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DICKENS, Charles (1812-70) ディケンズ | ||
34003 | THE BEDSIDE DICKENS. Ed.by J.W.Garrod. NY:Spring. dust jacket,389pp. 1969 | 2,500 |
34004 | SKETCHES BY BOZ: Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People. First Series two vols.in one, With Second Series one vol. 2 vols.set. London: John Macrone. 26 Illustrated with Engravings by George Cruikshank. First edition, (Dated February, 1836 and December, 1836), modern full blue leather, (ii)+viii+ 348pp+(vi)+ 342pp+(vi)+ viii+377pp, 8vo, a clean set. 1836-37 | 850,000 |
34006 | THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. With 43 Engraved Plates by R.Seymour and Phiz. London:Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form,gilt decorated full red morocco,all edges gilt,(iv)+xiv+(ii)+609pp+(i),8vo, very attractive copy. 1837 | 650,000 |
34007 | THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. With 43 Engraved Plates by R.Seymour and Phiz. London:Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form,half brown morocco,lettered in gilt on spine,(iv)+xiv+(ii)+609pp+(i). 1837 | 180,000 |
34008 | THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. With 43 Engraved Plates by R.Seymour and Phiz. London:Chapman & Hall. 2 vols.set. First edition in book form, half green morocco, red calf label on spines,(iv)+xiv+(ii)+609pp+(i). 1837 | 150,000 |
34009 | THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. With numerous engraved plates by S.Weller and A.Crowquill. Fhiladelphia:Carey, Lea & Blanchard. New edition in U.S,original green cloth,gilt lettered on spine, [xiii]+xii+388pp+8pp+[x],tall 8vo,a clean copy. 1838 | 78,000 |
34013 | THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. Household Edition. NY:Harper. With 52 illustrations by C.S.Reinhart. Gilt decorated green cloth, 355pp, 4to, a clean copy. 1873 | 12,000 |
34014 | MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK: Master Humphrey's Clock./The Old Curiosity Shop./ Barnaby Rudge. 3 parts in 2 vols.set. With numerous Engraved Plates and Illustrations by G.Cattermole and H.Browne(Phiz). London:Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form,half brown calf,marbled boards, (ii)+iv+ 306pp+ 306pp+ vi+vi+ 426pp, small 4to, a clean set. 1840-41 | 150,000 |
34017 | THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. With Frontis.,Title, and 13 Engraved Plates by Phiz. London:Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form, gilt decorated full brown morocco,all edges gilt,xiv+ 13 lines errata+ 624pp, 8vo, a very attractive copy. 1844 | 180,000 |
34018 | TTHE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. With Frontis.,Title and 38 Engraved Plates by Phiz. London:Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form,full green calf, xiv+13 lines errata+624pp, 8vo, a clean copy.. 1844 | 80,000 |
34022 | Christmas Books. 4 volumes.(in 5 vols.) First editions,gilt decorated full red morocco,
bound by Riviere,all edges gilt,original gilt decorated red cloth covers and spines bound
in,12mo,good copies,very attractive set. 1845-48 THE CHIMES: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In. With 15 Engraved Illustrations by D.Maclise,R.Doyle,J.Leech, and C.Stanfield. London:Chapman & Hall. (xii)+175pp+(iii). 1845 THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH: A Fairy Tale of Home. With 15 Engraved Illustrations by D.Maclise,R.Doyle,J.Leech,E.Landseer,and C.Stanfield. London:Bradbury & Evans. (xii)+174pp+2pages Advertisements+(ii). 1846 THE BATTLE OF LIFE: A Love Story. With 14 Engraved Illustrations by D.Maclise,R.Doyle,J.Leech,and C.Stanfield. London:Bradbury & Evans. (xii)+175pp+(iii). 1846 THE HAUNTED MAN AND THE GHOST'S BARGAIN: A Fancy for Christmas Time. With 17 Engraved Illustrations by J.Tenniel,J.Leech,F.Stone,and C. Stanfield. London:Bradbury & Evans. (xii)+188pp+(ii). 1848 |
Sold |
34024 | PICTURES FROM ITALY. London: Bradbury & Evans. First edition, with Vignette illustrations on Wood by Samuel Palmer, full brown polished calf, gilt decorated spine,all edges gilt,viii+270pp,12mo, a good copy. 1846 | 75,000 |
34024 | PICTURES FROM ITALY. Intro.by D.Paroissien. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan. dust jacket,270pp. 1974 | 2,500 |
34028 | THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD. Westminster Press. With 20 Illustrated in Colour Plates by F.Reynolds,gilt decorated red cloth, vi+572pp,4to,a good copy. [1911] | 35,000 |
34034 | A TALE OF TWO CITIES. With 16 Engraved Plates by H.K.Browne(Phiz). London: Chapman & Hall. Later edition in book form,original green cloth, all edges untrimmed, viii+(ii)+254pp,8vo. 1866 | 25,000 |
34036 | OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. With 40 Engraved Plates by M.Stone. 2 vols.set. London: Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form,half green morocco, marbled boards,xii+320+viii+309pp,8vo,a clean set. 1865 | 45,000 |
34039 | THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. With 12 Engraved Plates by S.L.Fildes and a Portrait. London:Chapman & Hall. First edition in book form, contemporary half calf,all edges marbled, viii+190pp, a clean copy. 1870 | 45,000 |
34041 | AMERICAN NOTES FOR GENERAL CIRCULATION. With an intro.by Angus Wilson. Limited Editions Club. With colour illus.by R.F.Houlihan. Calf spine, pictorial boards,Signed by R.F.Houlihan, 272pp, publisher's box, 4to, good. 1975 | 8,500 |
34043 | THE LIFE OF OUR LORD. London:Associated Newspapers. First edition, dust jacket, with 10 illus, 128pp, small 4to, a clean copy. 1934 | 3,500 |
34044 | THE LIFE OF OUR LORD. London:Associated Newspapers. First edition, full dark blue calf,top edge gilt,with 10 illus,127pp,small 4to, a clean copy. 1934 | 10,000 |
34050 | CHARLES DICKENS 1812-1870. An Anthology. Chosen & Annotated by L.L.Szladits from Materials in the Berg Collection. New York Library. With illus,dust jacket, 165pp,4to. 1970 | 4,500 |
34052 | DICKENS IN EUROPE. Essays Selected and Introduced by Rosalind Vallance. London:Folio Society. 212pp,publisher's slipcase. 1975 | 4,500 |
34053 | DICKENS' LONDON. Selected by R.Vallance, Engravings by G.Cruikshank. Folio Society. With box,239pp. 1966 | 4,500 |
34054 | DICKENS: Interviews and Recollections. Ed.by Philip Collins. 2 vols.set. Macmillan. dust jacket,xxix+368pp+xi,8vo. 1981 | 4,800 |
34055 | CHARLES DICKENS AS EDITOR: Being Letters Written by Him to William Henry Wills His Sub-Editor. Ed.by R.C.Lehmann. Haskell House. xvi+404pp.1972 | 4,500 |
34057 | LETTERS OF CHARLES DICKENS TO WILKIE COLLINS. Ed.by L.Hutton. Kraus Reprint. 171pp,large 8vo. 1969 | 4,500 |
34058 | THE UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF CHARLES DICKENS TO MARK LEMON. Ed.by Walter Dexter. London:Halton & Truscott. Limited to 525 copies, half calf bound, purple cloth,165pp,4to,a clean copy. 1927 | 18,000 |
34059 | MR. AND MRS. CHARLES DICKENS: His Letters to Her. With a Foreword by Their Daughter K.Perugini and Notes Appendices by Walter Dexter.. London: Constable. xvii+298pp,8vo. 1935 | 8,000 |
34060 | LETTERS FROM CHARLES DICKENS TO ANGELA BURDETT- COUTTS 1841-1865. Ed.by Edgar Johnson. Jonathan Cape. dust jacket,xii+415p. 1953 | 4,500 |
34061 | CHARLES DICKENS AND MARIA BEADNELL.("Dora") PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. Boston:Bibliophile Society. Ed.by G.P.Baker.Prefaced by Henry H.Harper. First edition,limited to 493 copies,Members Only Edition (a few copies), Vellum Issue,original full parchment text and vellum covers, lettered in gilt, numerous signed etched plates and colour illustrations, Signed by H.H.Harper, xxx+152pp, small 4to,very scarce. 1908 | 250,000 |
34062 | THE LOVE ROMANCE OF CHARLES DICKENS: Told in His Letters to Maria Beadnell.(Mrs.Winter) With notes by W.Dexter. Kraus Reprint. 125pp. 1971 | 3,500 |
34063 | チャールズ・ディケンズ書簡集1820-1870 全12巻 極美本 THE LETTERS OF CHARLES DICKENS. 1820-1870. Pilgrim Edition. 12vols.set. (Complete) Ed.by M.House, G.Storey, et al. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, large 8vo, a good set. 1965-2002 |
180,000 |
34064 | THE LETTERS OF CHARLES DICKENS. Vol.1.-Vol.5; 1820-1849. Pilgrim Edition. Together 5 volumes. (in 12vols.) Ed.by M.House, G.Storey. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, xlvi+744+ xx+547+ xxv+692+ xxiv+771+ xxi+753pp, large 8vo, clean copies. 1965-81 | 35,000 |
34067 | DICKENS'S DICTIONARY OF THE THAMES: From Its Source to the Nore 1893. With Maps. Preface by C.Dickens. Taurus Press. d/j,308pp,8vo. 1972 | 4,500 |
34069 | THE SECOND DICKENS EXHIBITION, Held under the Auspices of The Dickens Fellowship at the New Dudley Gallery, from July 29th to September 19th ,1908. Catalogue of Exhibits. Intro.by J.W.T.Ley and P.Fitzgerald. New Dudley Gallery. Original wrappers,48pp. 1908 | 7,800 |
34070 | A REMARKABLE DICKENS COLLECTION. Original Manuscripts, Presentation Copies Bound Copies of First Edition,etc. London:C.J.Sawyer. o/w,56p.1938 | 2,500 |
34071 | THE DISTINGUISHED COLLECTION OF FIRST EDITION, AUTOGRAPHS, MANUSCRIPTS, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. Formed by L.A.Hird. Parke-Bernet Galleries. o/w, inscribed on the text,55pp. 1953 | 2,500 |
34073 | ALL THE YEAR ROUND. A Weekly Journal. Conducted by C.Dickens. With which is Incorporated Household Words. New Series. Vol.5-Vol.13. Together 9 vols.in 1 vol. London:Published At No.26. With illustrations, half calf bound,large 8vo.1871-1875 | 25,000 |
34076 | ACKROYD, P.] DICKENS. Harper Collins. First US.edition, dust jacket, xvi+1195pp,large 8vo. 1990 | 3,500 |
34078 | ADRIAN, A.A.] GEORGINA HOGARTH AND THE DICKENS CIRCLE. Oxford UP. xvi+320pp,8vo. 1957 | 4,800 |
34079 | ALEXANDER, D.] CREATING CHARACTERS WITH CHARLES DICKENS. Pennsylvania State UP. dust jacket,x+218pp,large 8vo. 1991 | 4,500 |
34083 | AXTON, W.F.] CIRCLE OF FIRE: Dickens' Vision and Style and The Popular Victorian Theater. Kentucky Press. dust jacket,xii+294pp. 1966 | 7,500 |
34086 | BENTLEY, N./SLATER, M./BURGIS, N.] THE DICKENS INDEX. Oxford UP. dust jacket,xii+308pp,large 8vo. 1988 | 4,500 |
34087 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] CHARLES DICKENS. Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House. dust jacket,viii+367pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 7,800 |
34088 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] CHARLES DICKENS'S A TALE OF TWO CITIES. Modern Critical Interpretations. Chelsea House. dust jacket,146pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 3,000 |
34089 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] CHARLES DICKENS'S DAVID COPPERFIELD. Modern Critical Interpretations. Chelsea House. dust jacket,135pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 3,000 |
34091 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] DAVID COPPERFIELD. Modern Literary Characters. Chelsea House. dust jacket,xv+255pp,large 8vo. 1992 | 4,500 |
34092 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] CHARLES DICKENS'S GREAT EXPECTATIONS. Contemporary Literary Views Book. Chelsea House. 80pp,large 8vo. 1996 | 2,500 |
34095 | BRANNAN, R.L.(Ed.)] UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MR. CHARLES DICKENS: His Production of "The Frozen Deep" Cornell UP. d/j,xi+173p. 1966 | 3,500 |
34096 | BREDSDORFF, E.] HANS ANDERSEN AND CHARLES DICKENS:A Friendship and Its Dissolution. Cambridge:W.Heffer, dust jacket, 140pp, large 8vo. 1956 | 4,500 |
34099 | BROWN, I.] DICKENS IN HIS TIME. London:Thomas Nelson. dust jacket, 248pp, 8vo. 1963 | 3,500 |
34105 | BUTT, J./ TILLOTSON, K.] DICKENS AT WORK. Methuen. d/j,238pp. 1963 | 6,800 |
34106 | CALTHROP, D.C./PEMBERTON, M.(Ed.)] THE DICKENS SOUVENIR OF 1912. Chapman & Hall. With numerous illustrations,236pp,4to. 1912 | 9,800 |
34109 | CHARLES, E.] SOME DICKENS WOMEN. With a Foreword by G.K.Chesterton. London:T.Werner Laurie. xvi+350pp. 1926 | 6,800 |
34111 | CHITTICK, K.] THE CRITICAL RECEPTION OF CHARLES DICKENS 1833-1841. Garland. xvi+277pp. 1989 | 6,800 |
34112 | CHRISTIE, O.F.] DICKENS AND HIS AGE. Phaeton Press. 240pp, 8vo. 1974 | 3,500 |
34113 | CHURCHILL, R.C.(Ed.)] A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DICKENSIAN CRITICISM 1836-1975. Macmillan. xiv+314pp. 1975 | 4,800 |
34116 | CLARK, C.] DICKENS AND DEMOCRACY AND OTHER STUDIES. London: Cecil Palmer. dust jacket,vi+216pp,small 8vo. 1930 | 3,500 |
34118 | CLAYTON, J.] CHARLES DICKENS IN CYBERSPACE: The Afterlife of the Nineteenth Century in Postmodern Culture. Oxford UP. dust jacket, x+270pp, large 8vo. 2003 | 5,800 |
34121 | COLLINS, P.(Ed.)] DICKENS. Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket, xxi+641pp. 1971 | 7,500 |
34122 | CONNOR, S.] CHARLES DICKENS. Basil Blackwell. d/j,vii+184pp. 1985 | 1,500 |
34123 | COOLIDGE, A.C.] CHARLES DICKENS: As Serial Novelist. Iowa State UP. dust jacket, xiv+256pp. 1967 | 4,500 |
34132 | DALDRY, G.] CHARLES DICKENS AND THE FORM OF THE NOVEL: Fiction and Narrative in Dickens' Work. Croom Helm. dust jacket,ix+208pp. 1987 | 4,800 |
34134 | DARTON, F.J.H.] DICKENS: Positively the First Appearance. With A Bibliography of Sketches by Boz. London:Argonaut. dust jacket,x+145pp. 1933 | 7,500 |
34135 | DARWIN, B.(Ed.)] THE DICKENS ADVERTISER: A Collection of the Advertisements in the Original Parts of Novels by Dickens. London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot. With illustrations,vii+208pp,large 8vo. 1930 | 4,800 |
34136 | DAVID, D.] FICTION OF RESOLUTION IN THREE VICTORIAN NOVELS: North and South, Our Mutual Friend, Daniel Deronda. Columbia UP. d/j,xii+209p. 1981 | 4,500 |
34138 | De VRIES,D.] DICKENS'S APPRENTICE YEARS: The Making of a Novelist. Harvester Press. dust jacket,195pp,large 8vo. 1979 | 3,500 |
34146 | DOLBY, G.] CHARLES DICKENS AS I KNEW HIM: The Story of the Reading Tours. London:T.Fisher Unwin. ix+466pp. 1887 | 6,500 |
34149 | DYSON, A.E.] THE INIMITABLE DICKENS: A Reading of the Novel. Macmillan. dust jacket,303pp. 1971 | 4,500 |
34154 | FIDO, M.] CHARLES DICKENS: An Authentic Account of His Life & Times. London:Hamlyn. With numerous illus,dust jacket,140pp,4to. [1980] | 4,500 |
34157 | FITZGERALD, P.] THE LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS. 2 vols.set. Haskell House. Reprinted of 1905,xx+309+xiv+322pp,8vo. 1973 | 4,500 |
34158 | FITZSIMONS, R.] THE CHARLES DICKENS SHOW: An Account of His Public Readings 1858-1870. London:Geoffrey Bles. dust jacket,192pp. 1970 | 4,500 |
34160 | FORD,G.H.] DICKENS AND HIS READERS: Aspects of Novel-Criticism Since 1836. Gordian Press. xvii+318pp. 1974 | 7,800 |
34163 | FRANK, L.] CHARLES DICKENS AND THE ROMANTIC SELF. Nebraska Press. dust jacket,283pp,8vo,with a stamp. 1984 | 3,500 |
34164 | FRASER, C.L.(Drawn)] CHARACTERS FROM DICKENS. London: J.C.& E.C.Jack. First edition,limited to 250 numbered copies,American issue,with 18 colour illustrations, original boards, 4to, a clean copy. 1924 | 18,000 |
34165 | FYFE, T.A.] WHO'S WHO IN DICKENS: A Complete Dickens Repertory in Dickens' Own Works. Gryphon Books. Reprinted of 1912,355p. 1971 | 4,500 |
34168 | GAY, P.] SAVAGE REPRISALS: Bleak House, Madame Bovary, Buddenbrooks. W.W.Norton. d/j,192pp. 2002 | 3,500 |
34169 | GILBERT, E.L.] CRITICAL ESSAYS ON CHARLES DICKENS BLEAK HOUSE. G.K.Hall. vii+197pp,large 8vo. 1989 | 7,500 |
34171 | GOLD,J.] CHARLES DICKENS: Radical Moralist. Minnesota Press. dust jacket, xi+279pp. 1972 | 4,500 |
34172 | GOLDING, R.] IDIOLECTS IN DICKENS: The Major Techniques and Chronological Development. Macmillan. dust jacket,viii+255pp. 1985 | 6,800 |
34175 | GREAVES, J.] WHO'S WHO IN DICKENS. Elm Tree Books. d/j,232pp. 1972 | 1,500 |
34176 | GREAVES, J.] DICKENS AT DOUGHTY STREET. Foreword by M.Dickens. London:Elm Tree Books. dust jacket,197pp. 1975 | 4,500 |
34179 | GUERARD, A.J.] THE TRIUMPH OF THE NOVEL: Dickens, Dostoevsky, Faulkner. Oxford UP. 365pp,large 8vo. 1976 | 4,500 |
34184 | HARDWICK, M./M.] THE CHARLES DICKENS ENCYCLOPEDIA. Osprey. dust jacket, xi+531pp,4to. 1973 | 7,500 |
34187 | HARRISON, M.] CHARLES DICKENS: A Sentimental Journey in Search of an Unvarnished Portrait. London:Cassell. 270pp,8vo. 1953 | 4,500 |
34188 | HARTOG, D.den] DICKENS & ROMANTIC PSYCHOLOGY:The Self in Time in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Macmillan. dust jacket,xi+177pp. 1987 | 4,500 |
34189 | HATTON, T./CLEAVER, A.H.] A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PERIODICAL WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS: Bibliographical Analytical and Statistical. With 31 Illustrations. London:Chapman & Hall. First Large Paper Edition, limited to 250 numbered copies,Signed by Thomas Hatton and A.H.Cleaver, original green cloth,gilt lettered on front cover and spine,top edge gilt, xix+384pp,4to,a clean copy. 1933 | 65,000 |
34190 | HAWES, D.] WHO'S WHO IN DICKENS. NY:Routledge. p/b,xxv+278pp. 1998 | 2,500 |
34194 | HAYWARD, A.L.] THE DICKENS ENCYCLOPAEDIA. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xii+174pp+xxiv(plates),large 8vo. 1969 | 7,500 |
34197 | HILL, N.K.] A REFORMER'S ART: Dickens' Picturesque and Grotesque Imagery. Ohio UP. dust jacket,xi+169pp,large 8vo. 1981 | 3,800 |
34198 | HOBSBAUM, P.] A READER'S GUIDE TO CHARLES DICKENS. Thames & Hudson. dust jacket,318pp,8vo. 1972 | 2,500 |
34200 | HOCHMAN, B./ WACHS, I.] DICKENS: The Orphan Condition. Fairleigh Dickinson UP. dust jacket,225pp,large 8vo. 1999 | 4,500 |
34203 | HOLLINGTON, M.] DICKENS AND THE GROTESQUE. Croom Helm. dust jacket ,x+261pp. 1984 | 4,800 |
34204 | HOLLINGTON, M.(Ed.)] CHARLES DICKENS: Critical Assessments. 4 vols set. Helm Information. xxvii+833+ix+645+ix+836+ix+708pp. 1995 | 48,000 |
34205 | HORNBACK, B.G.] NOAH'S ARKITECTURE: A Study of Dickens' Mythology. Ohio UP. dust jacket,x+182pp,8vo. 1972 | 3,500 |
34206 | HORNBACK, B.G.] "THE HERO OF MY LIFE": Essays on Dickens. Ohio UP. dust jacket ,xi+159pp,large 8vo. 1981 | 3,000 |
34207 | HORTON, S.R.] INTERPRETING INTERPRETING: Interpreting Dickens's "Dombey". Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket,xii+162pp,large 8vo. 1979 | 4,500 |
34208 | HORTON, S.R.] THE READER IN THE DICKENS WORLD. Macmillan. d/j. 1981 | 3,500 |
34210 | HOUSTON, G.T.] CONSUMING FICTIONS: Gender, Class, and Hunger in Dickens's Novels. Southern Illinois UP. dust jacket,xvi+237pp. 1994 | 4,800 |
34219 | JOHNSON, E.] CHARLES DICKENS: His Tragedy and Triumph. A Biography. Simon & Schuster. 2 vols.set. xxii+viii+cxcvii+1158pp,with box. 1952 | 4,800 |
34222 | JOHNSON, E.(Ed.)] THE DICKENS THEATRICAL READER. Victor Gollancz. dust jacket,xiv+370pp,with stamps. 1964 | 4,500 |
34230 | KITTON, F.G.] THE MINOR WRITINGS OF CHARLES DICKENS. A Bibliography and Sketch. London:Elliot Stock. xi+260pp,small 8vo. 1900 | 7,500 |
34235 | KOTERA Risa] ANOTHER SIDE TO CHARLES DICKENS: From Dombey and Son to Our Mutual Friend. Tokyo:Eihosha. dust jacket,193pp,8vo. 1994 | 2,500 |
34239 | LANGTON, R.] CHARLES DICKENS AND ROCHESTER. London:Chapman & Hall. First edition,with numerous illustrations,vi+24pp,8vo,original wrappers bound in,gilt decorated full red morocco,bound by Birdsall,Vincent Starrett's copy,Signed by Vincent Starrett with his Exlibris,a good copy. 1880 | 45,000 |
34240 | LANGTON, R.] THE CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH OF CHARLES DICKENS: With Retrospective Notes and Elucidations from His Books and Letters. London: Hutchinson. With numerous illustrations,xxvi+260pp,8vo,clean. 1912 | 15,000 |
34241 | LARSON, J.L.] DICKENS AND THE BROKEN SCRIPTURE. Georgia Press. dust jacket, xvi+364pp,large 8vo. 1985 | 6,500 |
34242 | LARY, N.M.] DOSTOEVSKY AND DICKENS: A Study of Literary Influence. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xvii+172pp. 1973 | 3,500 |
34244 | LEAVIS, F.R./Q.D.] DICKENS: The Novelist. Chatto & Windus. xviii+371pp. 1970 | 4,500 |
34248 | LINDSAY, J.] CHARLES DICKENS: A Biographical and Critical Study. Kraus Reprint. 459pp,large 8vo. 1970 | 4,500 |
34250 | LOCKWOOD, F.] THE LAW AND LAWYERS OF PICKWICK: A Lecture. Roxburghe Press. A Presentation Copy,Signed by Frank Lockwood, gilt decorated red cloth, 108pp+ xii,12mo, good copy. [n.d.] | 8,500 |
34255 | MACKENZIE, N./J.] DICKENS: A Life. Oxford UP. dust jacket, x+434pp, large 8vo. 1979 | 4,500 |
34262 | MECKIER, J.] HIDDEN RIVALRIES IN VICTORIAN FICTION: Dickens, Realism and Revaluation. UP.of Kentucky. dust jacket,x+310pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 5,800 |
34263 | MILLER, J.H.] CHARLES DICKENS: The World of His Novels. Harvard UP. dust jacket, xvi+346p. 1970 | 3,500 |
34268 | MORELAND, A.] DICKENS IN LONDON. With 47 Drawings with Descriptive Note. With an intro.by F.S.Johnson. London:Cecil Palmer. 93pp,4to. 1928 | 7,800 |
34269 | MORELAND, A.] DICKENS LANDMARKS IN LONDON. With a Foreword by H.F.Dickens. Haskell House. 82pp,4to. 1973 | 4,500 |
34271 | NAEF-HINDERLING, A.] THE SEARCH FOR THE CULPRIT: Dickens's Conflicting Self and Object-Representations. Francke Verlag. o/w,149p. 1983 | 2,500 |
34272 | NEWMAN, S.J.] DICKENS AT PLAY. Macmillan. dust jacket,x+131pp,8vo. 1981 | 3,500 |
34279 | NORTON, Mrs.] CHARLES DICKENS: The Story of His Life.(1819-1870) London:John Camden Hotten. Second edition,With illus,367pp,8vo. [1870] | 7,500 |
34283 | PATTEN, R.L.] CHARLES DICKENS AND HIS PUBLISHERS. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xiv+502pp,8vo. 1978 | 6,800 |
34285 | PHILIP, A.J.] A DICKENS DICTIONARY. Burt Franklin. Second edition, Revised and Greatly Enlarged. xxii+375pp,large 8vo. 1970 | 7,500 |
34287 | PIERCE, G.A.] THE DICKENS DICTIONARY: A Key to the Plot and Characters in the Tales of Charles Dickens. Kraus Reprint. Revised edition,Reprinted of 1914,viii+594pp,large 8vo. 1965 | 4,500 |
34288 | POPE, N.] DICKENS AND CHARITY. Macmillan. xi+303pp,8vo. 1978 | 4,500 |
34293 | PUGH, E.] THE CHARLES DICKENS ORIGINALS. London:T.N.Foulis. With numerous illustrations,first edition,red cloth,top edge gilt,x+347pp. 1912 | 9,500 |
34294 | PUGH, E.] THE CHARLES DICKENS ORIGINALS. Ams Press. 347pp. 1975 | 4,500 |
34297 | RAINA, B.] DICKENS AND THE DIALECTIC OF GROWTH. Wisconsin Press. dust jacket,xiii+172pp,8vo. 1986 | 2,500 |
34300 | RIMMER, A.] ABOUT ENGLAND WITH DICKENS. Chatto & Windus. With 58 illustrations, decorated cloth, top edge gilt, ix+307pp,8vo, clean. 1883 | 15,000 |
34301 | ROMANO, J.] DICKENS AND REALITY. Columbia UP. d/j,viii+187pp,8vo. 1978 | 2,500 |
34304 | SCHWARZBACH, F.S.] DICKENS AND THE CITY. Athlone Press. dust jacket, 258pp, with an ex-libris. 1979 | 3,500 |
34305 | SCOTT, P.J.M.] REALITY AND COMIC CONFIDENCE IN CHARLES DICKENS. Macmillan. dust jacket,viii+216pp,8vo. 1979 | 3,500 |
34313 | SMITHERS, D.W.] DICKENS'S DOCTORS. Pergamon Press. d/j,111pp. 1979 | 3,500 |
34315 | SOLOMON, P.C.] DICKENS AND MELVILLE IN THEIR TIME. Columbia UP. dust jacket,233pp,large 8vo. 1975 | 4,800 |
34316 | SPILKA, M.] DICKENS AND KAFKA: A Mutual Interpretation. Indiana UP. dust jacket,315pp,8vo. 1963 | 4,500 |
34321 | STONEHOUSE, J.H.] GREEN LEAVES: New Chapters in the Life of Charles Dickens. No.1-No.5. 5 vols.set. London:Henry Sotheran. o/w,slipcase. 1931 | 9,500 |
34322 | STONEHOUSE, J.H.] GREEN LEAVES: New Chapters in the Life of Charles Dickens. Piccadilly Fountain Press. Revised and Enlarged edition,dust jacket, 123pp,with 10 illustrations. 1931 | 7,500 |
34327 | SWINDEN, P.] UNOFFICIAL SELVES: Character in the Novel from Dickens to the Present Day. Macmillan. dust jacket,x+271pp. 1971 | 4,500 |
34328 | TAVERNER, H.T.] CHARLES DICKENS: The Story of his Life. With Illustrations and Facsimiles. John Camden Hotten. Second edition,. numerous illustrations,367pp,8vo. 1870 | 15,000 |
34329 | THURLEY, G.] THE DICKENS MYTH: Its Genesis and Structure. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xi+379pp,8vo. 1976 | 4,500 |
34331 | VLOCK, D.] DECKENS, NOVEL READING, AND THE VICTORIAN POPULAR THEATRE. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,xii+226pp,large 8vo. 1998 | 6,500 |
34332 | VOGEL,J.] ALLEGORY IN DICKENS. Alabama Press. xvi+347p,large 8vo. 1977 | 4,800 |
34333 | WAGENKNECHT, E.] DICKENS AND THE SCANDALMONGERS. Oklahoma Press. dust jacket,vii+162pp,8vo. 1965 | 2,500 |
34334 | WAGENKNECHT, E.] THE MAN CHARLES DICKENS: A Victorian Portrait. Oklahoma Press. dust jacket,xiv+269pp,large 8vo. 1965 | 5,500 |
34335 | WALDER, D.] DICKENS AND RELIGION. George Allen. d/j,xv+232pp. 1981 | 3,500 |
34338 | WARD, H.S./ C.W.B.] THE REAL DICKENS LAND: With an Outline of Dickens's Life. Chapman & Hall. With numerous illustrations,240pp,4to. 1904 | 9,800 |
34339 | WATKINS, G.] DICKENS IN SEARCH OF HIMSELF:Recurrent Themes and Characters in the Work of Charles Dickens. Macmillan. d/j,165pp,8vo. 1987 | 4,500 |
34340 | WAUGH, A.] THE NONESUCH DICKENS. Charles Dickens and His Illustrater. With a Bibliographical List. Nonesuch Press. 130pp,large 8vo. 1937 | 7,500 |
34342 | WELSH,A.] THE CITY OF DICKENS. Clarendon Press. d/j, xi+233pp, 8vo. 1971 | 4,500 |
34344 | WESTBURG, B.] THE CONFESSIONAL FICTIONS OF CHARLES DICKENS. Northern Illinois UP. dust jacket,xxiii+223pp,large 8vo. 1977 | 4,500 |
34350 | YAMAMOTO Tadao] GROWTH AND SYSTEM OF THE LANGUAGE OF DICKENS: An Introduction to a Dickens Lexicon. Kansai UP. 508pp. 1950 | 7,500 |
34351 | YAMAMOTO Tadao] GROWTH AND SYSTEM OF THE LANGUAGE OF DICKENS: An Introduction to a Dickens Lexicon. With Supplementary Notes,Corrections and Index.by C.Higashida and M.Masui. Osaka:Kansai University Press. Revised Edition. 508p+8p+4p+70pp. 1952 | 15,000 |
34352 | DICKENS STUDIES ANNUAL.Vol.1.-Vol.38. 38 volumes. Ed.by R.B.Partlow, M.Timko, F.Kaplan and E.Guiliano. Southern Illinois UP. & Ams Press. dust jacket, large 8vo, clean copies. 1970-2007 | 180,000 |
34355 | THE DICKENSIAN. No.1-12. / No.37-49 / No.213-220 / No.342-451. 142 issues. Ed.by B.W.Matz and W.Dexter. Dickens Fellowship. 1905-2000 | 38,000 |
34361 | ALTHOLZ, J.L.(Ed.)] THE MIND AND ART OF VICTORIAN ENGLAND. Minnesota Press. dust jacket, ix+206pp, large 8vo. 1976 | 3,000 |
34364 | BELL, M.] THE SENTIMENT OF REALITY. George Allen. d/j,xiv+210pp. Essays on Dickens, Richardson, Sterne, Joyce, Nabokov, et al. 1983 | 2,500 |
34365 | BROOKS, C.] SIGNS FOR THE TIMES. Symbolic Realism in the Mid-Victorian World. George Allen. d/j,xvii+202pp. Essays on Dickens, Rossetti, Carlyle, Arnold, Hunt, Ruskin, et al. 1984 | 3,500 |
34369 | CHAPMAN, R.] THE VICTORIAN DEBATE: English Literature and Soiciety 1832-1901. Basic Books. d/j,377pp. Essays on Dickens, Eliot, et al. 1968 | 3,500 |
34370 | CLINTON-BADDELEY, V.C.] THE BURLESQUE TRADITION IN THE ENGLISH THEATRE AFTER 1660. Methuen. dust jacket,xvi+152pp. Essays on Dickens, Fielding, Gay, et al. 1952 | 4,500 |
34371 | CROSS, N.] THE COMMON WRITER: Life in 19th-Century Crub Street. Cambridge UP. Essays on Dickens, Gissing,et al. d/j,265p,large 8vo. 1985 | 3,500 |
34372 | DAICHES, D./FLOWER, J.] LITERARY LANDSCAPES OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Paddington Press. d/j,287pp,large 8vo. Essays on Dickens,Chaucer,et al. 1979 | 2,500 |
34373 | DANON, R.] WORK IN THE ENGLISH NOVEL: The Myth of Vocation. Croom Helm. Essays on Dickens,Defoe,Hardy. d/j,214pp. 1985 | 2,500 |
34374 | DAWSON, C.] VICTORIAN NOON: English Literature in 1850. Johns Hopkins UP. d/j,xv+268p,large 8vo. "The Lamp of Memory":Wordsworth & Dickens. 1979 | 3,000 |
34375 | FRYE, N.] THE STUBBORN STRUCTURE. Methuen. xii+316pp. Essays on Dickens, Yeats, et al. 1970 | 1,500 |
34378 | HENKLE, R.B.] COMEDY AND CULTURE: England 1820-1900. Princeton UP. d/j,ix+373pp. Essays on Dickens, Carroll, Thackeray, Wilde, et al. 1980 | 3,500 |
34381 | KANE, P.] VICTORIAN FAMILIES IN FACT AND FICTION. Macmillan. d/j. 1995 | 3,500 |
34383 | LERNER, L.(Ed.)] THE VICTORIANS. Methuen. d/j,xii+228pp. Essays on C.Dickens, et al. 1978 | 2,500 |
34384 | LERNER, L.] ANGELS AND ABSENCES: Child Deaths in the Nineteenth Century. Vanderbilt UP. Essays on C.Dickens,et al. d/j,xiii+252p,large 8vo.1997 | 3,500 |
34386 | MARSHALL, W.H.] THE WORLD OF THE VICTORIAN NOVEL. A.S.Barnes. dust jacket, 487pp. Essays on Dickens,G.Eliot,E.Bronte,S.Butler,et al. 1967 | 4,500 |
34390 | PICKERING, S.] THE MORAL TRADITION IN ENGLISH FICTION,1785-1850. UP.of New England. Essays on "Dombey and Son and Unitarianism". d/j. 1976 | 1,500 |
34393 | ROSE, P.B1082] PARALLEL LIVES: Five Victorian Marriages. Chatto & Windus. Essays on Dickens,G.Eliot,Ruskin,T.Carlyle,et al. dust jacket,318pp. 1984 | 3,800 |
34397 | SIGSWORTH, E.M.(Ed.)] IN SEARCH OF VICTORIAN VALUES. Manchester UP. Essays on C.Dickens,G.Eliot,T.Hardy,et al. dust jacket,v+202pp. 1988 | 3,000 |
34403 | TILLOTSON, G.] A VIEW OF VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Clarendon Press. d/j,x+396pp. Essays on Carlyle,Dickens,Gaskell,et al. 1978 | 3,500 |
34408 | WILLIAMS, I.] THE REALIST NOVEL IN ENGLAND. Macmillan. dust jacket, xv+221pp. Essays on Dickens,Scott,Austen,et al. 1974 | 2,500 |
34435 | 無商旅人 箱 広島大学英国小説研究会 昭57 | 3,000 |
34440 | イエス様の御生涯 私家版 日暮敏子訳 [昭16] | 2,500 |
34443 | 日本評論 35号 (デツイケンス−酔魔) 日本評論社 明24 | 7,000 |
34454 | THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELLER 研究−Dickens 文学の一つの完成 第一学習社 箱 田辺昌美 昭44 |
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