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70001 | ジョセフ・アディソン スペクティター 8揃
1791 ADDISON, Joseph THE SPECTATOR. 8 vols.set. Glasgow: David Niven. First Niven edition, with 8 engraved frontispieces, full brown calf, gilt decorated on spines, 12mo, a clean set. 1791 |
75,000 |
70002 | アディソン スペクティター 5揃 ADDISON, Joseph THE SPECTATOR. Ed.with an intro.and notes by Donald F.Bond. 5 vols.set. Clarendon Press. cxiii+512+ vi+600+ vi+600+ vi+598+ vi+500pp, good set. 1987 |
45,000 |
70003 | ジョセフ・アディソン アイザック・ビッカースタッフの研鑚/タトラー 4揃 総革 美本 1720 ADDISON, Joseph THE LUCUBRATIONS OF ISAAC BICKERSTAFF ESQ. THE TATLER. No.1-No.271. April 12, 1709-January 2, 1710. Revised and Corrected Edition. With R.Steele. 4 vols.set. London: E.N. & R.Gosling. Contemporary full brown calf, (ii)+vi+286 +Index, 8pp+(ii)+(ii)+iv+314+ Index, 10pp+(ii)+(ii)+ viii+302+ Index,14pp+(ii)+ (ii)+vi+(iv)+296+ Index,10pp+ Advertisement, 2pp+(ii),small 8vo,a clean set. 1720 |
85,000 |
70004 | ジョセフ・アディソン タトラー 5揃
新版 総革 1808 ADDISON, Joseph THE TATLER. Nol.1.-No.271; A New Edition: Corrected from the Originals. With a Prefface, Historical and Biographical by Alexander Chalmers. With R.Steele. 5 vols.set. London:J.Johnson, J.Nichols, R.Baldwin,et al. New edition, contemporary full brown calf, lxxxv+288+ ix+324+ xii+324+ x+323+ ix+332pp, 12mo. 1808 |
30,000 |
70005 | アディソン タトラー 3揃 ADDISON, Joseph THE TATLER. Ed.with an intro.and notes by Donald F.Bond. 3 vols.set. Clarendon Press. xxxvii+590+ xiv+539+ xiv+563pp, 8vo, a clean set. 1987 |
Sold |
70006 | ジョセフ・アディソン フリーホルダー 総革
美本 1758 ADDISON, Joseph THE FREEHOLDER; Or Political Essays. No.1-No.55. December 23, 1715- June 29,1716. London: Jacob & R.Tonson. Engraved title page, gilt decorated full brown calf, all edges marbled, (iv)+392pp+ Index, 8pp+(iv), 8vo, clean. 1758 |
30,000 |
70007 | アディソン ガーディアン 2揃 ADDISON, Joseph THE GUARDIAN. No.1.-No.175. 2 vols.set. London:J.Tonson. Sixth edition, in book form, full brown calf, 350pp+index, 10pp+ 358pp+ index, 14pp, 12mo. 1734 |
20,000 |
70008 | アディソン タトラー/スペクテイター/ガーディアン/ランブラー/アドベンチャー/アイドラー 24揃 ADDISON, Joseph THE BRITISH CLASSICS: The Tatler, The Spectator, The Guardian, The Rambler, The Adventurer, The Idler. 24 vols.set. London:W.Suttaby. Contemporary half brown calf, marbled boards, 12mo. 1809-15 |
30,000 |
70009 | マーク・エイケンサイド全詩集 初版 総革 美本 1857 AKENSIDE, Mark THE POETICAL WORKS OF MARK AKENSIDE. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation by G.Gilfillan. Edinburgh: James Nichol. First edition, xxvi+300pp, gilt decorated full dark blue calf, all edges marbled, 8vo, a clean copy. 1857 |
25,000 |
70011 | シャーウッド・アンダーソン全集 21揃 美本 1982 ANDERSON, Sherwood THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHERWOOD ANDERSON. Kichinosuke Ohashi. Kyoto:Rinsen Book. 21 vols.set. a fine set. 1982 |
75,000 |
70016 | ロジャー・アシカム全集 初版 総革 ASCHAM, Roger THE ENGLISH WORKS OF ROGER ASCHAM: Preceptor to Queen Elizabeth. With Notes and Observations,and the Author's James Bennet. T.Davies & J.Dodsley. First edition, xvi+395pp, contemporary full brown calf, slightly stain on the covers and spine, otherwise a clean, 4to. [1761] |
35,000 |
70018 | ジェーン・オースティン小説全集 6揃 3版 美本 1988 AUSTEN, Jane THE NOVELLS OF JANE AUSTEN. Oxford Illustrated Edition. R.W.Chapman. 6 vols.set. Oxford UP. Third edition, dust jacket, small 8vo. 1988 |
Sold |
70019 | AUSTEN, Jane ROSS, L.(Ed.)] JANE AUSTEN FAMILY HISTORY. 5 vols.set. Routledge/ Thoemmes Press. 1995 |
25,000 |
70029 | フランシス・ベーコン全集 5揃 初版 総革 BACON, Francis THE WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON: Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England. London: Printed for J. Rivington, T.Payne, B.White, et al. 5 vols.set. First edition, contemporary full brown calf, gilt decorated covers and spines, with engraved frontispieces, xviii+xlii+573pp+ ix+658pp+ vii+681pp+ index 74pp+ xx+529pp+ vii+604pp, large 4to, a clean set. 1778 |
250,000 |
70030 | フランシス・ベーコン全集 10揃 初版 総革 BACON, Francis THE WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON. London: J.Johnson, J.Richardson, et al. 10 vols.set. First Edition. Full brown calf, 8vo. 1803 |
75,000 |
70032 | フランシス・ベーコン全集 2揃 総革 美本 1838 BACON, Francis THE WORKS OF LORD BACON. With An Introductory Essay, and a Portrait. London :William Ball. 2 vols.set. Full brown polished calf, all edges marbled, lxx+797pp+ xvi+832pp, small 4to. 1838 |
35,000 |
70033 | BAGEHOT, Walter LITERARY STUDIES. With a Prefatory Memoir. R.H.Hutton. London: Longmans, Green. 2 vols.set. First edition, with a frontispiece, gilt decorated contemporary full brown calf, lxvii+406pp+ 444pp, all edges marbled, 8vo, a clean set. 1879 |
25,000 |
70034 | J.M.バリィ全集 ピーターパン版 全18巻揃 美本 1975 BARRIE, J.M. THE WORKS OF J.M. BARRIE. Peter Pan Edition. AMS Press. Reprinted of Scribners, 1929-41. 18 vols.set. a good set. 1975 |
25,000 |
70041 | ボーモント・フレッチャー全集 11揃 美本 1970 BEAUMONT, F. / FLETCHER, J. THE WORKS OF BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Libraries Press. 11 vols.set. Reprinted of 1843-46. The Text Formed from a New Collation of the Early Editions. Notes and a Biographical Memoir by A.Dyce, large 8vo, good set. 1970 |
75,000 |
70042 | ベドーズ全集 2揃 限定750 美本 1928 BEDDOES, Thomas Lovell THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS LOVELL BEDDOES. London: Fanfrolico Press. 2 vols.set. E.Gosse. Decorated by Hans Holbein. Limited to 750 numbered copies, xxxv+590pp, large 8vo, a good set. 1928 |
35,000 |
70043 | アフラ・ベーン全集 6揃 美本 1967 BEHN, Aphra THE WORKS OF APHRA BEHN. 6 vols.set. NY:Phaeton Press. Montague Summers. Reprinted of 1915, a good set. 1967 |
25,000 |
70043 | アフラ・ベーン全集 7揃 美本 1992-96 BEHN, Aphra THE WORKS OF APHRA BEHN. 7 vols.set. London: William Pickering. Janet Todd. large 8vo, a good set. 1992-96 |
35,000 |
70044 | ベントレー ジャコバン・カロラインステージ 7揃 美本 1966-68 BENTLEY G.P. THE JACOBEAN AND CAROLINE STAGE. Clarendon Press. 7 vols.set. dust jacket, a clean set. 1966-68 |
35,000 |
70045 | ビアス全集 12揃 美本 1966 BIERCE, Ambrose THE COLLECTED WORKS OF AMBROSE BIERCE. :Gordian Press. 12 vols.set. Reprinted edition of Neale,1909, large 8vo, a clean set. 1966 |
38,000 |
70048 | ウイリアム・ブレイク全集・付ブレイクの生涯 4揃 限定1500 美本 1925-27
BLAKE, William THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE./ THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. G.Keynes and by M.Wilson. Nonesuch Press & Chiswick Press. 4 vols.set. Limited to 1500 and 1480 copies, with numerous plates, hand-made paper, marbled boards and white vellum spines, gilt lettered on spines, 4to, a clean set. 1925-27 |
85,000 |
70049 | ウイリアム・ブレイク全集 2揃 美本 1957 BLAKE, William WILLIAM BLAKE'S WRITINGS. G.E.Bentley. 2 vols.set. Clarendon Press. Numerous illustrations, dust jacket, lvi+1820pp+ix+v. 1978 |
15,000 |
70050 | BLAKE, William THE PROPHETIC WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. 2 vols.set. D.J.Sloss and J.P.R.Wallis. Clarendon Press. d/j, xvi+649+ xxii+361pp, large 8vo. 1957 |
7,500 |
70051 | BLAKE, William NIGHT THOUGHTS. By Edward Young. 2 vols.set. Clarendon Press. Complete Edition. D.V.Erdman, J.E.Grant, E.J.Rose,and M.J.Tolley. With numerous illus, dust jacket, publisher's slipcase, folio, a good set. 1980 |
Sold |
70052 | BLAKE, William PENCIL DRAWINGS BY WILLIAM BLAKE. Series.1. and 2. G.Keynes. 2 vols.set. Nonesuch Press. Limited to 1550 copies, 4to. 1927-56 |
28,000 |
70053 | BLAKE, William ERDMAN, D.V.(Ed.)] A CONCORDANCE TO THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Cornell UP. 2 vols.set. xxxvi+2317pp, large 8vo. 1967 |
18,000 |
70054 | BLAKE, William GILCHRIST, A.] LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. With Selections from His Poems and Other Writings. New and Enlarged Edition.(Best Edition) With numerous engraved illustrations from Blake's own works. 2 vols.set. London:Macmillan. gilt decorated original dark blue cloth, xxi+431pp+ ix+383pp, large 8vo, a good set. 1880 |
75,000 |
70056 | BLAKE, William RAINE, K.] BLAKE AND TRADITION. Princeton UP. Bollingen Series 35. 2 vols.set. First edition, with numerous illustrations, dust jacket, xxxii+427+ xi+367pp, with publisher's slipcase, 4to, a clean set. 1968 |
18,000 |
70059 | ジョージ・ボロー全集 6揃 BORROW, George THE WORKS OF GEORGE BORROW. Definitive Edition. 6 vols.set. London: John Murray. Green cloth, top edges gilt, clean set. 1901-26 |
15,000 |
70060 | BORROW, George THE ZINCALI; Or, An Account of the Gypsies of Spain. With an Original Collection of their Songs and Poetry, And a Copius Dictionary of their Language. 2 vols.set. Third edition. 1843 THE BIBLE IN SPAIN; Or, The Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, In an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. 3 vols.set. First edition. 1843 LAVENGRO; The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest. With a engraved Frontispiece. 3 vols.set. First edition. 1851 THE ROMANY RYE; A Sequel to "Lavengro". 2 vols.set. Second edition. 1858 WILD WALES: Its People, Language, and Scenery. 3 vols.set. First edition. 1862. * 13 volumes. London:John Murray. half dark blue morocco, gilt spines, marbled boards, top edges gilt, bound by Worsfold, good copies. |
180,000 |
70061 | BOSWELL, James PRIVATE PAPERS OF JAMES BOSWELL. Vol.1.-Vol.18 .(lacking Vol.5.)/ BOSWELL'S JOURNAL OF A TOUR TO THE HEBRIDES WITH SAMUEL JOHNSON./ INDEX. From Malahide Castle. Collection of R.H.Isham. Together 19 volumes. Privately Printed. Limited to 570 numbered copies, with publisher's box, 4to. 1928-37 |
250,000 |
70064 | ボズウェル ジョンソン博士の生涯 10揃 BOSWELL, James THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. Temple Bar Edition. C.Shorter. 10 vols.set. NY:Doubleday,Page. Limited to 785 numbered copies, brown boards, white label on spines, top edges gilt, 8vo. 1922 |
35,000 |
70065 | ボズウェル ジョンソン博士の生涯 6揃 BOSWELL, James BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON: Together with Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey into North Wales. G.B.Hill and L.F.Powell. 6 vols.set. Clarendon Press. Second Edition. xlv+556+ 543+ 541+ 557+ 596+ 496pp, dust jacket, large 8vo, clean set. 1975 |
45,000 |
70067 | ボールス全詩集 2揃 1855 BOWLES, W.L. THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES. With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes. By G.Gilfillan. Edinburgh: James Nichol. 2 vols. set. Green cloth, iv+368+ xx+331pp, large 8vo. 1855 |
12,000 |
70068 | ブロンテ姉妹全集・付生涯 7揃 美本 1893 BRONTES, The THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS EMILY AND ANNE BRONTE. Pocket Edition. London: Smith,Elder. 7 vols.set. gilt lettered on green cloth, top edges gilt, 12 mo, good set. 1893 |
25,000 |
70069 | ブロンテ姉妹全集・付生涯 7揃 美本 1905 BRONTES, The THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND HER SISTERS. Haworth Edition. London: Smith,Elder. 7 vols.set. Numerous illustrations, gilt lettered on green cloth, top edges gilt, a clean set. 1905 |
45,000 |
70069 | ブロンテ姉妹全集・付生涯 箱付 美本 1964-71 BRONTES, The NOVELS OF THE SISTERS BRONTE. With THE LIFE OF CHARLOT BRONTE. By E.Gaskell. 8 vols.set. London:Folio Society. With illutrations, calf spines,publisher's box, large 8vo, a clean set. 1964-71 |
25,000 |
70070 | ブロンテ姉妹全集 7揃 箱付 美本 1964-70 BRONTES, The NOVELS OF THE SISTERS BRONTE. 7 vols.set. London:Folio Society. With illus,calf backed spines, publisher's box, large 8vo, a clean set. 1964-70 |
25,000 |
70072 | ブロンテ姉妹全集 12揃 背角革 天金 美本 1902-05 BRONTES, The THE WORKS OF THE BRONTES. London:J.M.Dent. Temple Edition. 12 vols.set. First editions, half green morocco, gilt decorated spines, marbled boards, top edge gilt, 12mo, fine set. 1902-05 |
75,000 |
70073 | BRONTES, The TRANSACTIONS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF THE BRONTE SOCIETY. Vol.3.- Vol.18;No.5. Together 49 issues. 1965(Reprinted 1935)-1985 |
18,000 |
70075 | エリザベス・ブラウニング全詩集 5揃 初版 美本 1877-78 BROWNING, Elizabeth B. THE POETICAL WORKS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. / THE EARLIER POEMS.1826-1833. 5 vols.set. NY: James Miller. First edition, with a frontispiece portrait ,original gilt and black decolated green cloth, 12mo, a clean set. 1877-78 |
15,000 |
70076 | エリザベス・ブラウニング全詩集 6揃 初版 美本 1889 BROWNING, Elizabeth B. THE POETICAL WORKS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. 6 vols.set. London:Smith,Elder. First edition, with 6 frontispiece portraits, brown cloth, lettered in gilt, small 8vo, a clean set. 1889 |
25,000 |
70081 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 6揃 初版 1868 BROWNING, Robert THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. London:Smith,Elder. 6 vols.set. First edition, original dark brown cloth,12mo. 1868 |
25,000 |
70082 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 17揃 限定250 少痛 1888-94 BROWNING, Robert THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 17 vols.set. Limited to 250 copies, hand-made paper, original cloth, large 8vo, slightly worn. 1888-94 |
25,000 |
70083 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 17揃 初版 美本 1889 BROWNING, Robert THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 17 vols.set. First edition, gilt decorated brown cloth, small 8vo, a clean set. 1889 |
35,000 |
70084 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 17揃 美本 1894 BROWNING, Robert THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Smith Elder. 17 vols.set. Gilt decorated brown cloth, small 8vo, a clean set. 1894 |
25,000 |
70085 | ロバート・ブラウニング全詩集 4揃 総革 リヴィエール装幀 美本 BROWNING, Robert THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. London:Smith,Elder. Binding on Volume 8 of the 4 vols.set. Comprising Volumes 8, of the Edition in 17 volumes. Full dark green morocco, all edges gilt, Bound by Riviere, with slip-case, 12mo, a clean set. 1907 |
25,000 |
70089 | ブライアント全書簡集 1809-1878
6揃 1975-92 BRYANT, William Cullen THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT.1809-1878. Fordham UP. 6 vols.set. W.C.Bryant II and T.G.Voss. dust jacket, large 8vo, a good set. 1975-92 |
25,000 |
70090 | バニヤン全集 4揃 1970 美本 BUNYAN, John THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN. Ed.with Original Introductions, Notes and Memoir of the Author by Henry Stebbing. Georg Olms. 4 vols.set. With numerous illustrations, 4to, a clean set. 1970 |
25,000 |
70092 | バニヤン絵入選集 初版 モロッコ革 大判美本 1864 BUNYAN, John THE SELECT WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN: Containing the Pilgrims Progess, The Holy War, Grace Abounding to Chief of Sinners, The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, The Saints', Priviledge and Profit, The Water of Life and the Barren FigTree; With a Life of the Author by G.Cheever and an Introductory Essay on the Pilgrim's Progress by J.Montgomery. Illustrated with 100 engravings on wood and a series of drawings in Chromo-lithography after deisgns by T.Stothard. London:William Collins. First illustrated edition, contemporary gilt decorated full black morocco, all edges gilt, lxiv+775pp, 4to, a clean copy. 1864 |
25,000 |
70094 | フランシス・バーニイ日記及書簡集1778−1840 7揃 初版 総革美本 BURNEY, Frances DIARY AND LETTERS OF MADAME D'ARBLAY.1778-1840. London:Henry Colburn. 7 vols. set. Her Niece. First edition, full red morocco, gilt decorated covers and spines, all edges gilt, small 8vo, a good set. 1842 |
90,000 |
70095 | フランシス・バーニイ日記及書簡集1778−1840 6揃 限定100部 美本 BURNEY, Frances DIARY AND LETTERS OF MADAME D'ARBLAY.1778-1840. Macmillan. 6 vols.set. C.Barrett. Preface and Notes by A.Dobson. De Luxe Edition. Limited to 100 copies, original boards, large 8vo, a clean set. 1904 |
65,000 |
70096 | フランシス・バーニィ日記・書簡集 12揃 美本 1972-84 BURNEY, Frances THE JOURNALS AND LETTERS OF FANNY BURNEY. Letters 1-1529. (1791-1840) J.Hemlow and A.Douglas and Hawkins. 12 vols.set. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, a good set. 1972-84 |
58,000 |
70098 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 8揃 小型本 美本 1834 BURNS, Robert THE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. London:James Cochrane. 8 vols.set. With His Life by Allan Cunningham. Original dark green boards, gilt spines, a clean set. 12mo. 1836 |
9,500 |
70099 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 8揃 総革 小型本 美本 1834 BURNS, Robert THE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. London:James Cochrane. 8 vols.set. With His Life by Allan Cunningham. Full dark blue calf, gilt decorated on spines, gilt rules on covers, top edge gilt, 12mo, a fine set. 1834 |
35,000 |
70100 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 6揃 箱付 美本 BURNS, Robert THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Routledge/Thoemmes Press. 6 vols. set. Reprinted of 1879, blue cloth, with box, 8vo, a clean set. 1993 |
38,000 |
70101 | ロバート・バーンズ全集 6揃 美本 BURNS, Robert THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Gebbie Self-Interpreting Edition. 6 vols. set. NY:Bigelow,Brown. Blue cloth, 8vo, a clean set. 1909 |
18,000 |
70104 | ロバート・バーンズ全詩集 3揃 初版 小型本 (印有) 総革 1896 BURNS, Robert POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Complete. Edinburgh:James Thin. 3 vols. set. Chronologically Arranged with Notes, Glossaries by W.S.Douglas. First edition, full blue calf, gilt decorated covers and spines, all edges marbled, xvi+283+ x+267+ xii+271pp, 12mo, with stamps. 1896 |
9,000 |
70105 | サミュエル・バトラー全詩集 2揃 小型本 総モロッコ革 1866 BUTLER, Samuel THE POETICAL WORKS. London:Bell & Daldy. 2 vols.set. Aldine Edition. Full green morocco,all edges gilt, lettered in gilt, with a engraved frontispiece, l+278+ vi+302pp, 12mo, a good set. 1866 |
9,000 |
70107 | バイロン全集 4揃 初版 背角モロッコ BYRON, G.G. THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. London: John Murray. 4 vols.set. First edition, with a engraved frontispiece, contemporary half brown morocco, marbled boards, gilt lettered on spines, xiii+303+ 359+ 345+ ii+viii+372pp, 8vo, a good set. 1823 |
90,000 |
70108 | バイロン全集 17揃 初版 背角ヴェラム革 1835 BYRON, G.G. THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters,and Journals,and His Life, by T.Moore. John Murray. 17 vols.set. First edition, half vellum, marbled boards, gilt decorated spines, all edges marbled, small 8vo. 1832-35 |
90,000 |
70110 | バイロン全集 全16巻 限定250部 天金 美本 BYRON, G.G THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters and Journals,and His Life, by Thomas Moore. R.H.Stoddard. Boston:Francis A.Niccolis. 16 vols.set. Limited to 250 numbered copies, brown cloth, gilt spines, top edges gilt, 8vo, a clean set. 1900 |
65,000 |
70111 | バイロン全集 16揃 天金
美本 1903 BYRON, G.G. THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With His Letters and Journals,and His Life, by Thomas Moore. R.H.Stoddard. Boston: L.C.Page. 16 vols.set. Original red cloth, gilt spines, top edges gilt, small 8vo, a clean set. 1903 |
65,000 |
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