩集 全4巻 美本 THE POEMS OF JOHN DRYDEN. J.Kinsley. 4 vols.set. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xxi+vii+vi+2104pp,8vo,a good set. 1970 |
18,000 |
15733 | THE POEMS AND FABLES. J.Kinsley. Oxford UP. d/j,xii+864pp. 1969 | 2,500 |
15734 | ESSAYS OF JOHN DRYDEN. 2 vols.set. W.P.Ker. Clarendon Press. 1900 | 5,500 |
15735 | ESSAYS OF JOHN DRYDEN. 2 vols.set. W.P.Ker. NY:Russell. 1961 | 5,500 |
15736 | THE ART OF PAINTING: By C.A.Du Fresnot: With Remarks: Transrated
into English, with an Original Preface, Containing a Parallel between Painting and Poetry. By Mr. Dryden. As also a Short Account of the most Eminent Painters, both Ancient and Modern. By R.Graham. London:William Taylor. Second revised edition,contemporary gilt decorated full brown calf,all edges gilt,with a engraved Frontispiece,(xxii)+lxviii+397pp+7pp+(iv),good copy. 1716 |
95,000 |
15738 | THE WORKS OF VIRGIL; Translated into English Verse. 3 vols.set.
London:James Swan. New Edition. Revised and Corrected by John Carey. Contemporary full black calf,lattered in gilt,with 15 engraved plates,(xxxviii)+lxxxi+223pp+cxvi+258pp+326pp,large 8vo,clean set. 1802 |
48,000 |
15739 | THE WORKS OF VIRGIL. (Trans.) 2 vols.set. London:W.Wilson. With
2 engraved Frontispieces,contemporary half brown calf,marbled boards, (iv)+267pp+(iii)+(vi)+300pp+(ii),16mo,clean set. 1820 |
12,000 |
15740 | THE WORKS OF VIRGIL: With Walsh's Life of the Author. (Trans.) London:Scott,Webster & Geary. Original cloth,16mo. 1844 | 3,500 |
15742 | ALLEN, N.B.] THE SOURCES OF JOHN DRYDEN'S COMEDIES. NY:Gordian. Reprinted edition of 1935,xvii+298pp,8vo. 1967 | 4,500 |
15744 | AMARASINGHE, U.]
DRYDEN AND POPE IN THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY: A Study of Changing Literature Taste 1800-1830. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,244pp. 1962 |
4,500 |
OF DRYDEN'S THOUGHT. Chicago Press. ix+304pp,large 8vo. 1968 |
4,500 |
15747 | HOLLIS, C.] DRYDEN. Haskell House. Facsimile of 1902,224pp,8vo. 1974 | 2,500 |
15749 | JENSEN, H.J.] A
GLOSSARY OF JOHN DRYDEN'S CRITICAL TERMS. Minnesota Press. dust jacket,135pp,large 8vo. 1969 |
4,500 |
15750 | KINSLEY, J./H.(Ed.)]
JOHN DRYDEN:The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,x+414pp,8vo. 1971 |
4,500 |
15751 | KIRSCH,A.C] DRYDEN'S HEROIC DRAMA. Princeton UP. d/j,157pp. 1965 | 2,500 |
15752 | LARSON, R.L.]
STUDIES IN DRYDEN'S DRAMATIC TECHNIQUE. Salzburg Studies in English Literature. o/w,317pp,8vo. 1975 |
3,500 |
15754 | McKEON, M.] POLITICS
AND POETRY IN RESTORATION ENGLAND: The Case of Dryden's Annus Mirabilis. Harvard UP. xii+336pp,large 8vo. 1975 |
3,500 |
15758 | VAN DOREN, M.] THE
POETRY OF JOHN DRYDEN. Haskell House. Facsimile edition of 1920,vi+361pp. 1969 |
4,500 |
15761 | ZAMONSKI, J.A.] AN
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JOHN DRYDEN: Texts and Studies,1949-1973. Dawson. xiii+147pp. 1975 |
4,500 |
15762 | ZWICKER, S.N.]
POLITICS AND LANGUAGE IN DRYDEN'S POETRY: The Arts of Disguise. Princeton UP. dust jacket,xii+248pp,large 8vo. 1984 |
4,500 |
15773 | イギリス新古典主義の詩−ドライデンからクーパーヘ 研究社 箱 村上至孝 昭48 | 9,500 |
15774 | 坪内逍遥におけるドライデン受容の研究−東洋と西洋における比較文学の原点 北星堂 カバー箱 佐藤勇夫 昭56 |
3,500 |
DUNBAR, William (1460 ?-1520 ?) | ||
15780 | THE POEMS OF WILLIAM DUNBAR. Ed.with intro.and notes by J.Schipper. Vienna:F.Tempsky. Contemporary quarter calf bound,524pp,4to. 1894 | 25,000 |
15784 | THE POEMS OF WILLIAM DUNBAR. J.Kinsley. Clarendon
Press. dust jacket,xvii+508pp,8vo. 1979 |
9,800 |
15786 | HUGHES, J./RAMSON, W.S.]
POETRY OF THE STEWART COURT. Australian National UP. Essays on W.Dunbar,et al. dust jacket,xii+610p,large 8vo. 1982 |
8,500 |
DURRELL, Lawrence (1912-90) ダレル | ||
15790 | THE
BLACK BOOK. Paris:Olympia Press. First trade edition,pictorial dust jacket,original green wrappers,printed in black and white,small 8vo,301pp, a clean copy. 1959 [Thomas A8.2] |
12,000 |
15792 | A PRIVATE COUNTRY. Faber. Second impression,dust jacket,original
cloth, gilt lettered on spine,tall 8vo,slightly chipped and stain on jacket spine, otherwise a clean copy. 1944 |
3,000 |
15793 | PROSPERO'S CELL. Faber. New edition,dust jacket,168pp,clean copy. 1975 | 2,500 |
15794 | CEFALU.
London:Editions Poetry. First edition,dust jacket,original light brown cloth,gilt lettered on spine,chipped on the jacket,all edges browned usual. Scarce. 1947 [Thomas A15] |
15,000 |
15795 | THE DARK LABYRINTH. Faber. First Faber edition,dust jacket,clean. 1961 | 6,500 |
15796 | ON SEEMING TO PRESUME. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,original
red cloth,lettered in silver on spine,a clean copy. 1948 [Thomas A16] |
15,000 |
15797 | SAPPHO:
A Play in Verse. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,original gray cloth,gilt lettered on spine. 1950 [Thomas A19] |
7,500 |
15799 | KEY TO MODERN POETRY. Peter Nevill. First edition,dust jacket,clean. 1952 | 2,500 |
15800 | KEY TO MODERN BRITISH POETRY. Oklahoma Press. First
US.edition, dust jacket,red cloth,lettered in silver,a clean copy. 1952 |
4,500 |
ON A MARINE VENUS: A Companion to the Landscape of Rhodes. Faber. First edition,original light green cloth,stamped in blue and silver on spine,top edge stained green,slightly chipped on the dust jacket. 1953 [Thomas A21] |
15,000 |
15802 | THE
TREE OF IDLENESS: And Other Poems. Faber. First edition,original cloth,gilt lettered on spine,a clean copy. 1955 [Thomas A23] |
7,500 |
15803 | BITTER LEMONS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,red cloth. 1957 | 5,800 |
15804 | ESPRIT
DE CORPS: Sketches from Diplomatic Life. Faber. V.H. Drummond. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,clean copy. 1957 [Thomas A26] |
7,500 |
15807 | JUSTINE. Faber. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,pink
cloth,stamped in gilt and blue on spine. 1957 [Thomas A27] |
18,000 |
15809 | MOUNTOLIVE. Faber. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,yellow
cloth, stamped in gilt and purple on spine. 1958 [Thomas A30] |
15,000 |
15810 | STIFF UPPER LIP. Faber. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,blue
green cloth, lettered in yellow,with illustrations by N.Bentley,8vo,a clean copy. 1958 |
5,800 |
15811 | ART
AND OUTRAGE. A Correspondence about Henry Miller between Alfred Perles. Putnam. First edition,dust jacket,a clean copy. 1959 [Thomas A32] |
4,500 |
15812 | CLEA. NY:E.P.Dutton. First US.ed,dust jacket,black cloth. 1960 [Thomas A33] | 3,500 |
POEMS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,red cloth,lettered in gilt,288pp,a clean copy. 1960 [Thomas A34] |
3,500 |
15816 | LAWRENCE DURRELL AND HENRY MILLER: A Private Correspondence.
Faber. G.Wickes. First UK.edition,dust jacket,clean copy. 1963 |
3,500 |
15817 | AN IRISH FAUSTUS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,a clean copy. 1963 | 4,500 |
15818 | ACTE: A Play. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,76pp,a clean copy. 1965 | 5,800 |
15819 | SAUVE QUIPEUT. Faber. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,pink
cloth,lettered in gold,illustrated by N.Bentley,a clean copy. 1966 |
4,500 |
15820 | THE IKONS AND OTHER POEMS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,clean. 1966 | 4,500 |
15821 | THE IKONS AND OTHER POEMS. E.P.Dutton. First US.edition,dust
jacket, a clean copy. 1967 |
3,000 |
15822 | TUNC. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,red cloth,a clean copy. 1968 | 3,500 |
15823 | TUNC. NY:E.P.Dutton. First US.edition,dust jacket,a clean copy. 1968 | 3,500 |
15824 | SPIRIT OF PLACE: Letters and Essays on Travel. A.G.Thomas.
Faber. First edition,dust jacket,430pp,a clean copy. 1969 |
4,500 |
15825 | NUNQUAM. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,green cloth,a clean copy. 1970 | 2,500 |
15826 | NUNQUAM. E.P.Dutton. First US.edition,dust jacket,318pp. 1970 | 2,500 |
15827 | THE RED LIMBO LINGO: A Poetry Notebook. Faber. First
edition,limited to 500 numbered copies,original red cloth,lettered in gilt,publisher's black cloth slip case,large 8vo,a fine copy. 1971 |
12,000 |
15828 | VEGA AND OTHER POEMS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,clean. 1973 | 3,500 |
15829 | THE BIG SUPPOSER. A Dialogue with Mare Alyn.
F.Barker. Illustrated with paintings by L.Durrell. Abelard-Schuman. First edition, dust jacket,red cloth,lettered in silver,a clean copy. 1973 |
3,500 |
15831 | MONSIEUR. Viking Press. First US.edition,dust jacket,305pp,clean. 1975 | 3,000 |
15832 | BLUE THIRST. Capra Press. First paper edition,a clean cpy. 1975 | 2,500 |
15833 | SICILIAN CAROUSEL. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,a clean copy. 1977 | 2,500 |
15834 | SELECTED POEMS. A.Ross. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,clean. 1977 | 1,500 |
15835 | LIVIA OR BURIED ALIVE. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,clean copy. 1978 | 3,500 |
15836 | COLLECTED POEMS, 1931-1974. Faber. J.A.Brigham. First
completely revised edition,dust jacket,350pp,a clean copy. 1980 |
4,500 |
15841 | FRYING THE FLAG. Alembic Press. Illustrated by J.R.Smith. First
edition, 250 copies,o/w,12pp. 1985 |
4,800 |
15844 | NEW WRITING AND DAYLIGHT: 1946. John Lehmann. First edition,dust
jacket,a clean copy. "Two Poems by L.Durrell" 1946 |
3,500 |
15845 | CLOSTER, S.V.] JOYCE
CARY AND LAWRENCE DURRELL: A Reference Guide. G.K.Hall. xiv+223pp,large 8vo. 1985 |
7,500 |
15846 | FRASER, G.S]
LAWRENCE DURRELL: A Study. With a Bibliography by Alan G.Thomas. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,256pp,8vo. 1968 |
3,500 |
15848 | MOORE, H.T.(Ed.)]
THE WORLD OF LAWRENCE DURRELL. Southern Illinois UP. dust jacket,xix+239pp,8vo. 1962 |
3,500 |
15849 | PERLES, A.] MY
FRIEND LAWRENCE DURRELL.With a Bibliography by Bernard Stone. Scorpion Press. First edition,dust jacket,62pp,8vo. 1961 |
2,500 |
15850 | SCHOLES, R.] THE
FABULATORS. Durrell, Vonnegut, Southern, Hawkes, Murdock, Barth. Oxford UP. dust jacket,xii+180pp. 1967 |
2,500 |
15852 | THOMAS, A.G/ BRIGHAM, J.A]
LAWRENCE DURRELL: An Illustrated Checklist. Southern Illinois UP. x+198pp,large 8vo. 1983 |
6,500 |
THE CITY AS CATALYST:A Study of 10 Novels. Fairleigh Dickinson UP. dust jacket,213pp. "Alexandria Quartet". 1979 |
2,500 |
15855 | Modern Fiction Studies. Vol.13,No.3. Lawrence Durrell Special Number. 1967 | 1,500 |
15856 | Labrys. 5. Lawrence Durrell Issue. London:Fiction,Art & Music. 1979 | 3,500 |
15857 | Twentieth Century Literature. Lawrence Durrell Issue. 2 issues. 1987 | 3,500 |
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